Boxing Talk!!

Watched inside sport from Dec3rd with a Steve Bunce interview of Hatton, just downloaded three more "hype" shows:

Seconds Out Team Hatton & Mayweather Jr
Big Fight Countdown: Mayweather vs Hatton "Undefeated" - SKY Sports
Bookmark Mayweather-Hatton PPV Preview

Can't get enough of this shit ;)

Normally I don't bother with pre-fight hype as it's usually PR bullshit but the animosity between Hatton and Mayweather seems genuinely real, Hatton can't stand the little twat, and rightly so, arrogant cock that Mayweather is, as a boxer he may be a phenomenal athlete, but as a man he's a disgrace to the sport.



Just in case you need another reason to hate Mayweather, he's clearly a glory hunter ;)

so you realize its an act right?
I think we`re getting a bit a head of what the point is. I find it disrespectful to boo any anthem but that`s me. I feel for Ricky cause he had a whole continent supporting him and Mayweather had his mom lol .I still think Hatton is a good lb for lb fighter
lol personally i love his atitude if your good why not , he definetly proved to hatton that he's better than him and wasnt that the whole point of the build up so in the end the only one lookin dumb is Hatton who repeadly said i wont let anyone down, shame when he fell he could get back up :lol:
Thought this is how it would go, couldn't see past Mayweather. Did want Hatton to win, but just felt Mayweather would be too good for him and that's how it turned out.

Think Ricky might be better going down a level again though.

I don't like Mayweather and his mouth, but for me he's the best on the planet in the ring.

Last I checked he's a boxer not an actor, the way you behave outside the ring is who you are as far as I'm concerned.

he is a boxer/entertainer, the press conference is the ring, its all apart of the show man... i gurantee he told hatton some nice things at the end of the fight and he wasnt talking shit... they do it to give it hype and to give it attention, i wouldnt ever derive anything from the press confrence except good fun..
anyone see the jack doyle doc the other nite? Now that was a scrapper if he had layed off the booze , the woman , the gambling etc :8):
Hmm surprised Haye decided to have another fight at cruiserweight, hope Haye wins, I think he has much more potential to go on to become a bigger fighter in terms of world status than Enzo.
Hmm surprised Haye decided to have another fight at cruiserweight, hope Haye wins, I think he has much more potential to go on to become a bigger fighter in terms of world status than Enzo.

i reckon hayes likes the comfort zone at cruiser....

he'll get exposed if he moves up IMO...
It depends on how quick the underards finish but i think it is going to be about 2:30! Fancy Haye all the way, but with them both being big hitters iw ouldnt be suprised if Enzo won.
Well that didnt take long, thought Enzo would have shown a bit more than he did apart from one left hook i cant reall remember him catching Haye with anything. Another good one on next week with Marquez vs Pacquiao
The only surprising thing about the Haye v Enzo fight is that Enzo stayed on his feet after the first two clean right hands in the 2nd round, they were absolutely brutal.
If the two US fighters meet and Mayweather emerges victorious then a showdown with Hatton could be on the cards.

Could means shit in life, and it especially means shit in boxing until contracts are signed.

If they do meet again I hope Hatton actually fights this time, his performance was completely abysmal, he was an embarrassment to the country in how he fought (or should that be didn't fight?). Showed himself up to be a completely one dimensional fighter with no clue about how to truly box.
In England it's been mooted, would be interesting.

Looking forward to Calzaghe vs Hopkins in the coming weeks.

Well Joe is a lucky boy i had him up by one but as it was in Vegas i was fully expecting him to lose, pretty much a terrible fight to watch, Hopkins landed some great one shot punches and with the move up in weight Calzaghe power didnt seem like it was there!
Naah I felt he won by 3 or 4 rounds, still wouldn't have been surprised if the hometown judges gave it to Hopkins, dirty fight, ugly fight, watchable enough, credit to Hopkins for putting on that fight at 43 but zero respect for his blatant attempt to steal a 5 minute rest with that phantom low blow......

Joe's punches weren't as hard as Bernard's by any means, but if they were so weak and "slappy" as some have said why didn't Bernard just walk through them and knock him out with the clear power advantage he had instead of going 12 rounds? Guess he had some power after all.......
Yep, Calzaghe proved that he isn't a fake champ by just beating nobodies even though Hopkins is no longer at his peak he still is quality and credit to Calzaghe for beating him, he's said one more fight this year before he retires.
I hope he doesnt go for Roy Jones though as much as i would have loved to see that fight a few years ago i would love him to go out with a bang and drop down to supper middle and fight Palvik.
Yeah I had it a lot closer myself too, was a poor fight to watch.

Tbh, I felt Calzaghe would beat him, as at 43 Hopkins certainly ain't the boxer he was.

I also think Calzaghe will beat Jones as he looks terrible too.

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