Celtic Thread

When you own one Celtic jersey, you own them all.

That's a good thing in my book, instead of the United colours of United in the Stretford End (I admit I have two red, a black and a white shirt). How good would it be if fans only wore red shirts at Old Trafford. The stand would look awesome.
When I was going regularly, I wore the red at OT and the away shirt for away games
Yep, wasn't the greatest of matches, but good result.

Milan are favourites and rightly so, but you never know. Just a pity Hartley isn't available to us, as I think a 4-5-1 with him flooding the box with big JVOH flicks could have been an advantage.

which means you'll have one less player in another department.

All they need is Venegoor or Nakamura to pop one in and it could be over. Defensively, Celtic are pretty good.
Pardon my ignorance Milan, but who is the other striker? Inzaghi?

As Maruk has already said one less player in midfield will be better for Celtic, not saying it's gonna be easy, but it'll help and we'll have a few players back for this game, both our strikers who played weren't fit going into this game and our other 2 where injured. We'll also have at least one of our injured defenders back.

I'll think we'll go 4-5-1.

Pardon my ignorance Milan, but who is the other striker? Inzaghi?

As Maruk has already said one less player in midfield will be better for Celtic, not saying it's gonna be easy, but it'll help and we'll have a few players back for this game, both our strikers who played weren't fit going into this game and our other 2 where injured. We'll also have at least one of our injured defenders back.

I'll think we'll go 4-5-1.


Oliveira wasnt fully fit, and Inzaghi was injured. Inzaghi is our best finisher. But I'm not sure if Ancelotti would go with 1 or 2 strikers. We generally play with 2, but seeing as Gilardino is shit, he might put 2 strikers to increase our chances of scoring.

I thought Gourcuff had a great game for us, he was showing good ball control and seemed very calm. I hope this guy gets another chance in the return leg.
Oliveira wasnt fully fit, and Inzaghi was injured. Inzaghi is our best finisher. But I'm not sure if Ancelotti would go with 1 or 2 strikers. We generally play with 2, but seeing as Gilardino is shit, he might put 2 strikers to increase our chances of scoring.

I thought Gourcuff had a great game for us, he was showing good ball control and seemed very calm. I hope this guy gets another chance in the return leg.

He looked very confident, thats the first I have seen him play for Milan. Rino had a decent game minus the odd sliced shot on goal. I couldn't believe when he nearly scored, would have been a great moment. :P
Milan - Gilardino is your 1st team striker though, so he'll go with Inzaghi or Oliveira with him. I've never really taken to Inzaghi, but he always pops up with vital goals, he remind me a bit of that striker for Portugal with the long hair, sorry his name escapes me.

Agree with Goucroff, he looks a right good player.

I reckon Celtic will do Milan 1-0 at the San Siro and roll on to win the Champions League in a thrilling final against Chelsea. Someone give me odds!
Ninja, I think you'll find Ladbrokes or William Hill's are better placed than us to do that.

I just can't see it though, as Chelsea don't look like they'll get to the final somehow.

That long haird dude yr talking about must be nuno gomes.. insaghi simply can not play football.. nuno gomes is better.. most ppl and proffesional football managers say about inzaghi that he just has good positioning and a good shot.. so he's always in tha right place and tha right time
How many strikers have good positioning like Inzaghi? Hes not the most skillful player but give the guy credit... how annoying can a striker be? Hes so annoying that he always sneaks in a goal.. hence his good record.
Yeah there's certain players that seem to just always score, but you wonder how much they help the rest of the team... I like Inzaghi anyway, seems a good enough player to me.
i never understood why inzaghi is so underestimated. to evaluate a striker u just have to look at his numbers.... it's easy.
and numbers say that inzaghi is one of the most dangerous striker in europe.

he's the best italian scorer in european competitions, with 56 goals, and he's 6th absolute best striker in european competitions.
so what?:roll:

i like nuno gomes..... but no way he can be compared to pippo..... no way, honestly... too much difference.
Fynomenon, u talk about positioning and shot..... well i'm sure u will agree with me that theese are exactly the most important things for a great striker (positioning and shot).
anyway i wouldn't say that he has a terrific shot. he has a great positioning and an amazing ability to "read the play" (that's the litteral translation of an italian expression, don't know if it's correct).

btw here there are some "numbers"
best scorers in european competitions (of all times).
1 - Gerd Muller 69 goals - Bayern Monaco
2 - Eusebio 57 goals - Benfica
3 - Andriy Shevchenko 56 goals - Dinamo Kiev-Milan
4 - Raul 53 goals - Real Madrid
5 - Jupp Heynckes 51 goals - Hannover-Borussia Monchengladbach
6 - Filippo Inzaghi 50 goals - Parma-Juventus-Milan
7 - Alfredo Di Stefano 49 goals - Real Madrid
8 - Thierry Henry 48 goals - Monaco-Arsenal
9 - Ruud Van Nistelrooy 47 goals - PSV Eindhoven-Manchester United
9 - Carlos Santillana 47 goals - Real Madrid

this data are updated to last year, so some numbers might be different now (especially raul and van nistelrooy's data... about inzaghi, till now he scored 56 goals, so it's +6)..... but still it gives u an idea of how good is pippo inzaghi.

getting back to the topic: actually i got to say that i was quite disappointed by celtic performance this week. my expectations were a little higher. i'm talking about the pace, the rhythm. they were to "slow"..... this way milan's better quality prevails. i thought celtic would have played their tipical "high pace football"..... that's the only way to hurt milan..

anyway, as most of u say, 0 - 0 is not a bad result, afterall
Yeah I read that in the Daily Record, it would be a shame to lose him.

If he goes anywhere though I think it will be back to Poland, but that's just a hunch.
I reckon Celtic will do Milan 1-0 at the San Siro and roll on to win the Champions League in a thrilling final against Chelsea. Someone give me odds!

1 hundred trillion to 1.

i know its a bit late anol, but i don't like celtic, but i fought i'd pop in and see what the provos(om) were talking about.
The chances of Celtic ever winning the European Cup again are SLIM as long as they are playing in the pish SPL. The quality just isn't there.
Yes it is very unlikely and the SPL isn't going to get any better when all the TV money still goes to the English teams and there doesn't seem to be many American billionaires instrested in Kilmarnock. :(

Destined to stay a small league, but hey, it's a small country. ;)
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