Battlefield 3

the fact that you can actually destroy a tank without that frickin' disable message popping up and seeing either enemy players just bail out of the tank or someone else nipping in at the last moment and getting all the points, vehicle destroy and kills off one rogue rocket at the very last moment, after you took four rockets just disabling the frickin' thing......

The bane of my fucking life at the minute.

Ridiculous system, especially when straight after the vehicle disabled message, the supposedly disabled vehicle moves and blows you up. I don't like being lied to and that's all the game does when it says 'disabled'.

Flares are fucking me off as well at the minute. You spend ages aiming at a jet/heli with a Stinger and then even after your mate has fired at it to get the flares to go off, you still can't hit the fucking thing and then the flares have reloaded in the time it takes you to reload your weapon, absolute bollocks.

Jamezinho, I'd definitely be up for a good session of BC2 again, I traded it in for BF3 so I'd need to buy it again but if numbers are good it'd be completely worth it. I know my two best mates would join in as well, we religously played BC2 together and play BF3 every night despite complaining about how crap it is.
Yeah the stingers issue really hacks me off too. It usually takes me and my mate to both equip them, then one of us lock on and fire, then when the flare gets rid of it, the other one has already locked on for an immediate second stinger before his flares reload. I can't see any way of taking choppers down otherwise, if you're on your own then the choppers' flares do reload before you can reload a stinger, lock on, fire, then wait for the missile to reach the target.

That said, I got into an attack chopper on a rare occasion as the gunner on Karg playing rush. It got to the final warehouse and my pilot was amazing. He enabled me to blast away in the final warehouse section that houses the MCOMS, and I somehow got 17 straight kills doing so, which paved the way for a win. That's a rarity though, I can't fly choppers for shit and usually if I'm in the gunner seat then my pilot can't fly either......

I'd be up for some BC2 though if others were. Though that depends on whether people are playing it online. Empty servers would be boring.
I couldn't get a game all weekend, was very frustrating.

I'm tempted by BC2 again, going to check the prices.
I'm an ok chopper pilot. I can manage to stay airbourne for a decent amount of time and not crash into anything. My biggest issue with being in a chopper is when I'm in the gunner's seat trying to aim at infantry and the pilot is all over the place, making it nigh on impossible to aim at anything. When I'm in the pilots seat I try and keep the flight as smooth as possible so the gunner can do his job.
Yeah I find the same when in the gunner seat, I rarely get in it but I think I'd previously only got something like a kill or two before that Karg rush game, where my pilot was amazing. He'd swoop over certain areas where he knew I'd have a good shot into the sides of the buildings and held it steady too. That was 17 very easy kills for me but it was down to his piloting that enabled me to get the gun aimed at the MCOMS.
Nah I think I'm 90% done with this bollocks now, the USAS-12 has single handedly ruined the game. What the fuck were DICE thinking? Are they lunatics or something? It's like a canon. You can be shot from hundreds of yards away. It rips through walls. It fires multiple rounds in seconds. Hide behind a wall? Nope, it'll either pass right through the bricks or the explosive splash damage of the rounds hitting the wall behind you will instantly kill you. And now everyone is using it.

Seriously DICE did you ever think making something so spectacularrky overpowered wouldn't ruin the game? For about the 25th game in a row it's been dominated by some high ranking player with the USAS-12. Last game on Metro I played someone finished on 64 kills with it.

What a complete fuck up this game is from start to finish.
I really don't have the problems you are having, I play conquest most of the time and rarely see the USAS-12. I don't seem to have much lag ever either.

The only thing I haven't tested as much is trying to get a game with mates on squads etc. I will be trying it properly within the next month as a couple of friends are getting the game. But after trying it with Jaygrim a couple of times with just the two of us, I can see it being very frustrating.
It depends on the map. The closer quarters ones like Metro, Seine Crossing and Grand Bazaare on the 360 seem to include at least half of the players using the USAS-12, which I personally wouldn't care about were it not for the fact that it feels as powerful as a tank canon shot, even from long distance. It even sounds as powerful due to people being able to attach frag rounds to it.

As for the connection issues, myself and all of my friends who play the game experience it when whenever we play the game together, which is kinda supposed to be the point of the game.

