Battlefield 3

Well that's great, I had 110 points to go to unlock the heat seeking missiles for the jet. Now, I never use jets because all I have is a machine gun that's impossible to hit anything and everyone else has the missiles and blow me out of the sky straight away, but on this occasion there were basically no opponents who were any good in planes, and who haven't got more weaponry than me.

I scored over 500 points in the jet by disabling five tanks and spotting, the game ends and I still haven't unlocked the heat seeking missiles. In fact the game hasn't added any of the 500 jet points to that vehicle at all, so I'm still stuck 110 points away from the next unlock. Brilliant. I must have been twenty minutes up there, all for nothing.
Well that's great, I had 110 points to go to unlock the heat seeking missiles for the jet. Now, I never use jets because all I have is a machine gun that's impossible to hit anything and everyone else has the missiles and blow me out of the sky straight away, but on this occasion there were basically no opponents who were any good in planes, and who haven't got more weaponry than me.

I scored over 500 points in the jet by disabling five tanks and spotting, the game ends and I still haven't unlocked the heat seeking missiles. In fact the game hasn't added any of the 500 jet points to that vehicle at all, so I'm still stuck 110 points away from the next unlock. Brilliant. I must have been twenty minutes up there, all for nothing.

I spent ages trying to get unlocks for jets but once I got missles I still sucked lol

Im decent on helis though
I just don't know what happened to the points and why they never updated :(

Back to getting shot down by people with better weaponry again I suppose. It's near on impossible to take down a rival jet with just the machine gun, it seems to take so many hits before I lose it and then it's repaired again.

I like the jets overall though, it's a cool experience pressing on the d-pad when climbing altitude and looking around your cockpit. Provides a nice distraction from the main game sometimes, particularly if those on the ground aren't playing it properly!
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with this? I'm trying to get one fucking kill in a jet, just one. I take off, pelt a chopper or a plane with machine gun fire four or five times and it still doesn't do anything. I get hit with one burst of machine gun fire from another jet and I instantly blow up from ONE fucking burst. This has happened eight or nine times now.

And that's when I can actually take off. I mostly take off then get pelted or locked on almost before my wheels have left the ground. It's ridiculous. And when I do get into the air, no matter how many rolls, sharp turns, use of afterburner, the enemy jet can keep perfectly on my tail do that I never even see the fucking thing. It really takes the piss. I've killed zero people, scored about 20 points, and been shot our of the sky twelve times tonight.

Thing is I'm quite good at flying them, I can bank low, do pretty good manoeuvres, but EVERYONE seems to be some kind of fucking plane freak who can blast you out of the sky from miles away and in one hit.
Yep, I wrote that above, sat back down, got in a jet, built up speed down the runway, my four wheels left the ground, within approximately two seconds later an enemy jet at colonel level 76 blows me up with one burst of machine gun fire that lasted about one to two seconds. Total fucking piss take.
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with this? I'm trying to get one fucking kill in a jet, just one. I take off, pelt a chopper or a plane with machine gun fire four or five times and it still doesn't do anything. I get hit with one burst of machine gun fire from another jet and I instantly blow up from ONE fucking burst. This has happened eight or nine times now.

And that's when I can actually take off. I mostly take off then get pelted or locked on almost before my wheels have left the ground. It's ridiculous. And when I do get into the air, no matter how many rolls, sharp turns, use of afterburner, the enemy jet can keep perfectly on my tail do that I never even see the fucking thing. It really takes the piss. I've killed zero people, scored about 20 points, and been shot our of the sky twelve times tonight.

Thing is I'm quite good at flying them, I can bank low, do pretty good manoeuvres, but EVERYONE seems to be some kind of fucking plane freak who can blast you out of the sky from miles away and in one hit.

I unlocked jet xp by going on empty servers and landing the planes on flags to capture xp...on pc though, dunno if u can do that in console.

Also even though I have missles for some reason I stil get killed by other jet pilots by their machine guns..
Seems like your all having fun on MP :/



I do have a lot of fun with the game, but other bits wind me up no end.

As for planes, well, I'm done with them now mainly because there's really no point. I've unlocked the heat seeking missiles, locked on and taken down a couple of planes, beyond that I don't see the point of spending the rest of a game flying around aimlessly trying to avoid other jets and getting one or two kills in a match. Alternatively, in the same time, I could finish a match down on the ground having done a ton more stuff, like getting anywhere between 10-20 more enemy kills, more vehicle destroys using rockets, tanks and stingers, and having a lot more fun.

I'd say the jet curiosity is now exhausted ;) There are people who seem to just fly planes, which is odd because apart from blowing up the odd plane, even a really good pilot will still get a small number of kills per match.

