Battlefield 3

Have you not see the caspian border map and how huge that is? it would be pretty crap having just 24 players max in the large map on the console. the batle itself would feel empty imo.

Also i dont keep bleating on console gamers. That is not my intentions. Yes not everyone can afford a pc or want to play on pc, all i have said during this thread is that how the best version to play BF3 is the pc.

Many console people here slag off pc gamers more then the other way round. Saying how every single game on pc can be hacked(as if u your forced to play on hacked servers) and how you got to spend £500-£1000 every month to keep up with tech etc So its swings and roundabouts.

i build my pc nearly 3 years, yea thats righ 3 years ago and have hardly touched and upgraded parts for it yet it can play this beta on highest settings. that cost me £1000 admitetdly but that was 3 years ago.

One thing consoles have helped for pc users is that because 9/10 games are console ports, 3 year old pc's like mine can still play the latest games.

The downside of console ports IMO is that some games are dumbed down. i.e easier to play and complete(regen health, unlimited ammo, glowing shit in the game that tells u where to go and what to find and pick up in games), shortter SP campaigns etc etc. This is because the main target audience is console fans.

Look at FIFA and PES. plenty and i mean plenty of people bitching about easy ping pong passing, legacy mode defending and so on. Many here want a proper hardcore footy sim yet there is none. why? because console fans (usuually young pick up and play users) want easy pick up and play footy games.

To think that consoles are not dumbing down certain games is delusional IMO. I bet you are one of those who wished FIFA/PES diddnt have any assisted bullshit settings in it at all and make it purely semi/manual control of passing and shooting but because the target audience is not us but pick up and play guys, you will never see a proper hardcore footy game.

Fact is, some games are getting shorter SP campaigns and more easy controls/gameplay mechanics that make it easier for the average console gamer to just pick up a pad and start shooting people or banging in goals left right and centre without learning HOW to master shooting well and/or learning how to shoot accurately(Arma 2 type games).

That's right, all people who play with consoles are like clapping seals waiting for a fish to be thrown. They all need dumbed down games because we all want to play games that don't make you think? Don't make me laugh.

Oh and Single player campaigns are being made shorter, why? Because effectively you're trying to say console gamers (all hundreds of millions of them) seem to be suffering from some sort of attention deficiency disorder. Really? For fuck sake. Couldn't be because games companies are realising the increasing emphasis on the online multiplayer side of a game, and so putting more effort into that than single player? Games like MAG are already showing this trend, it has no single player campaign whatsoever.

It is like talking to a brick wall. I'm very happy you like your PC. I just don't need to hear it, and I don't need to hear how the console market is collectively making games worse. It's crap. And it's the end of conversion.

On another point, let's get back to talking about BF3?
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That's right, all people who play with consoles are like clapping seals waiting for a fish to be thrown. They all need dumbed down games because we all want to play games that don't make you think? Don't make me laugh.

Oh and Single player campaigns are being made shorter, why? Because effectively you're trying to say console gamers (all hundreds of millions of them) seem to be suffering from some sort of attention deficiency disorder. Really? For fuck sake. Couldn't be because games companies are realising the increasing emphasis on the online multiplayer side of a game, and so putting more effort into that than single player? Games like MAG are already showing this trend, it has no single player campaign whatsoever.

It is like talking to a brick wall. I'm very happy you like your PC. I just don't need to hear it, and I don't need to hear how the console market is collectively making games worse. It's crap. And it's the end of conversion.

On another point, let's get back to talking about BF3?

Did i say all? fucksakes cant you read? i said the majority target audience for certain games are casual pick up and play people. not u and i who want hardcore sim footy games.

This conversation about casual gamers and why fifa wont ever be a hardcore sim has been talked to death in the fifa threads for many years.

Not everyone is into playing MP games. some people do like umm u know a good lengthy SP game right. there hard to come by nowadays as you say, many games target MP rather then SP. But even SP focused games still have short SP campaigns like Heavy rain and metal gear.

Easy pick up and play games is what sells more volumes in most situations
Haha, some games have what you've specifically explained, but that's because they want it in their game not because it's coming out on console.

In fact to argue your statement about shorter campaigns because it's on the console (which makes no sense at all), hasn't BF campaign got extended ;) As before it didn't have one. So where's the consoles credit due for that haha. But then again, we all will now have unlimited ammo and the enemies will be glowing and highlighted so it's not too hard.

