2010 FIFA World Cup

Sometimes the fishuwl forums do make you wonder whether democracy is the right way to go about things..

As Winston Churchill once said, ''the best argument against democracy is spending five minutes with the average voter.''

Spend five minutes on the EA forums and this statement becomes abundantly clear.

Im chocked because I am actually considering to buy FIFA World Cup 2010.

I left FIFA in 2003 and have only been playing PES ever since.

PES is a great game. Master league for me is ok but i love the World Cup which is always special for me. May be because I have been watching it since i was a kid in 1986.

I love PES 2010 and think its the best of the series. For the first time there is no certain way to score a goal. Against the cpu you cannot exploit any weakness over and over. The problem is I miss World Cup qualifiers and that is a big let down in PES. This year is World Cup year but still no qualifiers?!!?:RANT:

My question is: can you exploit the game (FIFA 2010 World Cup) and score the same goals again and again?

How good is this game compared to PES 2010?

The problem is that i wouldnt waste my precious time trying to learn the new moves only to find out that the gameplay is rubbish.

I hope some of you guys can help me here since most of you know the latest versions of FIFA and PES.

I have already DL the demo and I loved the customizable camera and presentation.


My question is: can you exploit the game (FIFA 2010 World Cup) and score the same goals again and again?

How good is this game compared to PES 2010?


To the first question:
You have a very good variety of scoring goals beter than the robotic PES style.

To the second question:
EA 2010 FIFA WORLD CUP is light years ahead of PES 2010 ;)
So instead of penalties, this can also be applied in a pass with different players depending on the pressure. You still have control, but if there is a great amount of pressure you will need to be deadly accurate, if there is not much pressure you can miss by a bit and there won't be much harm on the pass.

In theory that's a great idea. You wouldn't keep watching the accuracy bar though as it would be impossible to see what you are doing on the pitch.

They need to do something to get rid of the ping pong brigade though as they just wreck the game. Manual isn't going to get forced on people but passes are just too perfect. More passes need to be controlled more my the user without making it too difficult for some people. I'd prefer all manual but everybody needs to be catered for.

Clubs mode should do away with assisted all together in future versions as that mode is a farce at the moment. And also get rid of the super VPs and get back to generic stats so all teams play at the same level.
To the first question:
You have a very good variety of scoring goals beter than the robotic PES style.

To the second question:
EA 2010 FIFA WORLD CUP is light years ahead of PES 2010 ;)

Are you an PES gamer as well?

It would be nice if you could explain/elaborate a bit more on your views.

What i meant about the goalscoring thing is i dont want to exploit flaws in the game in order to score.
just spent an hour or so with the demo and i am shocked that people are going to pay for this. firstly, as to be expected i guess, there is a real lack of polish. secondly, andy townsend is a tit. thirdly and most importantly the ai is absolutely awful(still). when the cpu is on the ball i am constantly switching players and pulling them into positions that they should be getting in themselves, i am finding it a real chore to play this game. i have been playing pes 5 for the last week and while i was at times left frustrated by teammate ai, fifa makes it seem incredible. i do see however that some of the fifa10 faults have been taken care of, i even had some misplaced passes, although they seemed to be completey arbitrary. i do not think i will be buying another fifa game, while they do some things well, ultimately they dont really seem to get football imo, if only there could be a konami ea collaboration....
just spent an hour or so with the demo and i am shocked that people are going to pay for this. firstly, as to be expected i guess, there is a real lack of polish. secondly, andy townsend is a tit. thirdly and most importantly the ai is absolutely awful(still). when the cpu is on the ball i am constantly switching players and pulling them into positions that they should be getting in themselves, i am finding it a real chore to play this game. i have been playing pes 5 for the last week and while i was at times left frustrated by teammate ai, fifa makes it seem incredible. i do see however that some of the fifa10 faults have been taken care of, i even had some misplaced passes, although they seemed to be completey arbitrary. i do not think i will be buying another fifa game, while they do some things well, ultimately they dont really seem to get football imo, if only there could be a konami ea collaboration....

Play on slow/manual with your friends (not AI) and live the perfect football simulation. I never play against cpu. Simple as that...
He said he had to move back his own team AI, how would that change when playing against your friend?
Play on slow/manual with your friends (not AI) and live the perfect football simulation. I never play against cpu. Simple as that...

