- 17 August 2010
- Luton Town
It's not a patch on Bad Company 2.

The maps just aren't engaging, absolutely no-one tries to play properly, all the aircraft barely do anything, and that's speaking as someone who never even flies them, and some of the maps where you start off in an aircraft carrier are the biggest pain in the arse. If there's no-one to spawn on and no vehicles, you have to fucking swim across to the beach? Seriously? It takes ages.
It's a really good game but the 'one more go' factor that had me playing BFBC2 just isn't there. Don't know what it is, but it's missing something. I played a lot of Rush matches on BC2 that were epic, going for 45 minutes or longer, involving mass stand offs between both teams. That factor just isn't there. Everyone is constantly scattered, there's no real scope to offer much support for your team mates as you hardly see any of them. If you do, they're running and gunning on their own.
Well this was my most anticipated game of the year along with the new PES, and I'm not getting along great at all with either

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