*edit* - Also from earlier to the person who commented on my question about what would I need to play this game well. You posted a link, I presume your saying buy that whole computer and get that graphics card? So essentially I could just get a good graphics card or some say two, and then I will probably take my 4GB and whack that up to 8GB at some point anyway hopefully that will do.
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Did i say all? fucksakes cant you read? i said the majority target audience for certain games are casual pick up and play people. not u and i who want hardcore sim footy games.

Yes I was being sarcastic. Blimey.

Oh and I never said single player games are hard to come by. But certain types of games, FPS in particular, have become massive recently because of multiplayer. COD, Battlefield to name just two. So yeah, if the majority of people who buy those games care more about the MP side of things then the companies will make SP a shorter experience and pool their resources on the MP side of the game. But that's not to say that consoles tend to produce short casual games. That's bollocks. Mass Effect, the Final Fantasy, Fable, and Fallout (which is also on PC, I know) are a number of hugely popular console games that are both hardcore and have massive SP lengths. So, no, consoles and their audiences aren't dumbing down games, even when speaking in generalities. Some of the biggest games on console are lengthy, hardcore games.

Either way, I'm taking Jaygrim's idea and adding to the ignore list, at least until we stop getting lectured on how brilliant PC gaming is, and how it's apparently suffering from being dumbed down by consoles and their pandering to target audiences.

End of conversation, and learn to pick up sarcasm.
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Going prone allows people to get into awkward and favaourable situations, I've been killed a few times by players who are lying prone next to an MCOM station but half of their body is going through a wall or a door.

That's physically impossible.
Going prone allows people to get into awkward and favaourable situations, I've been killed a few times by players who are lying prone next to an MCOM station but half of their body is going through a wall or a door.

That's physically impossible.

Yea that can be annoying. its teh reason why prone was removed from BC1 and 2
Just tried it again after a couple days of absence and its kinda of sucking, people found out some advantages and they keep exploiting them.
If I don't get an organized team this will be unplayable.
I really dont think prone is actualy hurting the gameplay...I think its great the way it just have to know where to spot them and not run across the map like your playing COD. You have to be careful, prone make the game way better IMO.
I'm liking the beta at the moment. There's some annoyances but on the whole it's enjoyable, fun and rewarding. Was struggling at times with the indoor section of Operation Metro but since I've put a 1x zoom infrared scope on my sniper rifle I am buzzing for that train station.

Really looking forward to the full game, if all the bugs from the beta are corrected as expected then I'll be gaming in the nude three weeks from now.
Yeah, I had been enjoying the game even more recently, played last night and was 9-0 with the Sniper defending at the first MCOM station, which I think was B. Which ever one is closer to the wall... but yeah was sniping and doing damage, then moving and getting some pistol action on the go.

Definitely been getting a bit more used to it. The prone is good, doesn't hurt the game play at all I find, haven't noticed it making it ultimately hard. Just you need to be a lot more careful and alert.

I also like the bi-pod not having to go prone and being able to put it on top of cover standing or crouching if it's the right height.
Posted from the Final Hours event :

EA & DICE pulled out all the stops, hosting the Final Hours event in San Francisco, CA at the posh Terra Event Center to show press never-before-seen footage of all 9 multiplayer maps to be shipped with Battlefield 3, as well as new co-op missions and new singleplayer missions. While PC was the main platform showing off the singleplayer portion, I was able to hop on both Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the multiplayer, and let me tell you, if you were concerned about the game after experiencing often bug-ridden beta, you will sleep soundly knowing that this most recent build of the game played (and looked) like a game ready to be shipped. As DICE producer Patrick Bach reassured me, this most recent build that I experienced is STILL not the final build.

Though all 9 maps were present and playable, I was able to play through 3: Operation Firestorm – Conquest (Xbox 360), Caspian Border – Conquest (PS3) and Grand Bazaar – Rush (Xbox 360).

Here are a few of my thoughts from the maps and a list of improvements I noticed from the beta:

Operation Firestorm – Conquest (Xbox 360)
•A linear map with three flag captures, desert setting, like a cross between Arica Harbor of BFBC2 and Gulf of Oman of BF2.
•Each team has a plethora of vehicles including 2 jets, 2 choppers, tanks and jeeps.
•All flag captures are in the middle of a giant oil refinery spanning most of the map. The refinery contains a lot of tall structures, ladders, cranes, and construction buildings. Great for snipers.
•Though scaled for consoles, map still felt really large. I never once hit the boundaries while flying a jet. Map’s size slightly smaller than Heavy Metal.

