2010 FIFA World Cup

What I don't get is people saying the game is almost perfect. I mean, is one of the best football games I've played "under some circumstances", but it's so far from what they could have done by now with this engine. It's just they're targeting casual players that the game won't advance at all until someone else(not watching at you, Mr. dog heads) impacts their sales with a new product.

You said it all mate, that´s exactly what i think. They made everything to target casual players more and more and all the good things about fifa 08 and fifa 09 are all being throwed away...
Well, that's obviously due to your poor passing skills. I can ping-pong you all around every night on manual with any Benfica player walking backwards. :BOP::BOP:




Well, it was pure sarcasm, I couldn't resist it Azzur. In fact, you and the rest are obviously right. The game is as broken as fifa 10 and for every things (if any) that manualness fitxes, there are several more things that are not right specifically on manual controls.

And besides everything people has exposed, I should add that skill should have a great impact on trapping the ball and running with the ball. I want poorly skilled but fast players to be difficult to control and even have bad touches now and then that make the ball go in another direction, thus making running with the ball NOT a viable option for players like Capdevila, Puyol, Grosso, etc.

What I don't get is people saying the game is almost perfect. I mean, is one of the best football games I've played "under some circumstances", but it's so far from what they could have done by now with this engine.

Well, I still think that FIFA 08 to FIFA 10 is as big an incremental leap as anything PES managed within one gen, let alone FIFA 07 to FIFA 10. The problem has been that the advances they've made have chiefly been technological, rather than working them into a game of football. It needs to, NEEDS TO, be attached to a football game. EA need to spend the next two, three years or so adding nothing fancy to the game, nothing marketable or flashy. Improve the MM, definitely. Just make sure that we feel like going into the next match is a pleasure, not a chore. I could go for a year with old, offline PES games just playing exhibition. Sure I played ML, but for the last four months or so I'd typically end up just firing up a standard friendly and playing the game, or playing against my housemates at uni. I could do that, long before online arrived, because the gameplay was spot on.
About being forced to attack the flanks, it's not true at all. In fact, you can exploit the game endlessly. You simply have to play the game as if it was a table top football. You take the ball with the defender, do a straight pass to the midfielder who simply turns and does a long low pass to one of the strikers. They are always unmarked and always receive alone. You're now at 3/4 of the field and only have to turn, run a little and shoot or do a 1-2 play with the other striker.

Exactly. All the confetti and window-dressing in the world can't hide a fatally flawed engine that ends up being a competition between brain-dead AI exploits.

Mind you, not that two f'ing minute halves are enough to see if things have changed.
Pass played...


Pass received by the striker.


Well played Puyol.
He's covering the potential run of the winger, give him a break :P

If you put the team on offsidetrap, do they then keep a steadyline?

Never really bothered with those settings, mostly because EA have managed to make the tactics control impossible with a stick. And they still haven't fixed it, which means since the introduction of d-pad, 09, no-one has even bothered to test it.......

Same for celebrations, controls revert back to the stick......
I don't like how manual controls are implemented. I've gone back to PES and it's really nice to see the different quality in passes from each player. In FIFA with manual they always go exactly where I point, I just run around with clones basically. It was great in the beginning because you feel the freedom in it, but now it just feels unrealistic and boring. And assisted or semi is not anything like in PES either, because you still don't feel any difference between pass quality from player to player.

Thank you.:APPLAUD:

A football game is nothing without player individuality.

Well, I still think that FIFA 08 to FIFA 10 is as big an incremental leap as anything PES managed within one gen, let alone FIFA 07 to FIFA 10. The problem has been that the advances they've made have chiefly been technological, rather than working them into a game of football. It needs to, NEEDS TO, be attached to a football game.

Totally agree. In my opinion Fifa is a gamer's game because it is a technical achievement. But PES - even in it's current sorry state - exhibits more of the little details that make a football game, such as player individuality (admittedly, not as it used to be), where the difference in player's control and first touch is clear to see, and even small but important things like players shooting with their correct foot is adhered to. It's more of a football fan's game in my opinion. It's just that it's delivered so poorly at the moment.

Fifa, at it's heart, is the same game I disliked back on the PS2. EA just don't get football. It's a great game to see in motion but a bit shallow underneath.
I think they need to hire a good manager as a consultant so they get help with understanding how football works. I'm not just saying that to put EA down, I seriously mean it. That guy could tell them all about different roles and how it is optimal for every player to play (generally).

If not I don't think they can deliver anything that plays like football, because it is obvious that they don't really get it.
Rafa would be perfect for that, and it's a good idea.

I said before FIFA09 came out, on these here boards, that the AI of the players would always be limited to the knowledge of football that their (EA's) "team" possessed more than for any technical reasons and I guess each new version of the game proves that.
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There must soon be enough info in these fifa threads to make a design document called: "Evo-Web's real football simulator" :)
Rafa would be perfect for that, and it's a good idea.