I actually thought the USAS had been transformed into a grenade launcher on this, such was the impact and distance of the shot that killed me whenever it's happened.

What a load of bollocks.

The FAMAS is just as bad.
whats up with the famas. I try on pc as I unlocked it but the reecoil was all over the place so I have to Aim Down sights and sure its better but gun doesnt seem great to me.

ive not unlocked usas yet but I have DOA shotgun if thats any good?
I've been griefed by the USAS on the close quarter levels too (Metro, Grand Bazaar etc..). It really does feel like you are being fired at by an APC's grenade launcher rather than a shotgun.
I've noticed a LOT of people also using the FAMAS, so I gave it a go to see what the fuss was about and it is really powerful. That said, it didn't seem to make me any better at the game though. My favourite is still the F2000, same as in BC2. It sounds ridiculous, like five guns going off all at once :)

I picked up a USAS from an enemy player I'd shot and used it briefly, I fired three quick shots down a coridoor as some people ran round the corner and it took three men out in one go!

I don't necessarily mind the gun being overpowered as such, but what sucks is that sometimes I've shot someone, knelt down behind a wall to reload, some some dude with the USAS knows I'm there so he just fires it into the wall behind me despite not being able to directly get to or see me. The blast from the USAS shells hitting a wall behind will kill you almost instantly just like splash damage from an explosion. Surely that's not right?
The FAMAS is pretty good. It's got more of an SMG feel to it, but I wouldn't say it's that over-powered.

I've always been a fan of the burst fire assault rifles, though. The AN-94 was my favourite weapon in BC2 and the M16 is another good one for me. I like the accuracy and ammo conservation of these weapons.

My top weapon in BF3 (even though it's classed as a vehicle) is the M224 mortar. I'm on about 175 kills with that.
Blimey, any tips? I sometimes use it to mortar an enemy player also using their mortar but otherwise I've rarely hit other people. The odd one here and there, but unless they show up in the radar and don't move an inch, it seems to miss or just get a hit marker.

I also really liked the AN-94. I've barely used this this time round, which is odd really.
Blimey, any tips?

I use it a lot. That's probably all there is to it - you wont top the leaderboard with it, that's for sure. The mortar really does rely on your team mates spotting everything. It's a great anti-sniper weapon as it's a one hit kill if you get the crosshairs lined up perfectly, and can be used to good effect against tanks and APCs. Also it's good for clearing those MAV-abusing twats from rooftops. A few mortar strikes normally sends them scurrying.

I also find it useful when playing rush as attackers, as you can pound the M-Coms once they have been armed and I get a few kills that way. Also, the smoke rounds are useful to help obscure M-coms.

Yesterday I was playing rush and three of us sat back and pounded the shit out of the other team with mortars. I've never seen a game end so quickly.
I used the mortar last night and it was really useful, I put smoke rounds in and pelted the MCOM areas. Enemy team couldn't see anyone coming :)

Blimey I played as the attack chopper gunner again on Karg island and it's insane. I had another decent pilot and within less than a minute was on ten kills with it. Unfortunately the pilot, having seemed really good at that point, randomly flew the chopper into the sea but for a short while that was insane, just blasting away at tons of ground troops standing fully in the open desert as if I wasn't there.

Aside from the USAS being fixed, I'd love to see DICE either remove the MAVentirely or make it less mobile. It's far too fast and hard to shoot, plus the sound it makes really irritates me. One match on Karkand saw some dude repeatedly buzzing around, swooping down to run us over in it. I don't think he even managed to do that to anyone once, but it was really annoying. It'd take ages to shoot it down then within twenty seconds the same guy's got the MAV out again.
Aside from the USAS being fixed, I'd love to see DICE either remove the MAVentirely or make it less mobile. It's far too fast and hard to shoot, plus the sound it makes really irritates me. One match on Karkand saw some dude repeatedly buzzing around, swooping down to run us over in it. I don't think he even managed to do that to anyone once, but it was really annoying. It'd take ages to shoot it down then within twenty seconds the same guy's got the MAV out again.

