Celtic Thread

Yeah another let-down again. They're just so consistant at it. Petrov and Agathe where absolute pitiful, although Agathe did ever so slightly better in the 2nd half. Why MO took off Hartson and not Sutton, who looked fucked after 30 mins, I'll never know. He was out on his feet and the pace was too much. At worst stick him up front on his own, although I thought Hartson and Camara where causing problems, although Camara's powder-puff efforts where cringing.

Sylla slept for the goal, and Varga dived in like a mad-man also. Celtic need to learn to press more from everywhere on the pitch and stop allowing teams loads of possession and room, the amount of goals coming from that type of play could be mentioned time and time again, and now is the time for more attacking players to be played away from home, we can't exactly get any worse results trying to attack than we do now.

Only Varga, Marshall and Lennon (best play on the pitch) could get pass marks.

i have to say that i just new when Varga scored that Milan would go up the other end and get one!

They never had a sniff the whole 2nd half untill we scored. We always seem to take our foot of the gas!

It happened against Juve, Byern, Lyon and now Milan!
Dunno what game you were watching Frank, but Petrov had a good game IMO, and 2nd half Agathe was terrific! He skinned Seedorf, cut inside plenty of times and didn't waste a pass, as well as chasing back and making a tremendous tackle when Milan pounced on a dreadful Lennon header on the half-way line.

First half, it was the same old story - showing too much respect, not getting in about them and fighting. The same thing always seems to happen, MON plays too cautiously until we are behind (Porto in Seville, Lyon, Barcelona, Anderlecht, Rosenborg, etc). Why doesn't he learn from this and go for the throat right from the word go?

Varga couldn't really do anything about the goal, Rui Costa's terrific first-time flick pass to Shevchenko was just a mark of quality. Varga had to get out to prevent him turning and facing goal, but Sylla should be shot for his marking. Thought Marshall should have got the opener, not particularly well hit and it was right down the middle.

At the end of it all we have lost again, but if you take this season on it's own, we've lost to Milan and Barcelona. Last night was a case of quality showing - they created 2 chances, and stuck them both in, Camara had 3 good shooting opportunities and failed to connect with the ball properly on any. They're better than us, both those teams are amongst the favourites for this competition, 2 of the best sides in the world. Sometimes you have to accept that, hard as it is.
Just got round to watching the match (recorded off TV) now. You were very unlucky, Cetic were much better than in the last match v Barcelona. In the San Sero they dominated much of the match and caused Milan a fair few problems. Milan themselves didnt look too comfortable, tho they took their chances when they came - its players like Shevchenko who can make teams playing badly win. Still it was a harsh result on Celtic, who tried hard and looked better than the 3-1 suggested.

A bitter, bitter blow, 2 games gone and no points - 1st or 2nd place looks tricky now, if you beat Shakhtar home and away, can beat Milan in Glasgow and get a draw at the Nou Camp you never know... but it looks like a hard slog, and the Ukrainians could be tricky - I wouldnt fancy playing them over there in the depths of a freezing winter. It was an incredibly hard group tho - the draws of the group stages of the Champions League have always delt you a rough hand.
Only thing you can say is the Ukranians couldn't find the net in their openers, we've scored twice. It's possible, but like you say we'd need to beat Shakhtar home and away, take a point in Barcelona and beat Milan at home in the final game to have a hope.
Well I personally think Shahktar will deal us our heaviest defeat of the tournie, over in Ukraine. It always happens and I think they'll probably attack us like maniacs from the start and not let up.

Alright bhoys....only started posting on this site, it seems good stuff. I am distressed, no hooped jerseys in Pro Evo 4!! Celts in all white kit.........no :(
Lawell in the press yesterday saying MON spent all his money in the summer - we only got one player, Camara at £1.5m. We got Larsson, Mjallby, Miller and Smith off the wage bill and MON got £1.5m to replace them? This board are a joke.
I think next season could be the biggest problem for the board with the fans. Having got this £25 million sponsorship deal and if they can still be in Europe for a little longer and also with the money that has been saved in wages, there is going to be a big shit-storm heading Parkhead's way.

