Celtic Thread

Thing is, I do respect Celtic. I respect any team that works as hard as they do with less money than other 'big'* clubs.

* eg, Liverpool.
Cloud, take a look at the post you quoted, I explained the "distinctly average" comment. I acknowledge it's one of the top three, the remark was in reference to how competitive it's been recently - i.e. not very.

So what if Henry was played out wide in Italy, is it just me or does he drift out wide ALL THE TIME for Arsenal? He doesn't play the striker role in the Premiership either! For whatever reason he couldn't cut it at Juve, like I said it might well be a cultural thing, it's not reflective of a league's standing over another.

Slating the defending in Spain is about as cliche as those who call Italian football defensive, but if that's what you think then fine.

Use of what excuse, I can say the English press are OTT as much as I fucking want, it's still nothing to do with the fact I think the standard of football isn't on a par with Italy and Spain!

I applauded JB and Ad for their views earlier on, so you're out of line to say I'm anti-English, you're verging on calling me a racist but if that's what you think then come out and say it, don't dance around the issue with shite like "nationalism". :roll:

No your remark now states your regarding to its competitive nature. Don't back track your point made it clear what your opinion of the league is.

Regarding Henry he is not playing the same kind of football or position he played at Juventus. He may play wider but ffs he is goal scorer, which theoretically makes him a striker. He likes to drop deep, has much more to his game than being a winger. Also when he was at Juve he was 20/21 and played what 16 games? You can't really take anything from that sort of record.

Overall the defending in Spain is poor, only a few teams have good enough players in that position. Barca, Valencia and a few other players dotted about the league. Its not the Spanish games strongest point is it? Cliché maybe a term you use, but its an opinion and not one that I think is wrong.

The racism card is a funny one, firstly racism is way off the ball as I can't seem to find where you can even use that term in the context that was used. I said nationalism... do you know what this means as its a different word than racism, just because its an "ism" don't confuse the two. What you are doing is trying to belittle me. We live in Europe one of the most prejudice parts of the world then to boot we live in the UK, even better we both live in the West of Scotland. Now by no accounts am i saying its acceptable but it does happen quite a lot.

I have a mix of friends from both side of our political/bigoted/nationalistic divide, even people I've worked with went to college with and live near I can put into these comments. Some people have stronger feelings than the others, some people don't give a fuck, some sit on the fence and use football as the only way to show their views.
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"In two posts previously, I've stated the EPL has four very good teams, that's about as much credit as I think it deserves. The Premiership is one of the top three yes, that I agree on, so perhaps "distinctly average" wasn't the best term to use. I meant that in terms of competition, even a fan of the league can't argue it's been a long time since there was a decent title race."

So I can't admit that I used a term the wrong way or in the wrong place now, because it's "backtracking". Ok big man, you win, take yer baw and go home. :roll:

Nationalism = shite. You think I'm inherently anti-English, that I have a predisposed prejudice against someone purely because of their place of birth. For a kick-off you're talking absolute shite anyway, but I'm not confusing anything - the nationalism you're referring to is a form of racism. But, it's ok for you to do that because we both live in the West of Scotland and it's more tolerable here. Maybe in your world. :roll:

Great game yesterday and what a fight-back. Have to say Hibs have got some excellent talents and hopefully we might get one or two of them.

I think I'll leave this EPL thingy alone for the time being. :mrgreen:

By the way Cloud, they're way too big a post for me to read. Can you like summarise them a bit. :mrgreen:

"In two posts previously, I've stated the EPL has four very good teams, that's about as much credit as I think it deserves. The Premiership is one of the top three yes, that I agree on, so perhaps "distinctly average" wasn't the best term to use. I meant that in terms of competition, even a fan of the league can't argue it's been a long time since there was a decent title race."

So I can't admit that I used a term the wrong way or in the wrong place now, because it's "backtracking". Ok big man, you win, take yer baw and go home. :roll:

Nationalism = shite. You think I'm inherently anti-English, that I have a predisposed prejudice against someone purely because of their place of birth. For a kick-off you're talking absolute shite anyway, but I'm not confusing anything - the nationalism you're referring to is a form of racism. But, it's ok for you to do that because we both live in the West of Scotland and it's more tolerable here. Maybe in your world. :roll:

For the sake of FD ill shorten this one a bit. :p

I'm not trying to start an uncontrollable argument that will span as long as the 100 year war Classic, I can be opinionated when I want to be which I'm sure you can be also.

Don't take my nationalism comments out of context because the last thing I'm trying to do is call you a racist.

