your true american eh? sorry for reporting the views...not blind at allno racism in america...just for songs and your mixed black/white/italian and your spanish and I`m twisted then so be it!
I'm amazed. You stated you are a teacher but you have the grammatical skills of a three year old. I seriously coudn't understand any of this incoherent rambling you just posted. I think it would be in your best interest to take a crash course in the art of punctuation and spelling, atleast then you might sound smart. Seriously, if these is what you teach your kids in school, you deserve to have your teaching license taken away. God forbid, you teach elementary school kids, because younger kids tend to believe BS like this because they're gullable and don't know any better. Leave the racial profiling to others, it's obvious you're no good.
One final thing, Italians didn't drive anyone out of the eastern United States(at least that's what I got from trying to decipher one of your posts). Us Guidos just happened to settle around NYC. It's not our fault the Germans and Swedes went inland.