Battlefield 3

yeh I noticed that on hardcore the spot doesnt show up?

and there is no mini map in hardcore? or spots dotn go on the map?

The spot doesnt't show up, no. You just get a verbal warning like "we've spotted a sniper in your area".

There is a minimap, unlike BC2, but as far as I can tell the spots don't show up on the mini map (I may be wrong) it just seems to be when an enemy in your area fires a weapon he shows up on the mini map.
Anyone else try the game last night? It was pretty much down for the evening. A group of four of us took turns trying to find a game and only Karkand really worked. The game couldn't find any matches on any other maps.

We only played one Karkand map too, we got blitzed by the other team who consisted of twelve players at Colonel level or above. They were the best team I've ever seen on this. They played the game as it should be and were pretty brutal about it. Defending the final MCOM stations in the warehouse was impossible, you'd shoot one of them then two or three more would come instantly running into the room in an endless wave. I'm guessing they were spawining on each other but blimey that team was good.
I had some issues getting last night I got a game eventually.
Yeah I couldn't find any available servers last night. There was only like 4 or 5 but they were all full up with players queuing to join.
Hope it's not the same tonight
Yeah I couldn't find any available servers last night. There was only like 4 or 5 but they were all full up with players queuing to join.
Hope it's not the same tonight
I was the same last night, luckily I ended up joining a couple of good US servers, had no lag.
Had an epic match last night on Karg Island, Rush. I wedged myself in a corner of the warehouse to allow my squad mares to spawn right on top if the final MCOM station while popping up over a desk to put in some supporting fire, it was carnage. Almost both sets of teams all in one building. We eventually took the station with about five tickets left. The game is SO much better when properly communicating and hatching little plans to get round the opposition.
Tried the game today and it's unplayable again, for me ALL European servers are completely down (it says failed to connect or loads a certain part of the way before freezing), so I tried US servers as they're working and I got the worst lag I've ever seen in an online game. I'm talking crouching behind a wall with apparently no-one shooting at me then four seconds later I drop dead from bullets by a guy the other side of the wall. Now either ge has bendy bullets or I'm lagging by nearly four seconds. And if it's not doing that, people are teleporting all over the place.

Sort it out EA, this is becoming a joke.
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It's just since you are experiencing all these problems - I don't have any at all on PC.

Maybe the only thing that can annoy me at times, is the ridiculous matchmaking.
But otherwise - All the things you moan about, isn't visible on the PC.
I'm an X360-man myself and alwayd has been - But FPS-games are meant to be played on a decent computer :-)

Sorry about the lame answer. Wasn't meant to hurt your feelings ;-)
What the hell is going on with these servers!!?
Took me ages to get on again today. Had to wait in a damn queue for 1 of the 6 server games available!
Bah it's just as bad today. It won't find any games.

That said, I did get into one and it was outrageously glitchy. We reduced the attackers on Rush down to zero tickets, and they still hadn't managed to set the final MCOM, but the game didn't end. I shot three people and their ticket total remained on zero still. The game just kept on going until they took the objective about five minutes later!
Ha well the game was working tonight, and people ruined it by playing like assholes. Three times I died in one game because I ran out of ammo and the random team member who was support wouldn't lay ammo down again. I'd say 99% of all players in BF3 never ever drop ammo when you ask. It's so stupid, they benefit by getting points.

Then there was the fact that I'd say two in every three deaths in the game are by RPG rockets. It's ridiculous. People use them as a primary weapon and shoot their gun secondary. My natural reaction when seeing an enemy soldier is to shoot them with my gun and save rockets for vehicles, but countless times I'm done over because I shoot and they manage to get off a rocket before they die with little to no aiming and it still works. And that's not to mention people crouching in corners and corridors with their rockets ready. It takes no skill, you don't even have to aim, and it pisses me off.

Also, attack helicopters are ridiculous. Some guy kept blowing me up over and over, and my stingers did absolutely nothing. I tried doing a fake lock on to get him to fire his flare first, and tried firing two in quick succession, but his flares just got rid of it every time. By the time stinger number two reloads and fires almost immediately, the pilot just uses another flare. Anyone remotely good at piloting choppers can be invulnerable to stingers, which is a farce.

