Battlefield 3

It's hugely satisfying. The constant tank whoreing provides a steady stream of customers, and because it's a support weapon I could keep rearming myself with fresh C4.

I love using the C4 too.

Haven't played much off Support. My main focus has first been on the Assault class, then the Recon class and then I found out Support had explosives in it. Mmmmm.... Explosives (Put in picture of Homer drooling.)

One thing I used a lot last night was when I was going into a Buggy in our Deployment as we didn't have any flags (Sharqi Peninsula).

I filled that bitch up with C4 using the Ammopack to resupply with fresh C4. Then I just drove around and was trying to find some infantry. I couldn't find any and just placed it at the foothill at B (Think it is called Spotting Point).

Then I went to the top of the Building Ground and just layed prone. Then 3 Russian assholes came running from the Building Ground up to B and I just pushed that sweet trigger off mine and saw them little dogs blow up in an instant, when that sweet C4 surrounded them with exploding metal and fire.

Jesus christ, I love this game. :COAT:

Who is on PC on this?

Would be cool to get some nicks, so we can play a session together one night. Would be awesome to be in the same squad.
Yo Musy have you seen how tough is matchmaking in this game, we couldnt even stay in the same team.
At times I was making the 4 peepz squad before joining and still they break up once we joined, I mean the system is stupid enough to not find a game thats missing four guys.
Not to mention it doesn't reckon the clan tag or network friends so we all could be in the same team.
Play with an entire friends team is impossible the most my clan got was 7 on a team with 2 on the other.
This is the singular biggest problem with the game. I often play in a squad of 2-3 of us and without fail one of us will be put onto the other team and not allow us to switch even when the game wouldn't become unbalanced. It wouldn't let me switch sides to the same as my mates despite being on a team with two more players, so me switching sides would actually have evened up the teams much better. It's really annoying.
I love using the C4 too.

Haven't played much off Support. My main focus has first been on the Assault class, then the Recon class and then I found out Support had explosives in it. Mmmmm.... Explosives (Put in picture of Homer drooling.)

One thing I used a lot last night was when I was going into a Buggy in our Deployment as we didn't have any flags (Sharqi Peninsula).

I filled that bitch up with C4 using the Ammopack to resupply with fresh C4. Then I just drove around and was trying to find some infantry. I couldn't find any and just placed it at the foothill at B (Think it is called Spotting Point).

Then I went to the top of the Building Ground and just layed prone. Then 3 Russian assholes came running from the Building Ground up to B and I just pushed that sweet trigger off mine and saw them little dogs blow up in an instant, when that sweet C4 surrounded them with exploding metal and fire.

Jesus christ, I love this game. :COAT:

Who is on PC on this?

Would be cool to get some nicks, so we can play a session together one night. Would be awesome to be in the same squad.

battlebhoy add me
Had an epic CQ match on Grand Bazaar. Those small alleys are fantastic fun when teams meet eachother head on and back each other up. It was carnage. People piling through doorways, getting mowed down, everyone reviving, laying health and ammo, brilliant fun. There was even a burning tank somehow wedged into the alleyway.

I shot some guy through three doorways as he approached, and my fire carried on for a second or two only to find five kill notifications come up on my screen. They must have literally been standing behind each other and all got mowed down one after another, with me thinking there was just one guy there the whole time. Epic!
Had an epic CQ match on Grand Bazaar. Those small alleys are fantastic fun when teams meet eachother head on and back each other up. It was carnage. People piling through doorways, getting mowed down, everyone reviving, laying health and ammo, brilliant fun. There was even a burning tank somehow wedged into the alleyway.

I shot some guy through three doorways as he approached, and my fire carried on for a second or two only to find five kill notifications come up on my screen. They must have literally been standing behind each other and all got mowed down one after another, with me thinking there was just one guy there the whole time. Epic!

GB is a great map to use flashlight and laser sight, cuase always guys in the alleys. BOOM jump out with flashlight/laser blind them alland kill spree lol
This is the singular biggest problem with the game. I often play in a squad of 2-3 of us and without fail one of us will be put onto the other team and not allow us to switch even when the game wouldn't become unbalanced. It wouldn't let me switch sides to the same as my mates despite being on a team with two more players, so me switching sides would actually have evened up the teams much better. It's really annoying.

Yeah this is hugely annoying. If they solved this and actually allowed you to 'play with your friends' you know, like on the same team and squad, dare I say the game would be near perfection.

