Celtic Thread

Think Novo told them that he wants to goto Rangers and they where probably offering him more money. I'm starting to get pissed off again with MO and his transfers. Still swithering over my season book, as I'm saving up to get married next year and I don't think I can be arsed with this all the time, think I could do with the hundreds of pounds that I would spend next season.

Back to Jimmy Floyd again I see. As I mentioned earlier, think he would be a brilliant signing, however can't see it happening for two reasons, think he'll goto a bigger league and the wage he will look for. Think he'd score a barrel-load up here, one of the most consistent goalscoring strikers around.

hasselbaink is a greetin faced ****, dont need him for SPL. Need better players for CL. Wait till after the Euros then we'll get them.
Looks like Johan is off to Spain now. He has been offered a contract by Levante, which he looks like accepting.
:shock: WTF is going on with this club, we're not even looking at players for me, and we're now seeming to be set to lose more players, rather than keep them. Agathe linked with Birmingham, Johann possibly away. Amoroso wanting a contract now, rather than waiting for MO to tell him 'Thanks, but no thanks'.

I think MO is missing a very big point here, we lost Lubo, but he got away with it because Henrik was still there, now he's away, if it goes tit's up in the coming season, fans will start to turn. This is both a board and MO problem taking so long to get in players, and usually buying guff in the process...............i.e. the later signings we have got have been mince, and probably since Hartson MO hasn't really spent money wisely (Varga is about it). Seems to panic and buy anyone at the last minute.


Actually from what I'm reading, he's passed the medical yesterday and signed a 2 year deal. :(

Also reading that we ain't getting a penny out the Viduka deal, this club are an embarrasment on the transfer side, they never get anything right, Rangers put us to shame when it comes to bringing in money.

FFS It's getting ridiculous now. Again we have paid up for our season books and where does our money go???. We have lost Larsson, Mjallby, Miller, Kennedy, Maloney with more to follow, out of last years squad and don't even look like replacing them, unless it's with some last minute bosman pish nobody else wants.

Amoroso's agent has said he wants a contract with us and would choose Celtic ahead of others, I think he is showing a decent willingess, but he will not go on another freebie trial (can you blame him?). He will probably end up going back to Dortmund as they have publicaly stated their interest in taking him back.

As for the Viduka thing whoever put the over £6m thing in should be shot.

I know MO has personal problems and perhaps this is having a bearing on the lack of activity. :( I'm getting scunnered though
Yeah me too, last season we where told the inflated increase was due to high wage demands of players, offering them new deals and stuff, what can they say this time? They've lost big earners and not done anything so far. I do hope everything is okay with MO wife, but guess I'm being a bit selfish but the club can't stand still on the transfer front, if my missus is not well and I can't make a game, do they give me a refund or cancel the game? Don't think so.

Juninho I'd love. Wouldn't like to see Cole now, maybe a few years back. Would rather have Jimmy Floyd tbh. Also linked with Heinz although Sporting Lisbon are supposed to be favs.

is that the Heinz from the Czech Rep?
if so i think he would be a great singing for yourselves
That's good news then. Would've liked to have seen Jimmy-Floyd but seeing as he's heading off to Qatar, maybe it's good news too.

Yeah I'm getting bloody confused too.

Think they're going to lose him anyway to Boro, and Amoroso looks like going to Anfield.

Would like the Heinz guy, £2 million, bit much but still possibly worth it. Although hope to feck Celtic aren't thinking of paying £2m for the defender Jiranek, he was quite good, but don't think we need to splash out that for a defender.

Hi, I'm new.

Surely Martin O'Neill has more sense than to buy Desailly?

I think we'd really need to be getting a striker soon.

What about Kluivert?
Not sure if Kluivert would get his head through the doors of Parkhead, don't want him, way too big an ego. Think we've had too many similar players through the door i.e. Viduka, Van Hooijdonk, Di Canio and the list goes on.

Wouldn't mind the guy Heinz, think he could play behind the strikers and looks to have good touches. That and a striker with a lot of pace, that is what is needed, Hartson and Sutton will be full of goals, but sometimes pace is needed and they ain't got it on that front. Heard Hartson looks fit as fook. :D

I have a feeling that something is going to happen before the end of next week though on the transfer front.

did u see on teletex that Viduka claims he turned down a move back to Celtic in favour of Middlesbrough he said ''There was some interest from Celtic but i'm not going back i life''

Back in life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :x

i did not want him back at celtic and most celtic fans dont but to say going to celtic is going back in life ha ha ha ha ha ha sorry i thought Viduka was a footballer not a comedien.
Latest linked is Juninho Paulista of Middlesbrough, his agent is touting him saying his wages would not be a problem if Celtic had an offer accepted. I would take him, just the type of player we need behind the front two.

Marek Heinz is also making noises about how Celtic would be his preferred option of all the teams interested, but he's probably told everyone else that too ;).

Both these players would require a transfer fee so we'll not be getting either probably ;).
And as for Viduka, never in a million years would I take him back. For 1, he ain't the type of striker we need and 2, he's an arsehole.

Linked with that Earnshaw dude according to the press, hopefully we won't go for him, not for £3 million anyway.

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