2010 FIFA World Cup

*depressed sigh* at most of those.

No. 2 was decent though. Been using that myself today. I just wish EA would get that fucking overhead flick out of the game, and fix the shooting so that you just can't do that, certainly not so bloody easily.
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I agree, it is now possible to beat a player with a quick change of direction and pace, but it's still not frequent enough for my liking. I'm not saying that dribbling should be easy, but it should feel intuitive and instinctive. WC2010 is a small step in the right direction.

Pressure sprinting is one of the major gameplay issues, and something that has killed Fifa for me in the past. The physicality in this game is still too far in favour of the defending team and I'm still seeing players getting robbed of the ball too easily. It needs to be balanced so that a player in possession has a chance of shielding the ball or shrugging off a challenge effectively. At the moment it's in favour of the defender.

If EA made it easier to dribble past players with the left stick, especially people just holding pressure, then it would force people to think more about holding their team shape. It'd give EA room to put passing inaccuracy in, because passing isn't the only option as it was in FIFA 10 (other than the right stick). What's more, IT WOULD MAKE MIDFIELDS MEANINGFUL. Improved dribbling alone would do that to an extent, but passing errors would mutliply the effect and stop people from then just lasering the ball up to Torres and dribbling past the 3 or 4 defenders left back.
I think the speed game is a little bit quicker than normal, and the new dribble fakes happen too easy and quick. Not so realistic...

Other than that i love it...
Cannavaro you eejit :(

At first he tracks Villa's run nicely, even back-pedalling to face the ball while he does it. Good! Then he even stops to defend the edge of his area, playing Villa offside. Well done, Fabio. You'll make a centre-back yet.

But then... for no reason he turns and sprints a few yards behind Villa: a) playing Villa onside again, b) allowing Villa to receive an easy pass, c) ending up facing completely the opposite direction to the ball, with d) all his momentum carrying him away. Then when the ball is passed in to the guy he's supposed to be marking, he doesn't move in to tackle, just turns and sprints again... overrunning the ball in the process. Where was he going?

But it's alright, Chiellini has got the step on Torres... oh. No, Giorgio thought he'd just step backwards out of the Spaniard's way instead. Sigh.

Nice dummy though. I like the little 'to feet' animation Torres does in the earlier part of the build up, too.
Cannavaro you eejit :(

At first he tracks Villa's run nicely, even back-pedalling to face the ball while he does it. Good! Then he even stops to defend the edge of his area, playing Villa offside. Well done, Fabio. You'll make a centre-back yet.

But then... for no reason he turns and sprints a few yards behind Villa: a) playing Villa onside again, b) allowing Villa to receive an easy pass, c) ending up facing completely the opposite direction to the ball, with d) all his momentum carrying him away. Then when the ball is passed in to the guy he's supposed to be marking, he doesn't move in to tackle, just turns and sprints again... overrunning the ball in the process. Where was he going?

But it's alright, Chiellini has got the step on Torres... oh. No, Giorgio thought he'd just step backwards out of the Spaniard's way instead. Sigh.

Nice dummy though. I like the little 'to feet' animation Torres does in the earlier part of the build up, too.

Absolutely. I was thinking this as it was uploading. It's not the first vid I've saved where the defending has spoilt what felt like a good move for me (it's not even the first dummy - look at the defence standing off the strikers here), and it won't be the last.

Seriously, the more I play the demo, the more I think that a lot of this are several years ahead of PES (which I also played again today - good Christ it's restrictive by comparison). The problem is that there have been some baffling balancing decisions made down the line, and EA have given themselves a lot of work to do by not keeping on top of things like the defensive AI and overphysicality in the first place.
Guy posts this on FIFAsoccerblog:

Heres a pretty decent i scored literally then another easy game though finished either 3 or4 nil which i seem to win all the time now!


I ask him "Why do you send everybody on runs after they make a pass?" Pretty much me calling him a cheeser, which he appears to be.

He comes back with:

Why not? its the way i like to play

you have your way i have mine

I ask him not to get so defensive, that I wasn't having a go. I really was though subtly calling him a cheeser, but I don't wanna get anything started on that forum.

Then someone else chimes in with:

"I just wanna back you up [username redacted] as I play the exact same way both in Fifa and in PES! I dont build up my game that much, I make it quick through the midfield and up to the front. I also play high pressure with my defense. Its my kinda game and it works quite well for me. Would be boring if everyone played the same."


Guy 2 to Guy 1: Oh dude, you cheese too? That's awesome man. I do that all the time and it makes the game so easy. FIFA is awesome!

Seriously though, there's a bit too much of that BS mixed in with the sort of substantive discussions that we have here about the game's real problems at FIFAsoccerblog. That video exemplified nearly everything that's wrong with the game. It isn't FUN. It's just unrealistic. It's only soccer/football insofar as it's 11 guys in shorts and cleets on a soccer pitch. That's it.
Seriously, the more I play the demo, the more I think that a lot of this are several years ahead of PES (which I also played again today - good Christ it's restrictive by comparison).

