2010 FIFA World Cup

Fifa in my opinion on manual, should make shitter players take the ball under control alot more before they pass. Better passers should be able to play the ball first time better. If they take into account distance of pass/pressure/angle on ball etc. Then this could be implemented well.

I don't think they are far off. But it isn't perfect of course.

But in Pes you are literally just pressing the pass button and the computer does the rest, determining through stats. Not much control/satisfaction for the player.

There needs to be a happy medium :DD
Exactly. It's why FIFA is more enjoybale. But it still ain't goo enough.
Hi All,

Do you think that alot of PES fans are going to shift to becoming FIFA fans after this title ??? ((I am One))

I doubt it, it's FIFA 10 fixed with a world cup add on...

It's hard to judge on the 4 mins but if PES players did not switch for 10 this 10lite will still have the same complaints, individuality will still be their buzz word...
I went to PES after a couple of months of FIFA 10, and WC isn't likely to bring me back unfortunately.

Still looking forward to 11 though.
I tried it yesterday. Downloaded all the updates and optionfile, put it all on the hdd and started a MM. Even went so far as to edit a few german team names to english div1 just so the relegation/promotion wouldnt f#$k everything up. MM has really improved, atleast that's the impression I got, with the youth teams, actual money, sponsors, CL menu's, coaching staff and stuff. Really impressive how they have been able, in one go, to actually make it feel as if you are part of a world (the small news banner at the top is neat (Superstar Ibhr....signs for Barca)). Set up my team and formation how I like it hte best and then I was ready to start the season.

Played the first match and..........it's so clunky! And the net is hopeless imo, scored a goal from the side and the net looked more like.....well I have no idea, it was so odd. Won the first match 2-0, vs Sunderland. They were pretty solid but in the last 20min they started to tire!!! and I managed to finish them off with a couple of goals. Played the match on widecam and it made the lack of animations less obvious but it still looked shocking.

Guess I'll give it a few more matches before I totally write it off, it's so strange playing the game with no modifyers (knock-on, shots, etc) and the lack of animations makes the dribbling very poor, or atleast it feels weird and with a lack of control.
I went to PES after a couple of months of FIFA 10, and WC isn't likely to bring me back unfortunately.

Still looking forward to 11 though.

Every time i try to play PES now i cant stand it for 1 full macth... everything feels stiffy, robotic... I just cant handle it....
Not saying one is better than the other and i dont want to start this old dicussion, just sayin how I fell when i pop PES nowdays.

Funny enough, i can still play PES6 on the pc...i think the oldgen gfx play a part on this and make the stiff animations look not as bad. Or maybe im just too used to it.
Every time i try to play PES now i cant stand it for 1 full macth... everything feels stiffy, robotic... I just cant handle it....
Not saying one is better than the other and i dont want to start this old dicussion, just sayin how I fell when i pop PES nowdays.

Funny enough, i can still play PES6 on the pc...i think the oldgen gfx play a part on this and make the stiff animations look not as bad. Or maybe im just too used to it.

Yep mate. I hadn't touched PES for a couple of years (since PES 6 I think) as the demo's were always rubbish. But I got bored of FIFA 10 quite quickly and figured I'd give PES a go. Took a few games but then it clicked with me I guess.

I think I prefer PES for the opposite reasons to you, I find FIFA feels too much like players are on ice, there's no weight to the players and it's just a bit ... bland after a while.

I've also got PES 6 on the PC and I find that plays the best game of football of them all. Unfortunately it runs a bit shit on my laptop with a lot of stuttering (framerate is locked at a max of 30fps) and I can't get a fluid game going. Oddly though, PES 2010 plays much better :CONF:

But anyway, that's for a different thread :)
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Yep mate. I hadn't touched PES for a couple of years (since PES 6 I think) as the demo's were always rubbish. But I got bored of FIFA 10 quite quickly and figured I'd give PES a go. Took a few games but then it clicked with me I guess.

I think I prefer PES for the opposite reasons to you, I find FIFA feels too much like players are on ice, there's no weight to the players and it's just a bit ... bland after a while.

I've also got PES 6 on the PC and I find that plays the best game of football of them all. Unfortunately it runs a bit shit on my laptop with a lot of stuttering (framerate is locked at a max of 30fps) and I can't get a fluid game going. Oddly though, PES 2010 plays much better :CONF:

But anyway, that's for a different thread :)

I c.... your points are very valid.. i remember i hated the "mighty" PES2008, but after i keep trying the game it suddunly clicked on me too, and i ended up liking it quite a bit, oddly enough.

This year im quite satisfied with FIFA(multiplayer only) so i didnt really try to get used to PES again, i loved WC demo so ill stick with that.

Also, one thing i think we all agree, PES6 goal and general play variaty is something still yet to be chalanged, its a 4/5 year game that i pop in and still see a lot of new stuff happening, its organic in this aspect, too bad the gfx got old. If u gave me PES6 with fifa or PES2010 gfx id be a happy camper lol.
Played the demo a few times when it was released... boring :YAWN:.

It's so mediocre, from what I saw it has all of the same problems as FIFA 10, maybe I missed a few things because I havn't played it extensively but NOTHING stood out and impressed me at all.

They have a few more months to turn this from a piece of shit into a proper football simulation for FIFA 11 - simply put, FIFA 11 will most likely be more of the same.
You said it Rob. I've gone back to PES now and even if it is robotic and "assisted" it still plays like football. FIFA looked good when they got to FIFA 08 but it seems like they are going for the scripted boring non football playing shite like always. It got amazing movements and animations but it doesn't play anything like real football... Put fucking Gary as producer already. I've gone from fully manual in FIFA to PES now, I never ever though I would do this but I actually prefer it to FIFA :CONFUSE: FIFA is fake :(

are you on your period Gab?

These over the top rantings, I usually associate with my wife at a certain time of the month :THINK:

Its not that bad :ROLL:
I was drunk, not sarcastic.

now everyone know what tou really think, remember that drunk people ALWAYS SAY THE TRUE!


but don´t be ashame, i changed back to WE too and agree with you (even drunk) that it feels more like football than fifa.

Too bad there isn´t a full world cup mode on WE again...
Hi All,

Do you think that EA will reales DLC for updated offical kits in packages for ( Puma, Addidas, Nike, Lotto, etc) this is to make all kits offical ?
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