lo zio
- 24 October 2005
- Palermo
the very weird thing is that we had to wait someone to die, before even thinking of applying Pisanu act the way it should be..
it's so ridicolous!
u're right mate, it's ridicolous, but often revolutions born from tragedies

Could be a good thing to try yeah. From what I have heard, the Italian police are pretty lazy. They stand around waiting for trouble. Then when it kicks off they charge in with batons hitting anybody they see. They should single out the bad individuals before the fighting has a chance to develop. Then a lot of innocent people caught up in the event could avoid the violence. This is what they do in England.
well mate, what u heard is true. actually that's exactly what usually happens. but i wouldn't say it's because they're lazy. it's more about preparation. i mean, controlling a stadium is a very hard test for the police. u have to be cool, well prepared, focused on what happens in the ends, and, most important, u have always to know what to do in every circumstances; cos when "shit happens" u haven't the time to think what to do, u have to react immediately. if u're not prepared, if u're not confident, some thugs will see your pain, your confusion, and will take advantage of it (and when u're scared u may even start hitting anybody u see, wich is extremely dangerous, coz it increase ultras anger against the police)
i'd say our police is quite unprepared. that's why Marukomu idea sounds great to me. and in my opinion it won't even be so hard or expensive to do.

But there's even one other very big problem.
our criminal law is very advanced. sure one of the most advanced in the world. italian criminal law (like french criminal law) is mostly influenced bu illuministic principles, and that's great. Our criminal system provides some very important guarantees for the culprit (is culprit the right word? btw i mean those person who are waiting for a sentence).
this usually brings to a fair judgement. But it also opens the doors to the chance (for some kind of crimes) for the criminals to avoid the prison (if they never violated the law before). if i remember well, in common law systems this is known as "parole".
well, talking about ultras, that's a very big problem, as they usually manage to avoid prison..... well there's no need to say that repression is a very big factor if we really want to solve this problem.
we have to elaborate a specific procedural discipline for this kind of crimes, or theese thugs will start to feel like they're "unbeatable". we did it for trials against mafiosi, i guess we have to do it for ultras too.
just yesterday a policeman who was Filippo Raciti's friend, said that agent Raciti, just last week was witness in a trial against an ultras. well, Raciti said to his friend that that ultras left the court with not even a day of jail.... he said that, while he was leaving the court, that bastard was laughing at him

well, that's another problem we have to solve. a good law is important. a correct application of the law is even more important
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