Battlefield 3

Yeah, AA is a killer, I forgot to mention that. I never really put that up high unless it's an older game, mostly just leave it around 2x or 4x.

what does aa do. I heard shadows can be heavy to so set that low.

I have daul caore 2.2 oc'd to 2.6ghz.

and 5770 1gb

You think I can keep my cpu and 3gb ddr2 ram and buy a 6950 2gb card or will my cpu and gpu bottleneck it?
what does aa do. I heard shadows can be heavy to so set that low.

I have daul caore 2.2 oc'd to 2.6ghz.

and 5770 1gb

You think I can keep my cpu and 3gb ddr2 ram and buy a 6950 2gb card or will my cpu and gpu bottleneck it?

AA removes the jaggy edges on all surfaces.
If you look at a wall or some stairs with it turned on and turned off you will clearly see what it does.

TBH you prob don't need to upgrade anything on your computer, you will be able to play most games maxed out, some you won't but even not maxed out it will always look better than consoles.
this is crazy hard on the pc.. going to take getting used to the controls.

i have put all my settings on high and turned vsync on

99% max my gpu

looks ok
So i was looking at the leaderboards for this game and checking out mine and my friend's stats, I have a k/d ratio of 1.1 which I'm surprised isn't a lot worse. Top of the overall leaderboard though is some dude who's got a k/d ratio of 48.0. FORTY EIGHT! I checked him out and he's only played for 8 hours or so and only got 4 kills with any weapon, but does have over 500 kills using the Tunguska tank. How's that possible? I get the odd kill in a tank but largely get plastered with multiple engineers and their rockets very quickly.

584 kills to 12 deaths is mental.
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My k/d is around about 0.7, which is pretty poor. It was normally about 0.9-1.0 in BC2, but then again I often used to do the dirty work no-one else could be bothered with like playing as a medic and defusing M-coms.
i thought i had kept my weapons from the xbox but that is not true so i am well and truely getting my ass kicked on PC

i am having difficulty moving around, but i can see why it would be good with the amount of action going on, it is crazy.

if i use the xbox controller i feel it doesn't quite work right and if i use the keyboard i am all finger and thumbs and don't know what to press lol
It's pretty sad that when you look on the Battlelog forums, there's tonnes of players posting in the vehicle & aircraft feedback topic that they feel there's
  • Not enough tanks on the new maps
  • Not enough tanks in general
  • A perfectly fine balance between tanks & infantry, but aircraft is too over-powered against tanks.
And it'll be these guys that the devs will take notice of. I tweeted the official BF account saying the tanks are over-powered and was given the link to the forums as a response. On CQ, I've hardly played the base maps lately and have pretty much stuck to Wake Island, Sharqi Peninsula & Gulf Of Oman. This is down to the fact that I usually don't encounter half as much tank domination as the base maps that I still play on (Firestorm, Caspian, Noshahr, Tehran & Kharg). Been playing Rush a bit more than usual, mainly on those 3 new maps I mentioned, perhaps enjoying it more than any other match setup in the game right now. Last night I popped 5 heads with the M98B from the carrier at the start on Wake before setting the charge for the first two charges, successfully. Used my friend MAVwina for the rest of the match and fucking stormed through a team of Colonels probably expecting to win by prestige...

I'm rank 43 now, KDR is 1.31 and my top 5 weapons in order are the G36C, UMP45, M98B, PDR-W and the M1911.
just overclocked cpu to 3.8ghz and i can now run BF on ultra settings - go figure

only on the rare occasion of slow up which doesnt cause any problems.

once i get used to keyboard and mouse, this is going to be awesome

64 playes on metro = carnage.

people reviving etc, lovely...
Just played it and had a great game, first time in a while. Joined a game late, team won, I only ended up with 9-2 but a good score as I was taking control of one point in particular. Went as support and found a spot on a building, put a bi-pod and sprayed and killed 2-3 people, then a tank come and did me and the building in.

I returned as the engineer and acted as a tank buster, mining the area and RPG'ing the hell out of them, as well as neutralizing and capturing the same spot the tanks were focusing on, ended up 3rd best score on the team in short time, and ranked up. Bonus!
My k/d is around about 0.7, which is pretty poor. It was normally about 0.9-1.0 in BC2, but then again I often used to do the dirty work no-one else could be bothered with like playing as a medic and defusing M-coms.

I jumped into your game last night, for once I was actually doing okay. I've unlocked the laser sight for my engineer gun and it seems to be taking people down a little easier.

I actually like the new maps. I still prefer Rush as a game mode though, it gives each team focus (and a general direction to head towards or defend) and seems to encourage more team play on the new maps in particular. It's still shit if one team doesn't play properly but I find some CQ matches almost encourage lone wolf style players.

