AC Milan Thread

Re: The AC Milan Thread

Well, it really isn't that bad is it? Over the past 4 years, the holders have never gotten past the last 16. Porto, Liverpool, Barcelona and now Milan.
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Re: The AC Milan Thread

Gutted to see Milan go out... it just ruined a great night, even though i am a Juve fan... i just hope Inter rolls liverpool over.

But on a real note... I only Wish Milan took the games a lot more serious. they lost the game due to the fact that they did not press Arsenal down... its as simple as that!!!
Re: The AC Milan Thread

The old men label is the stupidest label around. The oldest man on the pitch was the best defender last night- Maldini. Our midfield isnt even that old, its around 28/29 average. Our oldest players are our sidebacks and goalie. The only positions that need replacements. It wasnt down to being young that we lost, it was because of superior tactics.
Re: The AC Milan Thread

Well TBH, I thought anyone could have won until the 85th minute. Fabregas scored a great goal and it was over. I really didn't think that Arsenal were about to score, just like in the Liverpool-Inter match.
Re: The AC Milan Thread

Milan didn't seem to be arsed(no pun). Fabregas and Flamini
really took it to Milan.

Inzaghi is getting on a bit 1 league goal in over a year...

Does Milan still co-own Borriello?
Re: The AC Milan Thread

But on a real note... I only Wish Milan took the games a lot more serious. they lost the game due to the fact that they did not press Arsenal down... its as simple as that!!!

very good point. arsenal put a lot of pressure on the ball carrier, and there was a double coverage on both pirlo and kakà.

by pressing high in milan's midfield, arsenal didn't allow milan to "think".

they showed the same lack of "personality" and coolness inter showed against liverpool.... and this is really unusual for milan.

anyway the best team won imo :)).

Sabac Red said:
Does Milan still co-own Borriello?
yes mate ;))
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Re: The AC Milan Thread

I could see why Milan are sitting in fifth place in Serie A last night. They had this look about them that said "WE are Milan. WE never lose at the San Siro in Europe, this will be routine" but to be honest, they were crap. Their creaking old bones showed that the team needs an injection of fresh faces, new ideas, a new coach and PACE.
Re: The AC Milan Thread

Our cracking old bones still beat you 3-0 under a year ago. The only thing I agree with is the new ideas and faces for sidebacks. Why would we change coach? 1 off season. Fergie has had extremely poor season in the past but people dont want him sacked. Not many coaches can get in the last 8 so many times like Ancelotti consecutively. The team needs stability and a core. We have a core.
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Re: The AC Milan Thread

Our cracking old bones still beat you 3-0 under a year ago.

...and England won the World Cup in 1966, Barcelona won the Champions League in 2006 & I beat some guy in FIFA 08 2 weeks ago 6-1 yadda yadda yadda...

NOW is what is important mate and unless Milan invest in 4 or 5 NEW, young players I can't see them winning Serie A again for quite a while.

All MY opinion of course. :)
Re: The AC Milan Thread

No need to refresh the whole team. A sideback such as Zambrotta whose move I think is definately going to happen and a fast finishing striker will do. Just heard that Berlusconi wants to get Sheva back.
As for GK, give Dida a chance...
Re: The AC Milan Thread

No way. We gave Dida 3 seasons of chances and he never impressed. Get rid of Dida - hes got a fat contract and has been a complete liability and costed us games, Shevchenko can live in his own guilt and failure at Chelsea. Zambrotta would be a great move. Amauri, Benzema or Drogba would all be welcome. GIlardino, Paloschi and Pato will be our strikers for next season plus a new signing. We need new cover for defense. I'm thinking Zambrotta, Barzagli and another side back. Borriello will also return, so no space for Sheva.

