Battlefield 3

do jets get more useful once you have upgrades and unlocks?

problem is I cant get any xp in jets anyway lol
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This thread isn't depressing at all...

What's depressing is that I joined a game tonight and my team were losing 27-195, and one of our team members was standing in a corner of the map drawing cocks on the wall with a repair tool.

I don't know what's going on, on BC2 I was regularly scoring the likes of 25/30 kills and just 5-10 deaths per match, since playing BF3 I'm taking a beating. My last match I finished 5-17. Other players seem to kill me in an instant, whereas I usually take an entire clip to take someone down. One guy shot me NINE times in one match, and he finished on nearly 40 kills. I even crept up and shot him in the back, while the bullets were hitting him he turned round and bullet spray from his gun clipped me and down I went.

It feels like lag to me. If I get shot I die instantly with one bullet. Maybe that port forwarding thing might work, because something's not right.
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I'm beginning to really fucking hate this game now, every match is a shambolic thrashing in favour of the other team. Every match features random squad mates either doing nothing at all or pissing about, and a level on Caspian Border took the biscuit. It was a thrashing. I got in a tank, 20 seconds later a guy on level 48 or something blows me up from his jet. I then respawn, get into a truck, drive halfway across the massive expanse of nothing, get blown up by a fucking claymore lying in a river. So then I respawn again, in my base as no-one else was around, there are no vehicles so I then have to trudge across the map for about three fucking minutes only to get instantly killed by a tank shell from a camping tank half a mile away on a hill. Awful.

I then finally manage to make it from the base to the action, sneak up on a guy, unload TWO clips into him, he shoots me with a rocket. Pathetic. There are more rockets being fired in this that actual guns. And the lag/hit detection is bordering on unplayable.

As for cheating, well I just got killed by someone going by the name of 'Aimbot' who has a dogtag boasting over 700 Jet kills. Hmm.
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Console. EVERYONE seems like they're playing like an asshole. Just jumped into a jeep in my base, only to discover someone had run in, laid mines around the jeep, and lay prone in a dark corner. Fuck sake.
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Console. EVERYONE seems like they're playing like an asshole. Just jumped into a jeep in my base, only to discover someone had run in, laid mines around the jeep, and lay prone in a dark corner. Fuck sake.

Prob explians it, Im enjoying the game on PC and often find many guys playing it properly.

But guys with high spec pcs and pc gamers are old skool counter strike, bf1942 players etc..

Consolers are COd guys.
LOL I don't think so, I didn't stay long enough to find out! This is the same guy though who was backing up our team in an alleyway firefight by lying prone at the foot of some stairs armed with his repair tool again.....
What's depressing is that I joined a game tonight and my team were losing 27-195, and one of our team members was standing in a corner of the map drawing cocks on the wall with a repair tool.

I don't know what's going on, on BC2 I was regularly scoring the likes of 25/30 kills and just 5-10 deaths per match, since playing BF3 I'm taking a beating. My last match I finished 5-17. Other players seem to kill me in an instant, whereas I usually take an entire clip to take someone down. One guy shot me NINE times in one match, and he finished on nearly 40 kills. I even crept up and shot him in the back, while the bullets were hitting him he turned round and bullet spray from his gun clipped me and down I went.

It feels like lag to me. If I get shot I die instantly with one bullet. Maybe that port forwarding thing might work, because something's not right.

That is one of the funniest things I've ever read on here LT. Fucking classic. :LOL:
Yo LTFC, I know you are hating the game more than anything right now, but man, that is some hilarious stuff. That is pretty clever to setup a vehicle as a booby trap, too bad the dude was just hanging out in a dark corner though.
Oh well yet another of my favourite games completely ruined, I agree it feels more like COD with vehicles. Fucking EA and DICE pandering to the masses.

On BC2 some rush matches were epic, lasting up to an hour a game. In 10 or more rush matches on BF3 tonight each set of objectives would be blown up inside 2-3 minutes each. As a game mode it's unplayable.

Some other things. I'm noticing more Nd more that people are either running and gunning to great success while shooting from the hip, COD style, or they're just lying prone in dark corners or bushes. Prone has singularly ruined this game, the levels of cheap prone abuse are amazing. People must actually spend half the game lying in a dark corner.