Oh and introducing a longer cool off period for the repair tool. Getting a bit annoyed with invincible tanks..
I was thinking that about repair tools. That, and the fact that you can hit a tank with a rocket while the guy is standing outside and the splash damage does next to nothing to the man doing the repairs. Stepping outside to fix a tank should be more perilous IMO.
I wish there was a practice mode to fly around with the jets and helicopters when nobody else is around. I got in a jet and crashed after about a minute and never went in anything that flys again incase I do the same. (Is there anyway you can practice?)
I was thinking that about repair tools. That, and the fact that you can hit a tank with a rocket while the guy is standing outside and the splash damage does next to nothing to the man doing the repairs. Stepping outside to fix a tank should be more perilous IMO.

I just stick to C4 and mines against tanks. The result is never in doubt then. Rockets are a waste of time unless two or three people are firing simultaneously, and I've tried the Javelin but that seems to be useless.

They do need to do something about the tanks though, I agree. Damage could be more dynamic, e.g. a tank could be immobilised by slipping a track if it takes a hit in that area.
I wish there was a practice mode to fly around with the jets and helicopters when nobody else is around. I got in a jet and crashed after about a minute and never went in anything that flys again incase I do the same. (Is there anyway you can practice?)

yes on pc anyway play on empty servers or servers with few players.
I just stick to C4 and mines against tanks. The result is never in doubt then. Rockets are a waste of time unless two or three people are firing simultaneously, and I've tried the Javelin but that seems to be useless.

They do need to do something about the tanks though, I agree. Damage could be more dynamic, e.g. a tank could be immobilised by slipping a track if it takes a hit in that area.

maybee on console but on PC there no way you can be as usefull with c4 agasint tank... they see miles away if you try to get c4 on them unless they are not very good with the vehicules... still rockets are the way to go! =p
maybee on console but on PC there no way you can be as usefull with c4 agasint tank... they see miles away if you try to get c4 on them unless they are not very good with the vehicules... still rockets are the way to go! =p

I don't stick C4 on the tanks though (or very rarely anyway), rather I place it across roads and choke points and lie in wait. I'm sure you can do that on the pc too.
I don't stick C4 on the tanks though (or very rarely anyway), rather I place it across roads and choke points and lie in wait. I'm sure you can do that on the pc too.

may as well use mines then u dont need to watch them just leave the area.

Last night had an awsome moment on bazzar. I had planted 5 or so mines near point D. 5-10minutes later im fighting other side of map up pops my screen.

vehcile disabled
vehicle destroyed
enemy killed
enemy killed
vehicle destroyed
enmey killed
triple kill
enemy killed
enemy killed
enemy killed
tripe kill

1000points or some crap.

Im like yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

gotta love those moments.

I guess there APC and tank both went over mines at same time...took out 2 vehicles and 6 guys all at once lmao
I prefer the personal touch that you can only get with C4.

problem I have with c4 is

1. You have to detonate at right moment
2. You might die when trying to detonate
3. You always have to watch area

C4 IMO is good for live planting, eg see vehcile plant run back explode but theres always risk of deing when planting or detonating.
F**k me the air combat in this is pathetically one sided. Five games in a row now I've left because our team is being slaughtered by a bunch of players who have racked up about 400 hours already and flying around in souped up attack choppers and jets. I don't even bother getting in them any more, within seconds you get locked on then shot out of the sky by a heat seeking missile from some guy who's racking up 35 kills in his jet, when all I have is my plane with pea shooter machine gun that's IMPOSSIBLE to hit and kill anything. I must have been in the air about two hours in total since buying the game and I've done absolutely bugger all in it. Not one destroyed vehicle, nothing. Now I can't even fly around for longer than ten seconds without some hardcore crazy gamer taking me out.

And most games I play tonight seem to include clans of such players thrashing everyone. Last game I left, their top guy was sitting in a jet all match and racked up over 40 kills to 1 death. Like I said, pathetically one sided.
F**k me the air combat in this is pathetically one sided. Five games in a row now I've left because our team is being slaughtered by a bunch of players who have racked up about 400 hours already and flying around in souped up attack choppers and jets. I don't even bother getting in them any more, within seconds you get locked on then shot out of the sky by a heat seeking missile from some guy who's racking up 35 kills in his jet, when all I have is my plane with pea shooter machine gun that's IMPOSSIBLE to hit and kill anything. I must have been in the air about two hours in total since buying the game and I've done absolutely bugger all in it. Not one destroyed vehicle, nothing. Now I can't even fly around for longer than ten seconds without some hardcore crazy gamer taking me out.

And most games I play tonight seem to include clans of such players thrashing everyone. Last game I left, their top guy was sitting in a jet all match and racked up over 40 kills to 1 death. Like I said, pathetically one sided.