Not everybody has time to play with friends. I mean if you have a missus, little kid, garden, house and job to take care of:RANT::JAY:
play vs ai is too easy for every +20 y old man who had many sports games before, sad but true. I dont expect in next years ai what can beat me after one month with game .To be honest i dont think Ea or Konami trying make ultra hard AI because in sports games multiplayer in most important thing nowdays.
play vs ai is too easy for every +20 y old man who had many sports games before, sad but true. I dont expect in next years ai what can beat me after one month with game .To be honest i dont think Ea or Konami trying make ultra hard AI because in sports games multiplayer in most important thing nowdays.

Yeh but the problem is that the AI still affects the other 10 players that you aren't controlling.
First reviews are up!


The idea is to make it easier for newcomers to play against experienced players, and to some extent it works, as Dad Padders simply aren't allowed to make basic mistakes in defence, and a lot of pass selection is automated. We can probably expect to see it again, although a refined version that allows you to gradually expose yourself to more difficulty might be a superior long-term option in FIFA 11.

Whoops, we've gone and mentioned FIFA 11. EA Sports' next "proper" football game could be as little as five months away, and is likely to absorb all the best things 2010 FIFA World Cup does on the pitch and surround them with more modes, features and playable clubs than ever before. It's not the World Cup developers' fault that their game is sandwiched between annual updates, but that doesn't entitle their corporate overlords to a free ride.

2010 FIFA World Cup isn't a cynical release, at least, but it was always doomed to be obsolete within months, and by that token it's hard to offer more than a guarded recommendation - even though those who do make the investment will probably enjoy their footballing summer more than the numpties we're sending to South Africa.



Mondiali FIFA Sudafrica 2010 è dunque un prodotto di prim’ordine, capace di regalare immense soddisfazioni non solo agli appassionati della serie, ma anche a chiunque desideri vivere questa famosissima competizione in tutto il suo splendore. Grazie a una pregevole ottimizzazione delle dinamiche di gioco e all’introduzione di alcune nuove feature, calci di rigore in primis, il titolo è infatti più ricco e completo di quanto già non fosse il suo straordinario predecessore, e se a questo aggiungiamo il gran numero di modalità presenti, il risultato non può che essere eccezionale.

Ciò che vi aspetta è infatti un'esperienza ancor più intensa e coinvolgente di quella offerta da FIFA 10, impreziosita da un comparto grafico di prim'ordine, capace di ricreare, in tutto e per tutto, la magica atmosfera della Coppa del Mondo. Gli sviluppatori sono dunque riusciti in una missione apparentemente impossibile, ovvero quella di migliorarsi nell'arco di soli 7 mesi, rendendo questo titolo un "must buy" assoluto anche per chiunque fosse già in possesso di una copia di FIFA 10. Insomma, il calcio digitale non è mai stato così bello da vedere e divertente da giocare. Non lasciatevelo scappare!

They are soccer lovers.
One more italian review.


Tornare a FIFA 10 dopo un paio di partite a Mondiali FIFA Sudafrica 2010 equivale, letteralmente, ad un intero salto generazionale all’indietro.
Il livello delle simulazioni calcistiche targate EA raggiunge, insomma, vette ancora inesplorate, combinando il realismo tipico della serie FIFA da tre anni a questa parte e l’immediatezza nel multiplayer con amici che fino ad ora era più appannaggio di PES.
Pochissimi sono, insomma, gli elementi che ancora stonano in una produzione di altissimo livello come quella presa in esame quest’oggi; elementi che, di questo passo, siamo sicuri verranno corretti in poche “passate”, consolidando quella che, agli occhi di tutti, è ormai la nuova dinastia calcistica.


In few words they say that once you try this it is impossible to go back to Fifa 10. Everything is better enough to justify to buy it.


Closing Comments
But the big question remains – does 2010 FIFA World Cup do enough to justify a purchase for owners of the already brilliant FIFA 2010? Yes, there are no club teams here and the improvements it makes are incremental at best. But improvements they are – this is a better game than FIFA 10 and while it'll inevitably be outstripped by FIFA 11 later this year it still stands as the best take on the sport that's currently available. It's also the perfect accompaniment to the summer of football that awaits, capturing so brilliantly the colour and excitement of the tournament itself and resulting in a product that's near essential for lovers of the beautiful game.