Lastly, a big thanks to some guy on the enemy team on Metro CQ, who kept placing claymores in a room doorway where we spawn behind flag C. Twice he blew me up because he knows sometimes people spawn in that room, and then places them do that you can't move. You can't avoid them by moving around them because your back is against a wall, and you can't blow them up because they're too close. Brilliant game design, allowing people to do that. He was literally putting claymores in the exact spot where we'd spawn.
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Then there was the fact that I'd say two in every three deaths in the game are by RPG rockets. It's ridiculous. People use them as a primary weapon and shoot their gun secondary.

One of the reasons is that most people play BF3 for the achievements (including me) and you have to kill 50 people with RPG which is way too many.
One of the reasons is that most people play BF3 for the achievements (including me) and you have to kill 50 people with RPG which is way too many.

Don't doubt that some people use RPGs to get the achievement for sure, but I also think that there is such a vast number using them as a primary weapon, particularly indoors, because it's pretty much guaranteed to be a cheap kill requiring no aiming.

It's strange because these levels of rocket abuse weren't going on in BC2, but levels like Grand Bazarre often turn into rocket duels at each end of the market coridoor, with three or four on each team sitting on top of an ammo box and repeatedly spamming them down the coridoor at each other.

I think part of the reason is because they're pretty ineffective against vehicles so people don't tend to use them on tanks etc. I generally need two rocket hits to just disable a tank and another two to blow it up. Then there's a squad perk giving everyone in that squad up to ten rockets if you choose your setup wisely....

I do love the game when it plays well but I almost never get shot by a conventional machine gun, and for a FPS it kinda bugs me. I almost always die in one of four ways; from a tank, attack chopper, RPG rocket, or the USAS-12 shotgun. In fact, most games now seem to be dominated by some high ranking dude playing like it's MW3 with his USAS-12. Metro and Grand Bazaar almost always now have someone getting close to 40 kills per game with that shotgun.

Maybe I should give it a try ;)
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In fact, most games now seem to be dominated by some high ranking dude playing like it's MW3 with his USAS-12. Metro and Grand Bazaar almost always now have someone getting close to 40 kills per game with that shotgun.

Maybe I should give it a try ;)
I have given it a try of late, and in around 5 matches with it I've got 80+ kills altogether. It's absolutely brutal. Yet, I don't play the small maps any more and have managed 10-15 streaks around an MCOM on say Wake Island or Strike At Karkand. Sounds like a bomb dropping too when I play with the surround sound beefed up.

"Shotgun mode" is fun, but I prefer picking people off from a bit of range and then moving in bit by bit.
How do you unlock it anyways? I'm up to level 33 now and it's still not unlocked.

Also, is anyone here good at flying vehicles? I can fly them fine, but almost within seconds of taking off these days there's another jet who keeps locking on to me until he manages to get a heat seeking missile in on me in between my flares. One guy in my clan is a beast on vehicles, he just says it's down to practice but I don't see him getting locked onto every fifteen seconds. He finished last night on 16-0 and never left the jet once. He stayed in the sky the whole game, shooting jets and choppers down and providing air support for us down below when we asked for help. Next game I get into a jet, ten seconds later there's some dude on my tail with heat seekers when I only have the machine gun, and I'm shot down within about 30 seconds :( feels like the heat seekers are more frequent than my flares are available.

These types of FPS are so strange sometimes, I played early evening with my mate and I was on fire, one match I somehow finished 15-0 but our team lost quite badly, another game I finished 24-5 and again we lost badly but I managed to rack up tons of points reviving etc. despite this, later on, more of my mates went on and as a squad of four we pummelled the opposition on conquest by massive score differences (most games against this team finished around 200-0, it was that one sided) yet at the same time my game went down the toilet, with me finishing on negative k/d scores like 2-5, 3-9 etc despite being on a team far superior to the opposition.

I find it really strange how some games play like you're some kind of freakin' Battlefield warrior, the next, it goes so badly all you want to do it sit in a corner, rock back and forth, and weep!
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Ah okay thanks. I don't usually use shotguns but I'll see what the fuss is about.