Contrast that to being a gunner on an attack chopper and it's vastly more fun and involving in what's happening on the ground below.

One final thing with jets, something really odd, is that now that I unlocked missiles, if you try and lock on to someone, then they use their flares to get rid of it, a large number of them seem to not like that and turn themselves around before trying to just fly their plane into yours, causing you both to blow up. Brilliant. And there's a LOT of people who seem to like doing this. Another reason really why jets are totally pointless.

I do have a lot of fun with the game, but other bits wind me up no end.

As for planes, well, I'm done with them now mainly because there's really no point. I've unlocked the heat seeking missiles, locked on and taken down a couple of planes, beyond that I don't see the point of spending the rest of a game flying around aimlessly trying to avoid other jets and getting one or two kills in a match. Alternatively, in the same time, I could finish a match down on the ground having done a ton more stuff, like getting anywhere between 10-20 more enemy kills, more vehicle destroys using rockets, tanks and stingers, and having a lot more fun.

I'd say the jet curiosity is now exhausted ;) There are people who seem to just fly planes, which is odd because apart from blowing up the odd plane, even a really good pilot will still get a small number of kills per match.

Contrast that to being a gunner on an attack chopper and it's vastly more fun and involving in what's happening on the ground below.

One final thing with jets, something really odd, is that now that I unlocked missiles, if you try and lock on to someone, then they use their flares to get rid of it, a large number of them seem to not like that and turn themselves around before trying to just fly their plane into yours, causing you both to blow up. Brilliant. And there's a LOT of people who seem to like doing this. Another reason really why jets are totally pointless.

i agre totally i spent so long tryin gto ulock missles for jets and now i hvae go them I never use them lol...I just see no point in sing jets, i get minimal kills and they are crap.

Like I said they need carpet bombs etc..that would make them more fun espeically with destrcuion coudl totally flatten buildinsg with people inside them etc..would be quality
I have real issue with the destruction, I don't mean everything should come down but when I fire a rocket at a tiny piece of wall it shouldn't do absolutely nothing. It's gone back a ton since BC2 which is bizarre.

It's sad because my friends and I spent the entire year playing BC2 without ever getting bored. BF3 has come along and all but killed off BC2, there's no-one playing it anymore, and now my mates have pretty much got bored and barely log on to play BF3, which is a shame because playing with your mates is what makes Battlefield games so much fun.

The problem they have with it is that they feel it's lost it's sense of being 'Battlefield'. Take Grand Bazaar on Rush for example, the entire game on the first part of the level is funnelled into 24 players trying to get into one tiny room via two doorways. Not very good design.

I have enjoyed the game but I won't be playing it all year that's for sure. I still don't know what's happened to Rush mode. Like I said before, BC2 Rush could sometimes be epic, 45 minute battles. I rarely have a Rush match that lasts longer than 10 minutes, for some reason no-one seems to want to play it properly. I guess it's down to a much larger use base than previous titles, and the more players you get, the more idiots there are.

The other thing is the matchmaking, it's now making the game bordering unplayable at times. I would say, playing on my own that is, probably one in every 10-15 matches is an even, exciting contest. The other 14 will be absolute thrashings that get boring, whether you're on the losing or winning side. If you're on the winning side, the game ends a lot as a contest because everyone just leaves the game meaning it finishes with about three players. I finished several CQ games today where the score finished around the 0-270 mark, all different servers, with the same outcome.

I mean the level of intelligence of some people is incredible. During one of the thrashings tonight, I repeatedly saw people stand next to a thrown enemy grenade over and over and just do nothing when they could easily get away. I even saw one grenade kill three people because they all stood huddling next to each other looking through their gun sights down the tunnel. Then there was the guy who I saw repeatedly run through the same doorway, into the same claymore, what, three or four times, even though it was showing on the map as a bright red claymore symbol.....
As for destrcution you cant really total buildings to the ground like in bfbc2 but its not designed that way

Compare a map like seine crossing to some snowy map in bfbc2. All the buildings in bfbc2 were generic shape and sizes and desings. whereas in bf3 they have tried to replicate real life art. I mean you cant have the whole of a metro tunnel collapse etc....

But I mean bfbc2 destrcution took away a lot from origianl bf1942 and bf2 and bf3 destrcution helps retain the original bf feel without the OTT desturction.

However, which is more fun is up to you to decide?

A whole flattened map plays out the same as any other map, just a bunch of rubble on gorund. By limiting destrution the maps dont lose there shape etc..

So I can see why they toned it down. And if you went from bf2 to bf3 it would be pretty cool.

But off course bfbc2 to bf3 in terms of desturction is much different.