I know I was similar. what I done was got an almost empty server on PC on wkae island then used the f35 to land in flags and capture them. SO now I have flares plus guided missles.

Helis I have loadsa xp anyway.
I must have been in the air about two hours in total since buying the game and I've done absolutely bugger all in it. Not one destroyed vehicle, nothing.

I've played more around 50 hours online and I dont have a single point in airplanes. I've tried countless times, but I dont't bother anymore.

That was a huge pain for me to get my last ribbon hoping for a guy who knew how to fly a chopper.
I've got nearly all my kills in a jet with the machine gun. I just find missiles are too easily countered so I prefer to get in a proper dogfight with the cannons.
How do you hit anything?! By the time I line myself up and clip something I've already flown over. I'm like tuta, hours in my jet and nothing, my progress bar shows just 40 points. It used to be the problem that I'd just fly around until I got bored but now I don't last any longer than 20 seconds, I instantly get shot down by an enemy jet pilot who's on a massive score.

Also, I started using stingers to try and take air vehicles out, I managed one chopper once but apart from that I lock on to, say, a jet, watch it following them in the sky, but almost 100% of the time it blows up just before it reaches them. I think they're using the flares to get rid of them at will.

So I can't shoot them down in a jet because they're highly skilled pilots with every gadget under the sun compared to my jet with no weapon upgrades at all, then on the ground you can't shoot them down because flares seem to immediately get rid of stingers. Add to that, I've given up trying to shoot vehicles down in those dome like anti aircraft guns because I hit, say, another jet, about thirty times with sustained bursts of fire and it does nothing. Brilliant!
I've given up on Jets and any flying thing, as soon as I get in it I either cant steer the thing and go out of bounds (Jet) or fly around aimlessly for a few minutes and then plummet to the floor (Helicopter).

I am much safer on the ground :DD
Yeah I got shot out of the sky on Karg Island almost seconds after leaving the battleship runway, had to eject then found myself about half a mile out to see.....spent at least 5 solid minutes swimming back to shore only to get plastered by an attack chopper :(

This game swings from ridiculously good fun to being ridiculously awful. Really odd.
How do you hit anything?! By the time I line myself up and clip something I've already flown over. I'm like tuta, hours in my jet and nothing, my progress bar shows just 40 points. It used to be the problem that I'd just fly around until I got bored but now I don't last any longer than 20 seconds, I instantly get shot down by an enemy jet pilot who's on a massive score.

Also, I started using stingers to try and take air vehicles out, I managed one chopper once but apart from that I lock on to, say, a jet, watch it following them in the sky, but almost 100% of the time it blows up just before it reaches them. I think they're using the flares to get rid of them at will.

So I can't shoot them down in a jet because they're highly skilled pilots with every gadget under the sun compared to my jet with no weapon upgrades at all, then on the ground you can't shoot them down because flares seem to immediately get rid of stingers. Add to that, I've given up trying to shoot vehicles down in those dome like anti aircraft guns because I hit, say, another jet, about thirty times with sustained bursts of fire and it does nothing. Brilliant!

I'm no Top Gun or anything. I've flown into crane derricks, smoke stacks and electricity pylons as much as the next man. Probably years of playing flight sims has helped me out a bit though. You just need to learn a few moves to keep behind enemy jets and stay on their tail (such as the Immelmann turn). Dab LT to lose airspeed if they try a sharp turn to get away. Don't use the afterburners when dogfighting as your turning circle is reduced. Always lead the target when firing unless you are directly behind them. To be honest getting an outright kill can be tough but I can disable aircraft quite easily with the cannons.

With stingers the trick is to try and get two fired off in quick succession before the target's flares are available again. This requires the target to stay within range long enough, though.

The AA gun emplacements are only really effective at short range as trying to lead the target and factor in bullet drop at long range is really tough. They can be devastating against enemy jets and choppers griefing your base though. A good tip is to use the left stick to quickly rotate the turret and use the right stick to aim. That way you can keep track of fast jets. A three or four second blast from the mini gun is usually enough to disable them. Once on Caspian Border an enemy jet made the mistake of trying a kamikaze attack on my AA gun by flying head-on down my gun sight. Needless to say he didn't get anywhere near me.:))
So I was intending on buying some Microsoft points to get the "Back to Karkland" map pack. I loaded up Battlefield today for the first time in maybe a couple of weeks and I get a message saying I had unlocked the Karkland!?

Not that I'm complaining but I thought you had to pay for this?
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