Having previously ignored the x4 ACOG for assault rifles I gave it a go, and loved it. An ACOG on an F2000 is ridiculous, on Metro then Grand Bazarre i used it by hanging back a bit, offering supporting fire then reviving my team mates so we could keep constant pressure without losing ground. Between the two maps I somehow ended up going 54-8 and we won both games :)
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How long until one unlocks smoke?

I'm on level 8 right now.
When it works, it's a great game, but in truth, my experience of the game is that it's the worst maintained online multiplayer I've ever, ever played. It's shockingly bad.

First off, playing as I usually do with my mates at the weekend, this time round I've found these problems;

- We STILL can't get 3-4 of us in the same game and on the same teams

- It's now an issue just sending squad invites to each other, half the time we send them then we don't all get them

- In playing the game last night over a two hour period the game froze my xbox mid-match, forcing me to turn it off and on again, FOUR times

- Not only are there green flashes but now I'm seeing red flashes too

- Twice we all had to quit the game because the loading screen before joining a game went dark and just stayed hanging

- the MAV trick of using it to get to high places hasn't been fixed yet, and it's ruining the game. On Tehran Highway last night six out of nine of the enemy team were sitting on the freeway overpass sniping. It made the game ultra boring

- Lag. It's still horrific. On certain games it's fine, on others me and my mates were getting shot anywhere up to two to three seconds after hiding behind a wall. One occasion, I knew a guy was about to run through a doorway, so I aimed right at it with an ACOG x4, then I hear a bang of a shotgun and I'm dead, with the killcame showing the guy standing in the doorway I was looking at. He must have wandered in and shot me before the game even registered at my end that he was there. Brilliant. Several times I've been shot by the invisible man.

- The USAS12. Is it being patched? 99% of people seem to use this or the FAMAS, but the USAS is a joke. It knocks out walls. It has explosive splashback that can kill you just by being near it, it fires at huge rates and from massive distances. Several times I got killed by it when standing in a room and the wall gets blown out, I hide, the splash damage kills me. It sounded and looked like a tank shell, it was the USAS12 shotgun. Fucking sort that gun out DICE, it's the most overpowered gun I've ever seen in a game.

- I just loved getting t-bagged repeatedly by some guy from Japan playing in a European server with him somehow being able to take two entire assault rifle clips to the body from medium range, before turning round while I'm having to reload and, yes, nailing me with the USAS-12. Why should the lag benefit him, he's not in his own region's servers??

- Party chat. On the xbox dashboard the chat works perfectly, on other games it works perfectly, on BF3 there's always at least one out of three or four of us who's mic mysteriously keeps cutting out or not working at all. This only happens on BF3.

As you can tell it's really pissing me off. Lag, can't play with my friends, when I can play with them and it's a decent match it keeps freezing my xbox, That's of course when I can talk to them over the sounds of a joke tank cannon for a shotgun, or when the game chooses to not cut someone's mic off completely.
I've suffered with a lot of those experiences unfortunately.

- Last night I died for no apparent reason when vaulting a low wall on Tehran Highway. No enemies nearby, no shots or explosions, no fall. Yet I'm awarded a suicide.

- I've had the black screen of death a few times when matches are loading.

- Connecting to games can be a pain and I'm getting a few 'unable to connect' messages. My NAT is open, ports forwarded on my router, and I rarely have problems online in other games.

- Match-making leaves a lot to be desired.

- The USAS-12 is a joke. This is supposed to be a shotgun? It's nothing like how it was in BC2. It's like the grenade-launcher on the top of the APC's, only hand-held. Ridiculous.

- The MAV. This is being spammed all over the place and it's making me not want to play the game any more. The under-construction tower at Gulf of Oman is a favourite for these people, as are the high rise blocks at Strike at Karkand.

Sort it out EA/Dice.
I went back to it last month and enjoyed it so much more, but the games were generally only 6-7 a side. I might give it a go some time this week as it'd be interesting to see if many have gone back to it after the initial BF3 'honeymoon phase' so to speak.

There are things I enjoy more about BF3 but generally I prefer BC2's maps and destruction, oh and the fact that you can actually destroy a tank without that frickin' disable message popping up and seeing either enemy players just bail out of the tank or someone else nipping in at the last moment and getting all the points, vehicle destroy and kills off one rogue rocket at the very last moment, after you took four rockets just disabling the frickin' thing......
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