Usual bullshit.

Desmond can GTF as far as I'm concerned, he can't be arsed showing up because he knows he'll get massive flak from the support at his lack of invesment - we are £15m in debt, that's a drop in the ocean to someone like him but he won't put any more money into the club because if he does he crosses the line which means he is obliged to bid for it outright, so I heard. He's always bleating on about going to England as well, why the fuck would the Turkeys vote for Christmas you daft cunt!!?? Quinn is giving it "the climate is going to change". No Brian, it's not going to change, not in the forseeable future - the big clubs are going to keep making money, as are UEFA and it's not going to be any different anytime soon. Wanker.

Lawell - "People are always talking about record sponsorship deals and record ticket sales which is extremely irritating". Well, when you stop bullshitting the support maybe they'll stop talking about it. Celtic put the entire length of players' contracts into their yearly accounts, so money that would not be due to be paid for say another few years appears in that years accounts - making it seem like we are working under tight restraint, when in fact we could easily be spending more money. The same amount of money was recently spent refurbishing the boardroom as was given to MON in the summer, £1.5m.

This is a lot of shite. I never bought the new home top on principle and I'm not buying jack shit till this mob get their priorities in order. With the exception of Man Utd, and clubs with 'Sugar Daddies', every football club, indeed most companies, in the world operate with a manageable debt. These cunts are trying to get RID of the debt completely at the expense of the football side, so that the share price rises and Desmond can punt his shares for a good price.
bad news for the club.........as i think this is the last season we will have MON as he will have no money to spend for the next 2 years i dont see him hanging around until those !"$%^&**&!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get their act together.

u need to spend money to make it.
As ClassicD says its all about managing your debt. How are we ever going to progress if MON has no transfer budget? Are Lawell and Quinn etc.., telling us this is as good as it gets? Have we got to a manageable level, where the odd lucky result will see us "punching above our weight" and this is the best the fans cn hope for.....no aspirations of actually challenging in the CL? If so thanks alot board, we have got one of the best managers in our history at the minute, the debt is manageable, the stadium is fantastic.....so why not even take a slight risk and back MON with a moderate amount in footballing terms.

£1.5 million is not moderate in todays terms, it is a drop in the ocean for teams with CL aspirations. I don't expect or want us to do a Leeds and blow a fortune with no guarantees, but the board need to give MON some slack and make finances available or we will be stuck in a rut and have nowhere to go but backwards......and on that cheery note, goodnight.
fd1972uk said:
Well I personally think Shahktar will deal us our heaviest defeat of the tournie, over in Ukraine. It always happens and I think they'll probably attack us like maniacs from the start and not let up.


I am not sure about 'heaviest defeat' but your comment about maniac attacking is absolutely correct. Shakhtar is waiting this game to 'shine' in europe. Most of the people in Ukrain are demanding two straight wins against Celtic and a combination of two ties or one win for both of Milan and Barca to continue at the tournament. Shakhtar is a team with great potential and much stronger than Dynamo. They just luck of experience.
As all runs come to an end (even the bad ones) hopefully this will be the end of ours. I'm hoping for 3 points. It will be difficult in the extreme though. As long as we don't concede early doors we can do it.
I think we are due a little bit of luck in our away CL games. Against Juventus, Bayern Munich and Lyon we could easily have taken points, were it not for an individual error, (Hedman vs Bayern, Bobo vs Lyon) or sheer bad luck (Amoruso's dive for Juventus in the last minute). Other matches, like Milan last time out, I believe we did enough to earn a point but simply didn't concentrate enough in the final minutes and were punished. We've come a long way from the days when we were new to the CL format, when Rosenborg and Porto did us over at their ground.

It's time for a change I think, and tonight could be it. Of course it's entirely possible it won't be tonight, and we'll get beat, but I think this tie is 50/50 at the moment.
hey CD, how good was that marica lad, i heard he was supposed to be better than rooney.