Oh, and what's with people using sprint to run like superman? People can use the perk to outrun your aiming. Fucking lunacy.
Is that a timed PS3 exclusive until xbox gets it on 13th?

Yeah, I forget the details, but it was exclusive for PS3 owners of the game that they would get the DLC a week early, not sure if it had to be the limited edition one as well, but regardless, I have it and I love the extra maps. Granted, it's still the same game play that will drive you nuts LTFC, BUT it is loads of fun!

Obviously there is a learning curve for newbies like myself seeing as these are familiar grounds from BC2, so I was definitely playing vets of the previous game. Regardless, some real nice variety is added by having these new maps along with the older ones. It's funny, but after you finish a round of rush or domination (capture the flag or whatever it is called again) on one of the new maps, but the next round is on one of the older maps, everyone leaves the lobby to re-enter one of the new maps... who could blame them though, we all want to play the DLC.

I think all you prior BC2 fans will like the maps...
New maps look nice and all as expected, but it makes no difference to the gaming experience. It's fast as fuck, random and annoying right now. Spawn camping is worse than in BFBC2, vehicles raping deployments again & again. Hip-firing is too accurate, the RPGs should have less ammo and the general spawn locations are often terrible. I don't expect to spawn at a captured base inbetween two or three camped enemies already looking at me - four times in a row this happened last night on Caspian Border. I can't blame map size for this. It was (D) with no-one else but the two enemies around, firing from the same roof.

Biggest problem, by far, is the tanks. Way too overpowered. They need slowing down, cannon & turret slowed down and nerfed armor strength. They've a stack of gadgets, great speed, power. Too much when combined with the bad spawn locations & deployment rape. The next patch coming up (details here: is reducing the amount of AT mines you can place, they'll disappear after you die. From recent experience, I'm lucky not to be killed by a tank when laying a AT mine in a place that they'll actually go AND where they might not see it, what with their thermal vision, proximity scans and Action Replay codes...

There are some other things in the patch that are good, but I'd still love to see an automatic shit team player removal system.
Hmmm I think Mines are already useless now they appear on the radar, now they are disappearing after death?
Vehicles will be even more overpowered now.
Why not limit the overall number of mine you can place.
Diz game is pissing me off.
Mines should not disappear when you die. They should only go when detonated or destroyed. That's a baffling decision which will make tanks even more difficult to destroy.

There are too many vehicles on the big maps if you ask me and not enough actual infantry combat. I was playing Operation Firestorm yesterday and each side has two jets, an attack helicopter, a scout helicopter, three tanks plus jeeps. At one point all eight aircraft were in the sky plus about four tanks doing battle. Basically half the team messing about in vehicles. RPGs don't seem to damage tanks as much as they did in BC2, even with the explosions upgrade. Stingers are fairly pointless against aircraft as the flares are overpowered.

So technically you want unlimited mines?

Doesn't work like that really. It didn't in BC2. You'd only get about 3-4 mines which you'd need to use in one spot to effectively take out a tank anyways, and you really don't get to lay that many down due to the size of maps. I never got that many mine kills in BC2 at any rate, but it was very fun to lay some down, then ten minutes later suddenly have a vehicle destroy and multiple kills pop up on your screen when you'd actually forgotten you'd laid them down in the first place.
Mines should not disappear when you die. They should only go when detonated or destroyed. That's a baffling decision which will make tanks even more difficult to destroy.

There are too many vehicles on the big maps if you ask me and not enough actual infantry combat. I was playing Operation Firestorm yesterday and each side has two jets, an attack helicopter, a scout helicopter, three tanks plus jeeps. At one point all eight aircraft were in the sky plus about four tanks doing battle. Basically half the team messing about in vehicles. RPGs don't seem to damage tanks as much as they did in BC2, even with the explosions upgrade. Stingers are fairly pointless against aircraft as the flares are overpowered.


Agreed. This is why Rush matches are a waste of time. People consistently run in and set charges then there's no-one to defuse them because they're half a mile away trying to spawn camp in a tank or do loop the loops in their jet. Rush just doesn't work in this game, it takes the attacking team barely a minute or two before destroying them all every time.