9.5 Presentation
A perfectly delivered slice of slick football colour and excitement – as you'd expect from EA Sports.

8.5 Graphics
Progress has undoubtedly been made since FIFA 10, though there's still enough inconsistencies and niggles to ensure that the beautiful game sometimes isn't as beautiful as it could be.

9.0 Sound
If it wasn't for the option to dim the vuvuzelas that'd be a 4.0 but thankfully they can be switched off, allowing the brilliant commentary and crowd noises to shine.

9.5 Gameplay
It's FIFA 10 with some meaningful improvements, meaning it's the best football game around.

8.0 Lasting Appeal
It's curtailed by the inevitable release of FIFA 11, but for one summer at least this'll provide plentiful fun.

In few words they say that once you try this it is impossible to go back to Fifa 10.

This is where I am now - I've tried a couple of times to go back to '10 but it looks and feels sh*te in comparison.

I really cannot wait for next Friday.
A more balanced review..


Still gives it a good score but says what is still wrong...

"Firstly, chipped shots. Spending merest seconds in the murky, underhand world of competitive online play last time around, nobody can have failed to notice the ease with which keepers could be lobbed in FIFA 10. Whether due to absent-minded number ones dawdling on their six-yard lines or simply their ease of execution, trouble was afoot the moment any player went clean through. To sort this troublesome problem out, EA sadly hasn’t retooled goalkeeping AI but simply made the controls associated with chipping a significant degree more difficult. The result is undeniably more balanced, although the prospect of a howler from the man between the sticks remains as likely as before."

This is exactly what's wrong at EA they never solve problems they just find ways to move round it.

1v1's should be hard to CREATE not to SCORE. 1v1's in real life probably get scored 80% of the time.... the problem is its too easy to get a 1v1 in the first place in Fifa...
A more balanced review..

1v1's should be hard to CREATE not to SCORE. 1v1's in real life probably get scored 80% of the time.... the problem is its too easy to get a 1v1 in the first place in Fifa...

Totally agree with you mate.
So if I got the point of the review, they say that you still can gain a 1VS1 easily but now to make a chip shot is harder and so it is possible you to finally miss it. Right?

I'd like to know if now that fucking keeper AT LEAST stays near to the line or AT LEAST you can really keep it there pressing /\ or (Y) like in PES.
I thought in one of the gameplay videos the producer said they're altered GK rushing out AI?

I think they have - I feel more in control of their direction and "I" have saved the majority of the 1-1's that my opposition have created.

Anyway, I'm just in the early phases of this game so I find myself looking only for positives at the moment.

Give me a few days with the full game and it might be different.
play vs ai is too easy for every +20 y old man who had many sports games before, sad but true. I dont expect in next years ai what can beat me after one month with game .To be honest i dont think Ea or Konami trying make ultra hard AI because in sports games multiplayer in most important thing nowdays.

The problem I find vs AI is that when you bump up the difficulty, you don't lose because the AI is more tactical, or plays 'better' football..you lose because they are faster and stronger and cheats!
The thing that sucks about the skill levels is that on the lower ones the AI never does tricks, even if I was shite at the game and had to play on Amateur/semi pro if I played against Milan I'd want to see Ronaldinho do tricks against me.........
10/10 My god who the hell works on these gaming mags, 8 year olds...

10/10 yes why do I have the feeling that a review giving the score 10/10 is biased.

Anyway a reviewer presents his subjective opinions but 10/10 doesnt sound right.

I am eager to know whether this game is really better than PES2010.

I want opinions from people who know both games in depth and that arent biased as...the reviewer mentioned above.
The problem I find vs AI is that when you bump up the difficulty, you don't lose because the AI is more tactical, or plays 'better' football..you lose because they are faster and stronger and cheats!

The thing that sucks about the skill levels is that on the lower ones the AI never does tricks, even if I was shite at the game and had to play on Amateur/semi pro if I played against Milan I'd want to see Ronaldinho do tricks against me.........

Agree with both of these and would also add as the AI goes into super mode your players seem to lose half their IQ...




I am eager to know whether this game is really better than PES2010.

I want opinions from people who know both games in depth and that arent biased as...the reviewer mentioned above.

Nobody elses opinion really matters though does it?

I couldn't care less what anybody else says. I play what I like.
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