League 2
It's hugely satisfying. The constant tank whoreing provides a steady stream of customers, and because it's a support weapon I could keep rearming myself with fresh C4.
I love using the C4 too.
Haven't played much off Support. My main focus has first been on the Assault class, then the Recon class and then I found out Support had explosives in it. Mmmmm.... Explosives (Put in picture of Homer drooling.)
One thing I used a lot last night was when I was going into a Buggy in our Deployment as we didn't have any flags (Sharqi Peninsula).
I filled that bitch up with C4 using the Ammopack to resupply with fresh C4. Then I just drove around and was trying to find some infantry. I couldn't find any and just placed it at the foothill at B (Think it is called Spotting Point).
Then I went to the top of the Building Ground and just layed prone. Then 3 Russian assholes came running from the Building Ground up to B and I just pushed that sweet trigger off mine and saw them little dogs blow up in an instant, when that sweet C4 surrounded them with exploding metal and fire.
Jesus christ, I love this game.
Who is on PC on this?
Would be cool to get some nicks, so we can play a session together one night. Would be awesome to be in the same squad.