New maps look nice and all as expected, but it makes no difference to the gaming experience. It's fast as fuck, random and annoying right now. Spawn camping is worse than in BFBC2, vehicles raping deployments again & again. Hip-firing is too accurate, the RPGs should have less ammo and the general spawn locations are often terrible. I don't expect to spawn at a captured base inbetween two or three camped enemies already looking at me - four times in a row this happened last night on Caspian Border. I can't blame map size for this. It was (D) with no-one else but the two enemies around, firing from the same roof.

Biggest problem, by far, is the tanks. Way too overpowered. They need slowing down, cannon & turret slowed down and nerfed armor strength. They've a stack of gadgets, great speed, power. Too much when combined with the bad spawn locations & deployment rape. The next patch coming up (details here: is reducing the amount of AT mines you can place, they'll disappear after you die. From recent experience, I'm lucky not to be killed by a tank when laying a AT mine in a place that they'll actually go AND where they might not see it, what with their thermal vision, proximity scans and Action Replay codes...

There are some other things in the patch that are good, but I'd still love to see an automatic shit team player removal system.

Agree with so many of these points.

1. Speed is too fast and frenetic. Some player perks such as 'sprint' are far too fast also. If a player is out in the open, he should be a sitting duck. Instead, I can hit him repeatedly, but once he starts running it's really hard to keep up through your sights.

2. Hip firing is rampant in this, which is why I encounter so many people sprinting round corners as in COD.

3. Rockets. Yep, too many. Most games consist of dozens of people spamming rocket fire down corridoors.

4. Tanks are a shambles. I can't play the game without encountering a tank within 20-30 seconds. On one match, I didn't encounter an infantry soldier for about 10 minutes, and as I wasn't an engineer I spent the entire time hiding from the frickin' things. All it does is encourage EVERYONE to play as engineer class, hence the additional hoards of rocket spamming across the map. Now that the mines are being patched, it'll make things worse.

It does feel more like COD to me, probably more because of the way people choose to play it, but the maps don't help. The city maps encourage running and gunning from the hip, or camping players in windows, or the more rural maps encourage camping lying prone in bushes and vehicle abuse. Previous BF games, even including the Bad Company spin offs, had a good sense of a gaming community who wanted something tactical, something different, and something large scale. As a victim of it's own success, BF3 seems to have removed a lot of this feeling, of a 'like minded' set of players. I've played the game for about 7 or so hours in the last half a week and can't remember a single match where our team were doing anything to help each other win the objective. It's all lone gunmen and COD style 'twitch' players hammering the shit out of everyone on the map. I mean seriously, I encountered a team last night where half the players on both teams had already presiged up to SEVEN times over already.

The game also feels a LOT like Medal of Honor, which is what I'd feared from the pre-game footage. It seems to have blended a lot of that game into the BF series, which seems odd because Medal of Honor was a massive flop.
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New maps look nice and all as expected, but it makes no difference to the gaming experience. It's fast as fuck, random and annoying right now. Spawn camping is worse than in BFBC2, vehicles raping deployments again & again. Hip-firing is too accurate, the RPGs should have less ammo and the general spawn locations are often terrible. I don't expect to spawn at a captured base inbetween two or three camped enemies already looking at me - four times in a row this happened last night on Caspian Border. I can't blame map size for this. It was (D) with no-one else but the two enemies around, firing from the same roof.

Biggest problem, by far, is the tanks. Way too overpowered. They need slowing down, cannon & turret slowed down and nerfed armor strength. They've a stack of gadgets, great speed, power. Too much when combined with the bad spawn locations & deployment rape. The next patch coming up (details here: is reducing the amount of AT mines you can place, they'll disappear after you die. From recent experience, I'm lucky not to be killed by a tank when laying a AT mine in a place that they'll actually go AND where they might not see it, what with their thermal vision, proximity scans and Action Replay codes...

There are some other things in the patch that are good, but I'd still love to see an automatic shit team player removal system.

Mines should not disappear when you die. They should only go when detonated or destroyed. That's a baffling decision which will make tanks even more difficult to destroy.

