Dead Man
Most games are that length? Really? I guess I don't play enough different games then as I think 4-5 hours is absolutely shockingly bad, I don't have any interest in playing shooters in MP unless they have cooperative so SP with no replay value and a length of 5 hours is not up to snuff IMO.
I bet GTA4 won't be less than 20 hours at least, if they can afford it why can't COD4? How may million will COD4 sell? I can't believe development costs is the true reason.
Fine i will be more specific. Heavenly sword 6hrs, Ratchet Clan 6-8hrs(if your a saddo, GOW 5-6hrs, GRAW 2 6-8 hrs
Like i said its the cost of developing games. Alot more games will be this length.
4-5hrs on medium mate. If you dont like online then dont buy all the COD games have been arong 4-5 hrs on medium/normal. Online is what COD is about.