Still, I'm baffled how anyone is that good in a tank. Nearly 600 kills to 12 deaths. If I'm not hit by engineer rockets I'm getting hammered by choppers and planes. It's odd, I think tanks are overpowered in terms of speed and protection against rockets from ground troops, but far too vulnerable from air vehicles. Even chopper machine gun fire rips through a tank in seconds.
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just overclocked cpu to 3.8ghz and i can now run BF on ultra settings - go figure

only on the rare occasion of slow up which doesnt cause any problems.

once i get used to keyboard and mouse, this is going to be awesome

64 playes on metro = carnage.

people reviving etc, lovely...

nice/ i should overclock my cpu especially now that its being cooled by water. just too damm lazy lol
I jumped into your game last night, for once I was actually doing okay. I've unlocked the laser sight for my engineer gun and it seems to be taking people down a little easier.

I actually like the new maps. I still prefer Rush as a game mode though, it gives each team focus (and a general direction to head towards or defend) and seems to encourage more team play on the new maps in particular. It's still shit if one team doesn't play properly but I find some CQ matches almost encourage lone wolf style players.

Still, I'm baffled how anyone is that good in a tank. Nearly 600 kills to 12 deaths. If I'm not hit by engineer rockets I'm getting hammered by choppers and planes. It's odd, I think tanks are overpowered in terms of speed and protection against rockets from ground troops, but far too vulnerable from air vehicles. Even chopper machine gun fire rips through a tank in seconds.

Still, the positive of having loads of tanks is plenty of mine kills. I had a good harvest last night, as well as taking down many a heli-whore with the stinger. Also I had a lot of fun directing mortars on freshly laid mines from the other team.

I'm more of a conquest man now. I used to love rush but I'm not having a great time with it in BF3. Talking of game modes do you remember 'war' mode from the old COD? It was last in COD3 (my favourite one online). Basically it was a cross between rush and conquest. Each team had a base either side of the map with five flags to capture evenly spread between the two bases. From kick off both sides have to capture the flag in the middle and the winner pushes the other side back to the flag next nearest the enemy base. The game was won when one side pushed the other back into their base and took their last flag. Essentially the flags had to be captured in sequence so the focus was always on one point on the map and the game would swing one way then the other as each side pushed the other back. Some games could last an hour and were absolute carnage and so much fun. I'd really love a mode like this in BF3. It would be the best of both worlds.
to anyone who plays this on the pc

do you change the default controls?

have any particular mouse button assign to anything?

struggling with the keyboard at the moment, using default
there was a 'war' mode on old bf and supposed to be for b2k its called conqeust assualt and the falgs have to be attacked in a linear order..
no i cant see it

they said it woudl be called conqeust assualt and it isnt even a server browser option

I've played conquest assault but the only difference is that all the flags are pre-captured by the other side at the start of the game. You don't have to capture them in sequence, it's just like a normal game of conquest except you're up against it from the start.
Re: Re: Battlefield 3

Talking of game modes do you remember 'war' mode from the old COD? It was last in COD3 (my favourite one online). Basically it was a cross between rush and conquest. Each team had a base either side of the map with five flags to capture evenly spread between the two bases. From kick off both sides have to capture the flag in the middle and the winner pushes the other side back to the flag next nearest the enemy base. The game was won when one side pushed the other back into their base and took their last flag. Essentially the flags had to be captured in sequence so the focus was always on one point on the map and the game would swing one way then the other as each side pushed the other back. Some games could last an hour and were absolute carnage and so much fun. I'd really love a mode like this in BF3. It would be the best of both worlds.
I remember this from COD: World At War. Was a lot of fun, I too would like to see it in BF3.

Did anyone else know that aircraft cannot destroy MAVs by crashing into them? Was using MAVwina last night and a chopper hit her, started spewing flames and crashed down below. She was luckily unaffected. Looked it up online and it's commonly experienced.
I remember this from COD: World At War. Was a lot of fun, I too would like to see it in BF3.

Shit, I forgot it was in WAW as well! Must be something to do with the Treyarch games. Do you reckon anyone is still playing it online? COD3 was the golden period for war mode in my opinion. I had some of my best experiences with an online FPS in that game. A simpler time with no perks or upgrades to worry about, just a few classes of soldier with fixed load-outs.

Shall we start a petition for war mode in BF3? Let's go straight to the top.
I've played conquest assault but the only difference is that all the flags are pre-captured by the other side at the start of the game. You don't have to capture them in sequence, it's just like a normal game of conquest except you're up against it from the start.

yeh thats right...
The last time I played WAW on PS3 was around 10, 11 months ago. There was on average 4,000 or so online and most played TDM, some of the modes were completely dead. Sadly, it's hacked to shit too. More moonjumps than when I've hit my 10th coffee by lunch
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