Absolutely abysmal display. After the first half I thought we had played well and in all honesty should have been ahead, Hartson missed an absolute sitter (actually one in each half) although he was playing well and causing them problems, however in the 2nd half he was mince. The defending was deplorable throughout and the goalkeeper once again has to hold his hands up, this is getting just too regular now, tbh 3-0 was a joke score, it was very even for me and each goal was a disaster in defence really, think with chances it was also even.

As for the players, I don't think I can honestly say anyone played well, Hartson had a good first half and Petrov had little flashes, but apart from that they where mince.

I can't say the refereeing had a huge influence on the outcome, however some of his decisions made me wonder if they where actually intentional. The bookings where a joke, Varga should have been booked, although the Hot-Shot Hamish Pavel Nedved look-alike (and Amoruso shot-alike) carried out foul after foul and one identical to Varga's tackle and never saw a card. Bobo was booked for what? And John Hartson, can't even comment on his booking. As for Juninho he was booked for having the audacity to intercept probably the worst lay-off in free-kick history and he was breaking away free from any player on the field........a joke, whilst Donetsk players where getting away with murder (going by the ref's booking standards). Also continually the mistakes he made with regards to throw-in's and corners being given away against Celtic where mind-boggling. As for the penalty decision, well what can you say really? Whilst somehow he manages to see the same guy supposedly bring a player down who went down in installments just outside the box.

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Aye, the referee was an absolute disgrace. The bookings were nonsense, and it was a stonewall penalty. Say what you like, but when their fans are paying 31 PENCE at the turnstile to get in yet they're spending $15m on a striker, you have wonder about just what is going on behind the scenes in these countries...

However, I don't think he made any decisions which would have changed the result (it was 3-0 by the time we should have got the PK). I thought despite the deflection, Marshall misjudged the first goal and should have saved it, but he's only 19 and I don't think it's right to put the blame for this match on him - I can only hope he doesn't suffer a lack of confidence after this and turn into another Douglas/Hedman, I was beginning to get confident in him and it was nice not having to worry about your GK making a howler. IMO, it wasn't really a howler anyway, just one he should have dealt with better (trying to be positive here, though it's difficult).

Hartson did well in the first-half, but you can't miss the 2 chances he did and expect to get anything from the match. Juninho was like a little boy playing a big man's game unfortunately, looked completely lost - have to say I hope Wallace is played ahead of him now, instead of playing people out of position. The whole team was mince, and tbh they chucked it well before the end - first time I have ever seen that happen under MON. I can't see him sticking it past this season, not unless the board back him with some money and that's not going to happen.
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Yeah I agree about the chucked it, Lennon looked like he kicked his legs up and couldn't be arsed after the 1st goal, some of his passing looked like he had given up.

As for Wallace, no, I'd go for McGeady, looked half decent last night when he came on and has more stuff in his armoury than Wallace. Juninho was piss poor, although tbh I'd still go with him and drop Hartson and stick Sutton and Camara up front. Obviously the injuries never helped and Thommo although hasn't been at his best, was very much missed on the field.

Absolute disgrace! They were a very average European team!

It shows what a disgrace we are when you get a couple of injuries and you have to bring on 2 inexperienced young guys. GET THE CHEQUE BOOK OUT!!!

I for one will not be giving them anymore money untill i see what happens in Jan/Summer.

Did anyone see 1 time Celtic trialist Charlie Coridon's goal for PSG??

FD I have no doubt McGeady is more talented than Wallace, but if you're going to play 4-4-2 I think at least one of your midfield 4 must be a natural wide player, and McGeady isn't. Last night we had absolutely zero width. McGeady did look good when he came on yes, looked capable of doing what Juninho was signed to do, create a bit of magic. Juninho should not be played in a 4-4-2, unless he's one of the 2 up front. Only play him there or in a 3-5-2.

MON must shoulder a little of the blame for us bringing on McManus, a player who has only one League Cup app to his name, and he's throwing him on in a make or break CL away tie. I know he doesn't have any choice but to do that, but he does have the choice to give McGeady, Wallace, and McManus more domestic action long before that situation arises, so that they are at least a little more bedded into the team.
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