There are too many vehicles on the big maps if you ask me and not enough actual infantry combat. I was playing Operation Firestorm yesterday and each side has two jets, an attack helicopter, a scout helicopter, three tanks plus jeeps. At one point all eight aircraft were in the sky plus about four tanks doing battle. Basically half the team messing about in vehicles. RPGs don't seem to damage tanks as much as they did in BC2, even with the explosions upgrade. Stingers are fairly pointless against aircraft as the flares are overpowered.


IMO tanks can be taken out with a couple rpgs,,,or a mine,,,,They may be pwoerful on the one hand but on the other quite easily destroyed. Though it does make it pointless to go any class expect engineer aint it.

Mines should last forever but 1 person should be able to only have a max of 10 mines on the battlefield at 1 point. So, if they lay an 11th mine, mine 1 dissapaerd and so on...

Also on pc 64 man servers the balance of vehicels to infantry is prob more fair? if 32 players or whatever consolse is 26? 28 then i see how too many vehcisles could suck
1 person can lay 10 mines at once?


The battlefield would be an absolute mess with that many mines around.

I can't believe they're nerfing the mines... that is going to ruin the game completely for me. I already stopped playing due to the bugs, idiots and unbalanced match making hoping the patch would fix the problems. It just doesn't have that 'one more go' feel that the previous games had, partly due to the map design, partly due to the flashlight and red dot light being spammed, partly due to vehicles being overpowered...

Instead they're doing stupid things like making your mines vanish when you die to give those in vehicles AN EVEN BIGGER ADVANTAGE!?

That is the final straw, I'll be trading my copy now.
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IMO tanks can be taken out with a couple rpgs,,,or a mine,,,,They may be pwoerful on the one hand but on the other quite easily destroyed. Though it does make it pointless to go any class expect engineer aint it.

Mines should last forever but 1 person should be able to only have a max of 10 mines on the battlefield at 1 point. So, if they lay an 11th mine, mine 1 dissapaerd and so on...

Also on pc 64 man servers the balance of vehicels to infantry is prob more fair? if 32 players or whatever consolse is 26? 28 then i see how too many vehcisles could suck

Really? I usually take two direct, clear impacts to a tank to disable it, then another two to blow up, during which the tank either nails you with splash damage while you're hiding and reloading your rockets, or the drivers just bail and shoot you when you're reloading etc....
I encountered a team last night where half the players on both teams had already presiged up to SEVEN times over already.

Wow, and I thought I had no life. I am still having a hell of a time working on number 1!

In regards to the updates, that WOULD be horrible if the mines disappear upon your death. Personally, I have been playing Support more often than others, so I will sneak up a tank and decorate that bugger like a christmas tree so that I can bomb it all to hell. Otherwise, the mines are really the best deterrent against tanks just driving straight into close quarter combat areas.

Like I said overall though, my experience has not been as jaded. I know it could be even better if I had a mic so that I can communicate with people. I am pretty sure if I wanted to, there are people in the battlelog forums that are in the same boat as us. Regretfully, I am just a weekend warrior when it comes to playing this game...

Do y'all try playing any of the team modes besides death match to see if there are more people trying to play as a team?
Really? I usually take two direct, clear impacts to a tank to disable it, then another two to blow up, during which the tank either nails you with splash damage while you're hiding and reloading your rockets, or the drivers just bail and shoot you when you're reloading etc....

yeh 2 for dsiable 1 to destroy

But put it the other way if you are in tank and knew it only takes 1-2 rpgs to take you out that would suck.

it should take 3-4+ rpgs to take out a tank. If people played in squads and 2-3 engineers are attacking a tank thats only 1 rpg each, plus with mines, c4 etc....if he gets out to reapir one guy can take him down easy.

Fact is if you are on your own vs tank it sucks as you need maybe 3-4 rpgs to take him down and he may get out for reapirs also.

But think about it 1 man vs 1 tank in reality and in a game should have no should take 3-4 guys working as a team to take out a tank.....

When Im on my own and see a tank coem round I know im a dead man and thats the way it should be...If Im witha few guys and see a tank coming then i know I have a chance.
Do y'all try playing any of the team modes besides death match to see if there are more people trying to play as a team?

huh i never play team death match lol, maybe thats your problem...deathamtch is for rambos who wanna rack up kills.

I play conquest and soemtimes rush..these are team games.
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