In a nutshell all I'm saying is I think your posts can be one sided due to your beliefs, location and situation. I'm not saying your a bad person for this, I can be honest enough to say that a lot of people in day to day life are like this and in some respects I am no different.

Lets agree to disagree on the Prem, I can't be bothered with it to continue as to be honest neither of us are going to change our opinions.
Celtic linked with Huntelaar. Can't see this one happening, I think he might be interested as he's still young and learning, but someone said Ajax bought him from Herenveen for £6.5m, so they'll obviously be looking for around £10m, which is out of Celtic's reach.

Huntelaar? No chance IMO. Besides the money issue the guy is dynamite and will end up at one of the big three leagues, Holland --> Scotland is a sideways move.

Foxy, there are still some pretty strong rumours doing the rounds that this will happen! :shock:
The same source that has given us the Ronaldo to Rangers story. :lmao:

You trying to tell me you can't see Victoria Beckham going into Greggs in Sauchiehall Street and asking for a Sausage Roll?????

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The same source that has given us the Ronaldo to Rangers story. :lmao:


What and you don't think that transfer is going to happen. Give it time, he may also be the link to bring Zidane out of retirement.

You trying to tell me you can't see Victoria Beckham going into Greggs in Sauchiehall Street and asking for a Sausage Roll?????


She looks more of a steak bake kind of lady.
Celtic didn't play particularly well, but United had lots of the ball without creating many chances at all - that doesn't constitute being the better team.

Yes the foul given for our free-kick was soft, but like I already said, Scholes blatantly dived for the free-kick which you ended getting a penalty from, so you cannot hold this up as any kind of reason why you lost! It wasn't a PK IMO because he jumped with his arms up in front of him, protecting his face, his arms weren't stretched outside his body reaching for the ball. Not to mention it was blasted at him from 10 yards, you can hardly call it deliberate handball. Do you think, 1-0 down in the 90th minute at Old Trafford, Celtic would have been given that decision if it was the other way around?

No chance.
fair enough, i hadnt checked this thread in fear of all the hate i was going to get! :) I was pissed off that day!! Funny how sports can get you so emotional, i guess its like girls and love! hahaahhaah or shit girls and anything!!!! Was an exciting game to say the least, good luck in the next round!
can i just say, you's lot have lost a right player in Ross Wallace, a celtic fan at work took the piss right out of me when we signed him buthe has been outstanding for us so far this season
Wallace is pish, he might be doing well down there and good luck to him, but I was glad to see the back of him.

Dermot - McGeady is going to be one of the stars of the future, I guarantee it. Ferguson tried to get him to Man Utd when he was 15, but he elected to goto Celtic as that's who he supported. He has unbelievable skills and he's now starting to take shape as a top quality player i.e. use of the ball is far better, looks quicker, does a lot of work defensively. For me McGeady's the reason I ain't bothered about if Maloney goes, McGeady is better than him.

Celtic still looked way out of their league last night. United were very unlucky, their posession football was breathtaking at times. Celtic will lose in Denmark and United will hammer Benfica, so heads up lads.

I really don't wanna do this. OK, yes I do:

I TOLD YOU SO! :lol:
It didn't take just anyone with half a brain to get that one right, Man Utd have a good record at home and Celtic have an abysmal record away.

Not a case for Sherlock Holmes I think.

It didn't take just anyone with half a brain to get that one right, Man Utd have a good record at home and Celtic have an abysmal record away.

Not a case for Sherlock Holmes I think.


Where did I say I was Shelock Holmes? If you look at the thread (back a page or two) you BHOYS were getting a wee bit carried away about the victory over United. :)
Where did I say I was Shelock Holmes? If you look at the thread (back a page or two) you BHOYS were getting a wee bit carried away about the victory over United. :)
"Diego, no one is saying Celtic are a great team or even that we played anywhere near well on Tuesday - not even the Celtic fans."

Oh aye, really getting carried away there. You won the group and we still haven't won away from home, big deal. It's probably more than you thought we'd get when you saw the draw.
I actually thought Celtic could get through. Benfica are such an overrated team and Copenhagen are terrible away.
Big Elvis returns to Tynecastle as a winner. :)

Jarosik, lovely goal, but the guy does nowt in a game, I hope he gets better as time goes on, but disappointing that McGeady didn't get a look in. I have to hold my hand up about the Beattster, I thought it was a wrong move as I don't rate him, but he did well and turned the game.

Full-backs where a joke though.

I'd defo flog Zurawski if I could.

Bet Kenny Clark felt like jumping in the nearest river after allowing play to continue with Jarosik. :mrgreen:

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