Celtic Thread

fd1972uk said:
Prof mate, we're out, no doubts about that. For one I can't see Celtic scoring that many going by recent performances and I can't for the life of me think how we'll score 6 goals without conceding at least 1.

Our defence is a shambles and GS needs his balls kicked for not remedying it in the first place. He's made a pish defence worse, god knows how he could do it, but he has (well maybe Telfer and Camara might be not too far off the mark).


Totally agree mate. There are players that should never have worn the hoops again after the Motherwell debacle but guess what, they were all playing last night.

Varga, Lennon, Hartson, Thompson, Balde, Marshall, Camara should all be chased out of Parkhead as soon as possible. A disgrace to the hoops. :(
Embarrassing and a disgrace.

An apology should be issued in the form of an official club statement.

Strachan succeeded O'Neill - then played the team O'Neill got pelters for playing.

I know it's going to take a miracle, but Gordon, you can get us into the next qualifying round on Tuesday, or you can fuck off.

Oh aye meant to say, what are the odds on Nakamura failing his medical now eh? :roll:
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Sutton's got a fractured/broken cheekbone, probably at least 4 weeks out but more likely to be 6. Ironically, it was caused when one of our own players ran into him after he'd slid in to block a shot, something that wouldn't have happened had he not been played out of position in the first place. :roll:

On a more positive note, and let's face it, it can't get any worse, Nakamura has said there is no chance of him not coming even after last night's result:

NEW signing Shunsuke Nakamura is looking forward to starting his career at Celtic and is aiming to help the Hoops regain the league championship. The Japanese midfielder also believes his new team-mates will do everything they can to overturn last night's result in Bratislava in the return leg at Celtic Park next Tuesday.

Speaking before he boarded his flight to Glasgow late last night, Shunsuke Nakamura said: "People should have no doubt that I am still coming to Glasgow. European football is not the only reason I will be signing for Celtic. In all my dealings with the club they have been very professional and I am really excited about playing for such a famous club.

"Last night's result was a setback, but if Bratislava can win 5-0 at home, then I am sure Celtic can. It will be very difficult, but the team will do everything possible to overturn last night's result.

"The main reason I am coming to Celtic is to help them become Scottish champions again, and if there is European football, that will be a bonus."

I'm away to greet into my brew.
Last night's display brought back memories of Scotland under Berti Vogts. Shambolic, disorganised, amatuerish, defensively embarassing.

The bright side may well be that things can only get better, but that's what they said after Vogt's first game in charge of Scotland, when they lost 5-0. But hat was to World Champions France, this was against some team of nobodies. Also, can anyone really say things ever improved for Vogts after that 5-0. Sometimes, things start really bad and just stay that way.

Strachan will be given more time, but if he falls behind Rangers in the league, adn dare I suggest that say Aberdeen, HIbs or Hearts keep up with them in the challenge for 2nd spot, he'll be out before Xmas.
em? what happend there then!?:shock: .......its not the defeat that is shocking a 1 or 2 -0 defeat would have been ok...but 5-0......

we kept getting caught out with that ball over the top and yes the team played very poor but that mo camara is a disaster.
Condolences, friends. I saw the highlights last night after returning from the Chicago v. AC Milan game and i almost slapped myself. that was shocking. I dont think i've seen a more lopsided upset.

Is this pre-season rust or is Strachan doing some crazy shit out there? Hope you guys pull out all the stops and pull of a miracle on the return leg.
I was watching the game with my cousin and we were in stitches, by far one of the worst performances I have seen from any team.

Hartson, I seen him do ONE header in the whole game, Sutton seemed to be playing on the RMF, correct?..if so that was a joke, the guy is old and can barely run, how is he supposed to pile up the flanks?

Mo Camarra, well what can you say, absolutely shit player, he seemed to be playing as a left winger more than a left back, that was the problem ALL night yet Celtic did nothing about it?

Marshall, cant believe he got picked, I mean he is crap, he barely saved anything, although he couldnt stop most of the goals but he coulda saved alot more than what he did.

I expected alot better from Lennon and Petrov, I barely seen them do anything worth while.

I think Celtic need pace upfront, and Hartson just doesnt bring that, I mean the 2 subs, Maloney and Aliadere are the only ones that seemed to do anything, Aliadere probably woulda scored if McGeady never fucked up that open goal, same for Maloney, that shoulda been sank.

Anyway if Celtic play like that this season they wont even get in the top 2.
Nakamura is a good player - it'll be interesting watching him. As for last night - ...........unbelievable. How the heck did it happen?
I think Celtic are shitting it, I mean they just lost their manager, they lost the season in such a state I would even be thinking about it everyday, they have a match at the weekend against the same team they lost the season at, now unless they are immortal they have to be worried.

I really think they need pace, look at Bellamy, I mean whats the chances of Hartson/Sutton doing that?..we all seen what the pace of Bellamy did to teams, it doesnt help having 2 strikers who are bloody lazy and cant do shit unless the ball is pinged at them with 100% perfection.

With Maloney and Aliadere up-front it should be better.
After seeing what happened to celtic this week I started suspecting that the 2-2 draw in our friendly agains you guys (Sporting CP) wasn't a nice result after all glup!

i see Rangers chief executive Martin Bain has been out with his spade on sky sports news.....

''I think every team in the draw deserves respect and that is something we do at Rangers repect other teams.''

''I'm sure that whoever we do come up against will give us hard games.''
so your saying he is taking a dig at celtic?
therefore your admitting celtic dont respect the opposition?
good logic
shoot yourself in the foot to have a go at someone from rangers
shoot myself in the foot why would i do that that would just be stupid not to mention very painful:roll: .

every bigger team under estimate (respect) smaller teams to a certin degree but for him to say that rangers never under estimate teams is just bull tbh....and yes it is a dig a celtic.

and yes celtic did not have enough respect for them on top of playing poor which made it worse.

what is it to you eddie2005 anyway?
I relise the match has still time to go but lets get this srt8 "There's only ONE Scott McDonald"
Fuckin shambles, that little ginge prick should fuck off.

Defence is a disgrace, Telfer was a joke and Camara and the rest where almost as bad. Thanks god for BBJ.

As for Aliadiere and Zurawski, not got a scooby why we signed em?

I would call our defense shite but that'd be too generous. McManus isn't the answer either, on today's showing he's pish as well.

As for the man in your avatar Frank, he's hardly bawling at folk either, he's finished.

Zurawski was injured today and I thought Maloney did well, as did Beattie, so Aliadiere can continue to sit on the bench for all I care at the moment.

Although I can see us scoring the 6 needed on Tuesday there is no way we'll not concede.
I dont get why Marshall played, I mean jesus christ he just conceeded 5 goals in the last game and he gets another game and then conceeds 4?..I know he aint to blaim for all the goals but he should be saving alot more than what he is.

Try the new keeper imo.
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