Bring back the UAV station. That was the source of many knife kills in BC2. :))
Absolutely :)

It was great, everyone eventually knew where the stations were so you had to use it at your peril and weigh up the risks of tempting someone to run back towards you. Plus the UAV's missle was immense fun for annoying choppers ... that said it wasn't too mobile so you had to use some skill to fly it.

By contrast the MAV can be operated from some completely out of reach part of the map with no indication of where that person is. So they can basically just use it again and again from an unknown location no matter how many times you shoot it down.

Compare that to the UAV where, if it got destroyed, there was a lengthy 'respawn' time which made it unusable, which again, balanced things out much more evenly.

I miss BC2!
Yep, it's all about balance and the MAV - like many other things in BF3 - doesn't have any.

BC2 is coming out later, that's decided!

(p.s. I used to love the UAV's smoke salvos)
Love being killed by the MAV on Metro, some guy sitting at the back with an ammo stash clocking up a 20-30 kill streak with no risk of dying.
Yeah that happened last night on Metro rush. As the defending team we actually won at the first outdoor section but the game lasted quite a while, but there was some dude flying the MAV from his spawn area that's out of bounds and out of sight. I think he finished 10-0 just by running people over but annoyed the crap out of me all game, buzzing around at the back of the base.

Like I said before, if the MAV was on some emplacement rather than an actual piece of kit you can use wherever, and with a lengthy cool off period, then getting your MAV spotted and shot down would have at least some kind of consequence,but the current system is ridiculous. I think I got shot three times by an enemy player because I was too busy shooting at a dive bombing MAV. I managed to blow it up four times, but less than ten seconds later the same player would just instantly use it again, so despite repeatedly being shot down he was flying it around for the entire mat h with no chance of being shot while piloting the thing. Plus you only get 20 points for shooting it down despite being harder to shoot than an enemy soldier.

Given that you can use it over and over with no cool off period, you can use it at the back of your base when the enemy can't get to, you can't even be mortared because you don't appear on radar, and that it's the reason why every match I see players flying themselves up to parts of the map that are out of bounds, then I think it's good justification for removing the MAV from the game entirely.

Also, that constant buzzing sound, for the entire match, really pisses me off!

I know jack shit about game design but even I can see that if you give people an airborn robot you can use with no chance of getting shot, people will abuse it over and over.
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what is the mav and how do you unlock it.

I sure I seen opposition with 1 and I blow it up in like 2-3 shots..easy to destry?
Just got off the game and with my mates it was enjoyable. After they logged off I carried on for a bit and I had the complete opposite, I must have had ten separate servers where my team were complete morons. Metro, CQ, saw us pushed so far back that when I joined the game our team could only move ten feet up the tunnel and the score I think was 324-15 in their favour. Crazy.

Another highlight was a Rush game on Operation Firestorm, after joining the previous game I timed how long it would take for the attackers to blow up the first two MCOMS. Both were blown up in 39 seconds. It boggles the mind that people can be so stupid that they don't know how the game is played. I saw people just amble past the bright red flashing MCOM station with no inclination to defuse it.

The game does have some glaringly massive balancing issues though. Other games I just got slaughtered by attack choppers. Unless you and a friend deliberately coordinate a staggered stinger fire, it's virtually IMPOSSIBLE to blow them up. Their flares reload faster than my stingers do, which is fucking ridiculous.

So I get into a jet to try and combat the chopper, but nowadays 99% off the time I get locked on by another jet's heat seeking missile over and over until he gets me. Now I can't do the same to him because I haven't unlocked it yet, so it's him with his jet tooled up to the max against mine with a wet fart of a machine gun. I can't unlock it because I get immediately shot down with missiles. So I'm constantly stuck and never bother with the jets because of balancing yet again. Brilliant.
The players that fly those UAV's, where the fuck are they hiding?
They can hide in their camp if they wish. I unlocked the launcher with tracking (whatever it's called) and have blown up so many tanks and jeeps and MAV's.
They really need to fix this stinger/flare issue with choppers. Some random guy smashed our team in his chopper with a score of 37-0 and it was impossible to shoot him down. Hit him in the anti air gun, he'd drop low behind something until he was repaired, and his unlimited amount of flares meant he would just bat away my stinger missiles with ease. Along with the MAV and USAS12, it's really fucking stupid game design again.
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