Grand Bazaar – Rush (Xbox 360)
I’m not as big a fan of rush, but this map was really fun!
•Middle Eastern setting, lots of alleyways, quick corners, rooms and offshoots to get to the objectives. Found myself a little backwards at times which made it feel less linear.
•Impressive ambient lighting from porch lights and sun, great atmospherics made the city feel life-like.
•Map seem to turn directions as objectives were taken

Caspian Border – Conquest (PS3)
•Though DICE has said the map has been scaled down to fit consoles still, felt very large. Environment looked the same as PC, objectives seem closer than the PC counterpart, that’s really the only difference.
•Lighting effects were phenomenal on this map. Found myself blinded by the sun more than once in a dogfight.
•24 players still felt really fun on this map. I didn’t find myself having to search for people to kill.

New improvements since the beta:
•First thing I noticed on the consoles were the graphics. They looked much better than the beta. Textures were smoother, character movements were much more fluid, and environments seemed to have more warmth to them. Also, the lighting was more dynamic, atmospherics more gritty and present, things just seem to run smoother on this build. All the frame rate issues, glitches, pops and sound drops of the beta were nowhere to be found. Bach reiterated that the beta was already a month and a half old before it was launched because of the time it takes to certify for release. It’s amazing how much polish they were able to put on the game since the beta.

Gameplay changes:
•When placing a spawn beacon or a enemy motion sensor as a sniper, the devices would appear red indicating that it could not be placed in that location. When the device could be placed, it would turn yellow. Very helpful visual cue as the beta gave no cue.
•Your player screen loses color saturation as a new visual indicator (besides the timer) when you go out of bounds.
•Same sort of visual indicator as the out of bounds screen appears but with blood surrounding it when you’re low on health.
•Hit boxes were dramatically improved. My bullets didn’t magically go through enemies’ torsos.
•When running as the assault/medic class, the visual indicator of an incapacitated teammate is more prominent with a circle surrounding the defrib symbol now.
•Jet stick controls on console are similar to BF1943 on console. If you don’t prefer those controls, they are completely customizable. Also, when your jet is low on health, it becomes a little more difficult to control until it is completely incapacitated and falls from the sky. Y (or triangle) switches between your heat-seeking missiles and your cannon. R-bumper (or R1) deploys smoke.
•Flying choppers felt almost exactly like BFBC2. Was able to fly right away.
•Changing views in the vehicles has been moved back to the R-stick much like BFBC1 unlike up on the D-pad on BFBC2.
•Parachutes take little longer to deploy than BFBC2, and while in the air they are a little harder to control to your destination.
•Death animations look more realistic. No more funky physics where their body flies 30 feet across the screen after being killed. Player’s eyes are closed when they die.
•Knifing animation looks a lot better, especially when knifing someone on the ground.
•Frostbite 2 was in full effect in terms of destruction. Buildings were tumbling down, everything was being destroyed around me in most every map I played.
•The amount of damage it takes to kill an enemy on regular mode seems a little less than the beta.
•I was able to equip the knife on the PS3 build. Not sure about the Xbox 360.
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Played on a much better lobby yesterday, which my team was in so much synch, making the game 1000x better, when we were attacking it was like an offensive line advancing, defending pretty much the same thing defending way upfront.

The odd thing is that they changed the teams while people were leaving, which its ok cause both teams were playing it so right, but I stayed in an enemy squad, and we could still spawn on each other, took me a while to figure it out there was an enemy right next to me.

But now I'm definitely getting this and try to make friends that play like a team.
Yeah playing as a team's the best part :) Those impressions from the final hours event sound awesome by the way!
But now I'm definitely getting this and try to make friends that play like a team.

BC2 (and BF2 or so my friend says) is fantastic in a working team.

  • A real recon player covering you as you advancing or holding down a flag.
  • A medic and assault working in tandem to take down enemies that outnumber them.
  • The engineer kicking ass in close range and wrecking any vehicles that come by (they're also good in Infantry maps with the right kit).

It's one of my favourite games when it all works like this, and when you play with mates like i do (we all stick to our favourite classes), then it's effective and a good laugh to boot :BOP:
What I find is, people either prefer using keyboard & mouse on FPS games, or they prefer using a controller, simple as that imo. I've always been a keyboard & mouse type player, but I can play some FPS games on console if they arent available on PC.

BF3 is damn awesome, loving the Beta, looks great on my new gfx card \o/
Realised the Grand Bazaar commentary above was on the PS3 and looked amazing. Can't wait.

But a shock that they think the campaign is dull. Although I guess in comparison to MW3 (from what I have seen of the trailer) most will look dull haha.
I know you get games in 3D so it looks like the image is coming at you, wouldn't it nice to be say in 4D so the fucking bullet could rip through the screen and SHUT JONNEY UP!
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