Yeah so so so much more restrictive.

But good heavens it is unbelievably fun to play against a friend on the same tele.

Coincidently I played the WC Demo against the same guy and thought the game felt better and dare i say it, fun. Not as fun as Pro O mind but it probably had something to do with the fact that i didn't have to play against the incredibly bad and at times overly aggressive CPU AI that the demo seems to revel in exhibiting.

I also played the two button set up and that is the lulz, not in the good way though :FAIL:
I tried the two button thing as well. I don't think people have anything to worry about - there's no way it's as effective as a proper control scheme.
first hi to all fifa players.
could someone upload for me the backgrounds of FIFA World Cup and the stadium files of the Durban Stadium and Johannesburg Stadium??

im a PES player and would like to import them into PES ;)

hope someone could help me :BYE:
first hi to all fifa players.
could someone upload for me the backgrounds of FIFA World Cup and the stadium files of the Durban Stadium and Johannesburg Stadium??

im a PES player and would like to import them into PES ;)

hope someone could help me :BYE:

I can export the demo but it is not possible in FIFA for xbox360 or PS3 to edit things.
Had a couple more goes on this, could not get the HUD set up right or find a way to stop the very poor commentary...:CONFUSE:

All in all I'll just have to wait untill I rent the game as I'm not sure if I like it or not...
not sure if this has been posted yet, but i came across this when i was playing.

the ball from villa to torres, and torres leaves it and runs on. not sure if it was a glitch or not, but i held RB to let the ball run through and this was what happened: (sorry i cant get the link to work if i post http://)

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Well even if there isnt a custom competition mode, you sort of could using a combination of friendlies.

sorry mate, but that´s just ridiculos.

a combination of firndlies will never be a custom tournament.

there´s no excuse for they don´t put that in the game, only $$$$$$$$$$.

as i said again, fuck EA.

as more as i play the demo the worse the game feels:
- the defensive ai is ridiculous stupid like in fifa10
- pressure is ridiculously high like in fifa10 and fifa09
- running is too much effective like in fifa09 and euro08
- stamina is just useless like in every fifa game
- ping-pong passes are still the same like in fifa10
- online will be useless again for all those points ahead

the only good points are the graphics, animations and the good world cup atmosphere. but there´s no way this game worth a full price.
@ Honome_UK - do you play with manual settings for passing etc?

In my opinion 50% of your gripe-list would be ticked off if you did?
It's not ideal, but back in the days of Winning Eleven 6&7 you could only really re-create the Champions League (with two group stages and then the knockouts as it was then) via a combination of friendlies.
@ Honome_UK - do you play with manual settings for passing etc?

In my opinion 50% of your gripe-list would be ticked off if you did?

i always play full manual or semi passing and the rest manual.

manual settings don´t change the other problems of the game. pressure is still too high, defensive ai is still stupid, stamina is still useless, running is still overrated.
It's not ideal, but back in the days of Winning Eleven 6&7 you could only really re-create the Champions League (with two group stages and then the knockouts as it was then) via a combination of friendlies.


Surely you could have started a cup with a groupstage and let it play out till the knockout round. Then start a new cup with the groupwinners and runners-up from the previous cup tournament?

Although either way, it's a pathetic state of affairs that in 2010 we would even need to look at ways to recreate a tournament......
manual settings don´t change the other problems of the game. pressure is still too high, defensive ai is still stupid, stamina is still useless, running is still overrated.

Exactly right. Sprint pressing, poor AI, lack of stamina degradation etc.... has nothing to do with manual controls. These issues affect the game regardless of control settings.
I don't like how manual controls are implemented. I've gone back to PES and it's really nice to see the different quality in passes from each player. In FIFA with manual they always go exactly where I point, I just run around with clones basically. It was great in the beginning because you feel the freedom in it, but now it just feels unrealistic and boring. And assisted or semi is not anything like in PES either, because you still don't feel any difference between pass quality from player to player.

The only manual the feels OK in FIFA is shooting, because you can aim perfect but still get the ball to end up completely another direction because of how positioning to the ball comes in to play.
Which 50%? Only passing is less ping-pong on manual...

Well, that's obviously due to your poor passing skills. I can ping-pong you all around every night on manual with any Benfica player walking backwards. :BOP::BOP:




Well, it was pure sarcasm, I couldn't resist it Azzur. In fact, you and the rest are obviously right. The game is as broken as fifa 10 and for every things (if any) that manualness fitxes, there are several more things that are not right specifically on manual controls.

And besides everything people has exposed, I should add that skill should have a great impact on trapping the ball and running with the ball. I want poorly skilled but fast players to be difficult to control and even have bad touches now and then that make the ball go in another direction, thus making running with the ball NOT a viable option for players like Capdevila, Puyol, Grosso, etc.

What I don't get is people saying the game is almost perfect. I mean, is one of the best football games I've played "under some circumstances", but it's so far from what they could have done by now with this engine. It's just they're targeting casual players that the game won't advance at all until someone else(not watching at you, Mr. dog heads) impacts their sales with a new product.
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