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Exactly, is paying too much for both of them, an absolute nonsense in my oppinion.
Barcelona won't sell Villa. Probably Rossi is not coming and only Alexis and another player (maybe Cesc, maybe not, it's in Arsenal hands). Barcelona has 45 M€ to spend, and add to that the money the club gets for players like Bojan, Jeffren, Maxwell (if sold), Milito (if any), Jonathan soriano and other boys form la masia that are going away this summer. And add the latest installments for Ibra from Milan (all big clubs always pay late, that's so bloody true).
So, theorically, Barcelona could buy Alexis and Cesc without getting rid of Villa. And if Thiago goes to Arsenal, it's even easier (and you would have the winning end of the swap, but that's my personal oppinion).
my opinion is....
1st Cesc situation seems to be in Barca`s court to be frank.
2nd Thiago will be great but NO Thanks! it will be merry -go-round Cesc part II .
3rd I know you support Arsenal after Barca ,but you must see Cecs is more of a want then a need.Hence why you feel his value is low .