It has its pros and cons....I guess on PC it dont matter plenty players still in bfbc2 if I wanna go there.
Haha I had my first rage message sent the other day. I got my jet shot down and crashed, then when I respawned some dude was repeatedly trying to spawn kill me in an apache chopper.

Turns out that when I crashed my jet I must have unknowingly ploughed it into his plane, because he starts ranting at me over xbox live about how I flew into him to get a 'noob kill'. Firstly, I wasn't aware of crashing into anything other than the scenery, and second, why would I do that because it doesn't even register as a kill to you. The game just says 'bad luck' and it goes down as one death to zero kills.

Still, he raged anyways. I never knew people who pilot constantly were so precious.

Going on his voice message he left me, yes.....

That's not as bad as some Dutch dude when I was playing BFBC2 ages ago, he didn't like me getting a nemesis pin off him for shooting him five times in a row, so he sent me, via xbox live, a series of 'fetching' photos of himself flipping me off while wearing a balaclava! The world is indeed a strange place!
Right I may sound stupid here but does anyone know why the following might be happening?

Basically, when I played BC2, I would get shot then a team mate would revive me. When this happened, my team's ticket count would increase by one of course because a soldier has been brought back to life. Despite regaining that lost ticket, my own personal stats would still record it as a death - nothing to do with my team score, just my own personal one. So if I got killed and revived five times we'd have lost no tickets and my personal score would still show five deaths.

In BF3 this was happening exactly the same, but recently it's changed and I don't know if it's some weird glitch or something. I'll get revived, I accept the revive, then when I check the score board it shows that I didn't die at all, no death was recorded. So on various occasions some poor guy has shot me, then I get revived, before I accept I shoot him from the ground with my pistol, accept the revive, and it shows on the scores that he never killed me at all but that I did kill him.....

Must be a glitch as it seems to only happen now and again....
I think it should be like you never actually died, the super medical paddy things sucked all of the bullets out of you, healed all of the internal organs, stopped the internal bleading and healed all of the wounds in lightning time, ready for you to carry on fighting....that's the way it should be :))
I've come to the conclusion now that this game is a total piece of crap, it's the most unbalanced FPS I've ever played. Every single level has a set 'tactic' now where people abuse some glaring oversight by the game developers to pretty much spend the entire time acting like a dick.

Tonight all my mates steadily dropped out of our game one by one because they were fed up with all the crap, and ended up playing other games.

Tonight included;

Any city map features at least 80% of players sniping you with a USAS12 that causes explosions around you even if they fire from 100 yards away. Fucking ludicrous. And then tonight every map also featured someone sitting out of bounds piloting the MAV and getting 10-15 roadkills with it per game. It turns Battlefield into some kind of stupid Benny Hill sketch with everyone running away from and firing at some ridiculous high speed robot. DICE really, really, fucked this up. All the MAV does is make me want to quit the game rather than put up with that rubbish. Figure out where the MAV guy is hiding and then shoot him? Nope, all thanks to DICE's decision to encourage people to fly the MAV by allowing them to use it out of bounds where you can't get to. Shoot it down? Well, yes you can, but give it a minute or two and that same person will be back out of bounds and piloting another one. Wouldn't it make more sense to have the MAV on a set place like the BC2 UAV? Or limit the number of MAV's you can use to one or two per game? At least that wouldn't encourage people to spend the entire match using it over and over.

Then there are the open maps. Every time, it now involves a team in a chopper reigning fire down on you and you can't do anything to take it out. We were even staggering our stingers so that we'd fire one, his flare would get rid of it, then we'd fire a second before his flare recharges and directly hit the chopper with it. By the time the next stinger hit the chopper, his mate had repaired it back up to 100. Between us, my mate and I managed to hit the chopper with TWELVE stingers, failing to blow it up, all the while he killed me five times on the ground and my mate three.

Then there's the Firestorm map. It's the dullest map in MP history. Nothing happens. My mate and I would spawn in a tank, get 20 yards out of the base and be instantly blown up with one hit of some pilot's missiles from his jet. No vehicles could get out of the base, causing us to have to run on foot across open wasteland for at least five minutes only to get shot and have to start all over again.

These are just a couple of issues that come up every single game. Every time.

There is an imbalance in the game that allows people to abuse it in every map. Whether it's the crazy invulnerable choppers, MAV abusers ruining the game by flying around getting road kills while under no risk of getting shot themselves, or jets and choppers blowing up vehicles in spawn areas, or other things like the game forcing a team who are losing to have to run across open desert for five minutes at a time just to get to the game, it's awful. Oh, and that's not forgetting the games where there's someone on the mortar firing from their spawn area into your spawn area, killing countless people before they can get out of their base. Brilliant design.

