Boxing Talk!!

Carl Froch v Jermaine Taylor

Saturday 25th April - MGM Grand - Delayed coverage on ITV4 at 8.30pm and 11.15pm on Sunday 26th

Come on Froch! I think Froch has the height and reach advantage in this match, not to mention a good chin. I just hope it's not as scrappy as his last fight. Hopefully he'll attract a few Americans into fighting him.

(Got to support a fellow chap from Nottingham ;))
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Froch's defence is woeful and he has never fought anyone with the experience of Jermaine Taylor, Taylor wins by 8th round KO.

I'll probably put this up :)
If you haven't watched this fight yet, watch it now!

This fight is everything that's great about the sport and why I love watching boxing so much :)

Only read this when you've watched the fight:

Well after the first 3 or 4 rounds I was expecting to come here saying "I told you", Froch's poor defences were really exposed, as anyone who knows anything about boxing and have seen any Froch fight knew they would as soon as he fought someone with real class, but the last 3 rounds, terrific, and then the final round, I went from disliking Froch to yelling at the TV for him then shouting "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss" when he knocked him down, no idea what my neighbours thought ;)
Do not read until you have watched it...

It was a great battle and a clear win for Taylor until it he stopped him...

Yep I agree I had Taylor 2 or 3 rounds ahead. Have to say Froch's corner did a good job, his trainer Robert Mccracken must have been really frustrated and disappointed with how Froch was performing for the first 6 or 7 rounds but he did a good job of keeping Froch grounded, giving him good solid advice through the rounds and eventually his tactics paid off.

Did you watch it on terrestrial TV or the link I put up? I thought the Showtime commentators did a good job, really unbiased, you usually get them really favouring the home guy but I thought they did an excellent job of analysing the fight, I prefer HBO coverage but this one was great.
Yep I agree I had Taylor 2 or 3 rounds ahead. Have to say Froch's corner did a good job, his trainer Robert Mccracken must have been really frustrated and disappointed with how Froch was performing for the first 6 or 7 rounds but he did a good job of keeping Froch grounded, giving him good solid advice through the rounds and eventually his tactics paid off.

Did you watch it on terrestrial TV or the link I put up? I thought the Showtime commentators did a good job, really unbiased, you usually get them really favouring the home guy but I thought they did an excellent job of analysing the fight, I prefer HBO coverage but this one was great.

Watched it on TV, I couldn't work out if Taylor knew he had it in the bag and just eased off too much, or was running out of steam or what...
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Watched it on TV, I couldn't work out if Taylor new he had it in the bag and just eased off too much, or was running out of steam or what...

I'm guessing steam, he has a history of taking his foot off the pedal, this fight was very similar to his first Pavlik fight
See, I told you Froch would knock him out ;). In all seriousness though, Froch's defence was abysmal. I was shouting at the TV for him to keep his hands up and he kept getting caught on the counter. In the end I felt Taylor ran out of steam and Froch found a new lease of life. Great last three rounds and a great knock out. Regardless of the criticisms, the ref was totally right to stop it, Taylor must have taken 15 blows to the face without even attempting to hit back.

I loved the interview afterwards when Froch was doing the fight analysis: "Yeah he knocked me down, to be honest I was off balance and it didn't really hurt me". "So Froch how did you think you'd come back after that". "I knocked him down in the 12th round didn't I? What more do you want?" :LOL: - "Get out your armchair Calzaghe let's have a proper British fight".

I'm proud of the guy and will be cheering him on at the City Ground on Sunday :)
It was a quality fight! You have to feel Taylor threw the fight away after the 7-8th rounds! It was all one way before that but Taylor as usual couldn't last the full 12. Great knockout though and the ref made the right decision no doubt.

Froch calling out Calzaghe at the end :LOL:

Great fight :))
The twelth round of the Froch fight was incredible. So exciting with it being all or nothing, he had to get the fight stopped to win and he did! Great stuff!

Thanks again for the upload Paulo.

I haven't decided whether I'll stay up tonight or not. Hoping for a fairly long fight. 8th round knockout or something
Cheer Placebo I knew you wouldn't let us down.

Can I request the Matthew Hatton undercard fight aswell? I thought he was promising the last time I saw him fight.

Come on Hatton!
So anyone here giving Hatton anychance? Surely Mayweather would have improved his overall level?

Can't wait :))
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