Rafa? No way, he's a fucking terrible manager, crap tactics, crap signings, crap motivator, wasted a player like Gerrard who's about 2 years past his peak now IMO, should have won a Premier league title if he'd surrounded the core of an excellent team (Reina, Carragher, Alonso, Gerrard) with better players than he did.
Rafa? No way, he's a fucking terrible manager, crap tactics, crap signings, crap motivator, wasted a player like Gerrard who's about 2 years past his peak now IMO, should have won a Premier league title if he'd surrounded the core of an excellent team (Reina, Carragher, Alonso, Gerrard) with better players than he did.

Without erring towards :OT: I appreciate what you say above but the way he prepares his players would very much suit a computer game - where things are black and white.

His style is all about individual players movement against their opposite number - he's a very technical manager whereas Fergie (for example) is more "go out and score more feckin goals than them!".

This is why Rafa does well in European football than the less tactical blood and thrust of the Premiership.

In my opinion.
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This game is still BUNK! Soccer on ice as players still move way too fast. These developers are friggn clueless.
So finally downloaded the demo and have to say I liked it. It still seems fast as hell and has some issues. I was playing on Amateur to get a feel of the game and the AI wingers were skinning me alive on some attacks. I kicked it up to World Class and they actually held the ball in midfield, turned away from pressure and made a simple pass. That being said, the pressure is still there but the strength and getting knocked off the ball seemed to be a tad better.

Crossing seems better, I scored a header straight away but the halfs are just too short to truly judge. The graphics are awesome minus the fake confetti that is actually part of the grass and not laying on top on it.

I am writing this as someone who traded in FIFA 10 because of how shit it was, and that was the first time I have ever done that. I think if they get rid of some of the cut scenes it should be fun for a couple of months.
I think if they get rid of some of the cut scenes it should be fun for a couple of months.

There's an option to allegedly turn them off "Broadcast cuts" or something but they still appear with all subs and some close chances.:RANT:
There's an option to allegedly turn them off "Broadcast cuts" or something but they still appear with all subs and some close chances.:RANT:

That's interesting, but I wouldn't believe it until I saw it from these clowns. They forever lost my trust after FIFA 10. One other issue that still remains is the celebrations after a goal being way too short and the replay's being garbage. After I score I like to kind of see my player run off and see the stadium and crowd, instead we get some sort of ADD hyper cut scene that isn't related to where the player is on the pitch.
I just started playing with all manual again.

In this respect Fifa is lightyears ahead of pes.

when you get used to manual, you can play really great flowing football. Passing into space and really taking advantage of the pitch.

People keep going on about how it is to score in Fifa how souless it is compared to pes (I actually like fifa shots and think they are varied, i like the fact that screamers are so hard and rewarding on manual when you score them).

Well comparing pes to Fifa passing wise (when on fully manual) then pes is souless to me.

Fifa world cup has improved headers IMO. I also have been taking into account the defender positioning aswell. I am no expert, but alot of the times they are in good positions, every now and again there is a fuck up (which should really be sorted out, I'm not taking away from that).

The jostling system for me is a big plus for Fifa aswell IMO.

If Fifa sorted out the replays/highlights and did spend more time and effort on tactics for each team that mirrored real life, then that would be great.

Imagine if they at least had player movements for the best 3 players in the top 50 teams (at least). Then it would make a huge difference. But that would take a huge amount of work.

But in essence, I think Fifa (on manual) is a much better recreation of football. If you put a bit of time, in then you will get the results.

(Just like to note, I played PES and liked it. Great to just get stuck into and play. but I felt it lacked overall compared to Fifa. If it had a decent manual play and they sorted out the refereeing/advantage and a few other things, then it would be back up their for me)

Anyway all in all, Fifa world cup shouldn't be a full priced game, but I will probably be one of the mugs that buy it. I loved the scenario modes in previous games and i will spend time on these and play the world cup with different teams over again :))
I think the full price thing is more fluff these days anyway, You can pick up 95% of brand new games for £25 from supermarkets.
Well comparing pes to Fifa passing wise (when on fully manual) then pes is souless to me.
I know what you mean. I hope Manual controls is something that Konami will add to their title, because I find you just can't go back to assisted.
I agree with Gab about passing, I think PES is ahead of FIFA as each players passing abilities come into it then. Carragher shouldn't be able to pass the same ball as Xabi Alonso regardless of using manual or assisted and FIFA falls down in this bit for me.

When are we likely to hear any news about what FIFA 11 is going to bring? Because the WC game is basically a tuned-up 10, and not much of a tune-up either it seems?
I agree with Gab about passing, I think PES is ahead of FIFA as each players passing abilities come into it then. Carragher shouldn't be able to pass the same ball as Xabi Alonso regardless of using manual or assisted and FIFA falls down in this bit for me.

When are we likely to hear any news about what FIFA 11 is going to bring? Because the WC game is basically a tuned-up 10, and not much of a tune-up either it seems?

Fifa in my opinion on manual, should make shitter players take the ball under control alot more before they pass. Better passers should be able to play the ball first time better. If they take into account distance of pass/pressure/angle on ball etc. Then this could be implemented well.

I don't think they are far off. But it isn't perfect of course.

But in Pes you are literally just pressing the pass button and the computer does the rest, determining through stats. Not much control/satisfaction for the player.

There needs to be a happy medium :DD
Yep, Bobby. If one of the games managed to crack the medium and get it right, they'll reap huge rewards I reckon.
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