Bad Company 2 was a billion times better than this crap. I've never witnessed so many imbalances, so much cheating, so much constant abuse of 'sure fire' ways to rack up huge number of kills because the game's design overlooked it. And as for the maps, only a few are enjoyable to play. Since BC2, DICE are showing with Medal of Honor and now this that they have HUGE balancing and design issues.

And, yes, there is cheating. There are glitches all over the place, the latest being on Metro, CQ, you can get 'under' the floor of flag C and shoot people from under there while they can't get you. I saw it happen, and instantly switched the game off. Fucking terrible.
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Yeah, I must admit I've not played BF3 for two or three weeks now. I can't be arsed with it any more.

I remember people saying in the run-up to the game's release that Bad Company 2 was an arcadey, casual-focused game and it wasn't true Battlefield. BF3 would show us what old-school Battlefield is all about. The irony is that BC2 is the more balanced, well though out game and BF3 is the very definition of a casual, COD-esque arcade game.

Perhaps the PC version is where it's at due to the higher player count? But surely the same issues exist?

I'm wondering whether to sell BF3 while it's still worth something and get back on BC2.
BF3 on pc feels quite techinical at times. Sometimes its tiring playing it and requires thought.

Whereas if I put MW3 on my ps3 Its just run-shoot x100
I've come to the conclusion now that this game is a total piece of crap, it's the most unbalanced FPS I've ever played. Every single level has a set 'tactic' now where people abuse some glaring oversight by the game developers to pretty much spend the entire time acting like a dick.

Tonight all my mates steadily dropped out of our game one by one because they were fed up with all the crap, and ended up playing other games.

Tonight included;

Any city map features at least 80% of players sniping you with a USAS12 that causes explosions around you even if they fire from 100 yards away. Fucking ludicrous. And then tonight every map also featured someone sitting out of bounds piloting the MAV and getting 10-15 roadkills with it per game. It turns Battlefield into some kind of stupid Benny Hill sketch with everyone running away from and firing at some ridiculous high speed robot. DICE really, really, fucked this up. All the MAV does is make me want to quit the game rather than put up with that rubbish. Figure out where the MAV guy is hiding and then shoot him? Nope, all thanks to DICE's decision to encourage people to fly the MAV by allowing them to use it out of bounds where you can't get to. Shoot it down? Well, yes you can, but give it a minute or two and that same person will be back out of bounds and piloting another one. Wouldn't it make more sense to have the MAV on a set place like the BC2 UAV? Or limit the number of MAV's you can use to one or two per game? At least that wouldn't encourage people to spend the entire match using it over and over.

Then there are the open maps. Every time, it now involves a team in a chopper reigning fire down on you and you can't do anything to take it out. We were even staggering our stingers so that we'd fire one, his flare would get rid of it, then we'd fire a second before his flare recharges and directly hit the chopper with it. By the time the next stinger hit the chopper, his mate had repaired it back up to 100. Between us, my mate and I managed to hit the chopper with TWELVE stingers, failing to blow it up, all the while he killed me five times on the ground and my mate three.

Then there's the Firestorm map. It's the dullest map in MP history. Nothing happens. My mate and I would spawn in a tank, get 20 yards out of the base and be instantly blown up with one hit of some pilot's missiles from his jet. No vehicles could get out of the base, causing us to have to run on foot across open wasteland for at least five minutes only to get shot and have to start all over again.

These are just a couple of issues that come up every single game. Every time.

There is an imbalance in the game that allows people to abuse it in every map. Whether it's the crazy invulnerable choppers, MAV abusers ruining the game by flying around getting road kills while under no risk of getting shot themselves, or jets and choppers blowing up vehicles in spawn areas, or other things like the game forcing a team who are losing to have to run across open desert for five minutes at a time just to get to the game, it's awful. Oh, and that's not forgetting the games where there's someone on the mortar firing from their spawn area into your spawn area, killing countless people before they can get out of their base. Brilliant design.

Bad Company 2 was a billion times better than this crap. I've never witnessed so many imbalances, so much cheating, so much constant abuse of 'sure fire' ways to rack up huge number of kills because the game's design overlooked it. And as for the maps, only a few are enjoyable to play. Since BC2, DICE are showing with Medal of Honor and now this that they have HUGE balancing and design issues.

And, yes, there is cheating. There are glitches all over the place, the latest being on Metro, CQ, you can get 'under' the floor of flag C and shoot people from under there while they can't get you. I saw it happen, and instantly switched the game off. Fucking terrible.

Sounds like you need to try another game mode. May I suggest Squad Deathmatch.
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