Lloris or Frey are impressive GK targets, but I say if Kalac keeps his form until the end of the year, give him the starting gloves next year.

its very early, but this is what I predict will be next year's squad:

GK - Kalac, Fiori, New Signing

Defense- Bonera, Nesta, Kaladze, Jankulovski, Oddo, Zambrotta, Favalli, Ferrari or New Signing

Midfield - Gattuso, Ambrosini, Pirlo, Seedorf, Kaka, Brocchi, Emerson, Gourcuff (Not sure, might be loaned out), New Signing

Attack - Pato, Paloschi, Borriello, Gilardino, New Signing

My ideal signings:
Amauri, Zambrotta, Barzagli and Frey.
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Re: The AC Milan Thread

Gilardino, Paloschi, Pato and Borrielo would be a great strike force IMO. Gourcuff needs to be given more chances IMO, as he very, very talented.

Zambrotta and Dani Alves would sort out your full back problems, and you do need at least one younger defender. Someone like Garay perhaps.

And goal keeper is a MUST! Frey has really, really impressed me, and I am surprised he hasn't played for the French team. And I don't know about rest of the season, but Gattusso wasn't really looking the player you expect him to be. Maybe just one game.

But Milan NEED to concentrate fully on the league now. Fiorentina are 4 points ahead, and Milan really need to play out of their skins to get the CL spot.
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Re: The AC Milan Thread

No need to refresh the whole team. A sideback such as Zambrotta whose move I think is definately going to happen and a fast finishing striker will do. Just heard that Berlusconi wants to get Sheva back.
As for GK, give Dida a chance...
I didn't mean to refresh the whole team!
and for Dida big NO he took his time he played only one good season !
new signing young players are welcome...:))
Re: The AC Milan Thread

Attack - Pato, Paloschi, Borriello, Gilardino, New Signing

Where is Inzaghi? Is he gonna retire? If so thats new to me...
As for these strikers:

Pato and Paloschi: No one can deny the talent of these two strikers who surely have an amazing future, but they still lack experience and confidence on the pitch, altough Pato has come a long range now.

Gilardino: Not impressed by the dude. Completely hidden throughout the games. He says his movement on the pitch helps but his role is to score.

Borriello: Being Seria A top scorer, he proved himself as one of the top class strikers. If Milan get him back which is gonna be a fight because Genoa want him and he wants to stay there, i think he will be a great reinforcement as he has proven himself.

Inzaghi: Still milan's first choice striker for all important games. Scoring LEGEND.

Ronaldo: If he was able to get back, I'll see him in flamengo and no place else.

New signing: Wouldnot suprise me to see Sheva back due to his close relationship with the boss, but I would really like to see Benzema, Drogba, or Amauri.
Re: The AC Milan Thread

I think Inzaghi will stop playing at the end of this season. He always complains about injuries and pains. I also can't see Ronaldo playing an important role for us anymore. His injury and fitness problems are too much trouble. I think he will return to Brazil.
Re: The AC Milan Thread

i'd like to see Sheva back to Milan as he is wasting his talent with Chelsea,according to newspapers he played a reserve game on monday:ROLL::ROLL:,this guy doesn't deserve that
Re: The AC Milan Thread

i'd like to see Sheva back to Milan as he is wasting his talent with Chelsea,according to newspapers he played a reserve game on monday:ROLL::ROLL:,this guy doesn't deserve that

yup, Reading reserves.. and they lost 2-1

I heard Drogba going Milan too. Can't have Shev in the same situation in another country - however, from what i remember he is untouchable at Milan due to his ties with Silvio Berlusconi.
Re: The AC Milan Thread

If Milan get a striker from Chelsea, which I think is more likely due to the realtionship between the 2 clubs, it will only be one of them(Drogba or Sheva)
Re: The AC Milan Thread

Six AC Milan players have been spotted by paparazzi earlier today outside a bar when they should of been in training. Ancelloti is reported to be very unhappy.

Source: Daily Telegraph

Re: The AC Milan Thread

My ideal signings:
Amauri, Zambrotta, Barzagli and Frey.

i agree with you completely Milanista. a gk & sidebacks are top priority. Frey and Zambrotta would really fit those positions well...

btw, whatever happened with the boruc talks?
Re: The AC Milan Thread

haha I Plan M gotta admit it was a great spoiler hahah

:)) Glad you saw the funny side mate, no offence intended with it. I still wouldn't want to meet Milan at the San Siro. A team of LEGENDS in my opinion. :salute:
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