2010 FIFA World Cup

Whatever. I'd kick all your asses with one hand tied behind my back. With this new control scheme I should be able to do that just fine...
You know not all of us have time to learn advanced controls... we have a life! Sure if you watch my online profile you can see that I play the game every damn day, but that is not enough time to learn those super advanced controls you lot are talking about.
Atleast we can see if there's any improvement.......or just fluff.

Can't wait to test out to simples control, means I can eat and play at the same time!
means I can eat and play at the same time!

You can do that already on full assisted!!!
Not really sure what the difference is as assisted players just press x and shoot anyway????

I admit I haven't been able to listen to the audio though but is it saying anything that doesn't imply to the above comment I just made?
Ehh I dunno, just gimme your PSN ID and we'll play a couple friendlies :D

Not the right answer. AI and tactical positioning is broken in the game in ways that can be fixed. Just to put some examples:

- When you attack and cross the ball or shoot and your opponent gains possession, usually there's a great gap in midfield that allows your opponent or the cpu to create counters, specially by passing to any striker who will be totally unmarked 5 meters away of any defender.

- Strikers always receive the ball unmarked near the area or even inside it. You only have to do a long low pass to them and they will receive the ball unchallenged, making it easy to reach that zone of the field without effort, no matter what tactics display any of the teams. Generally, marking in nearby the goal it's broken.

- Many times, defenders won't be aware of the ball or the opponent and will walk away of the danger zone. That is even worsened by the "player switching" issues, when the nearer defender is not automatically selected and goes away, letting the striker finish alone.

- When there are deflections (that usually fall in the same areas in front of the area), the positions of players tend to be the same, which means I've seen the same player taking the corner clearance again and again. And it doesn't change at all by changing the tactics. You can always only create a set piece play and put players in those zones, but it's a poor fix to the problem.

These are just 4, and pretty important ones that put in an online environment where custom tactics are limited turn the game a test of confidence. Confidence in your opponent not pressing double pressure all the time, not playing all the time the direct passes to the striker from everywhere (as I've fonud many manual players do as their main resource to build play) or doing the lousy lob passes because the defending AI is shit against them.

If the game had tactical ways to face those things, it would be more fun to play. And to stay off-topic, they have wasted the necessary time to improve that into a 2button mode for idiots. Yeah, just great.
i believe it is, neve seen that camera on fifa 10.

seems good to watch games, but a little confuse to play, but maybe it´s good to play be a pro mode on it.

If the controling directions are not affected by the angle(Ala PES) ill definatly use that camera.....looks amazing!
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I wish Retri was here to give his opinion on the dumbing-down of football games. He'd go mental at the prospect of two-button controls.
That camera angle does indeed look amazing. Ill definately give that a go. I always liked the broadcast camera but it cant be used for 2player.
Also in that video the speed actually seems slower than the other vids ive seen. Nice!
It'll be standard store refresh times, at least for PSN. Which, generally when it's a demo I want to play, is delayed till Christ knows what time.

I do like the camera. It's a new broadcast cam, basically. Seeing as the angle changes are a lot shallower, I don't know whether I want the left stick controls to change accordingly or stick to what they usually are - only way to find out is to try it. Can't see it working for manual players either way, mind you.

The crowd seems a lot better at certain points, but seems to die away at other times. The constant horn noise definitely improves the atmosphere.

Incidentally I don't mind that they've spent some time on this two button business. Firstly, it's almost definitely lifted from FIFA Online, so the majority of the groundwork was already done.

Secondly, it's the WC game. Meh. It's not the proper one.

Yes FIFA 11 will have this control scheme too but it will be more or less established by then. It won't affect me in any way. We all know what FIFA 11 needs, and none of it involves brand spanking new marketing features like 360 dribbling or the trick stick or Adidas Live Season. Other than vastly overhauling MM so it actually works and is at least 90% as interesting as ML 2010, the main area FIFA 11 needs to completely redress is the lack of challenge assisted gives.

Oh... and where has secondary pressure gone?? Nowhere??
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You know not all of us have time to learn advanced controls... we have a life! Sure if you watch my online profile you can see that I play the game every damn day, but that is not enough time to learn those super advanced controls you lot are talking about.

Advanced moves? This game has been out for almost six months already. If you don't know your way around this game by then it's not for you.
I wish Retri was here to give his opinion on the dumbing-down of football games. He'd go mental at the prospect of two-button controls.

You called? :D

Dunno, been playing SWOS for the past 15 years or so (gotta love my seemingly indestructable Amiga 1200, emulators, online multiplayer and die-hard fans) along with Konami and EA stuff and, in all honesty, I have yet to come across controls as intuitive and effective (basically the "pretty easy to pick up, yet nearly impossible to master" quintessential).

You'd be surprised by the sheer amount of moves you can do with a single button when a brilliant gameplay is in place, so if I were you I'd think twice before writing this "2 buttons" option off so easily.

tl;dr: unnecessarily convoluted controls != good game design.

Let's just uhm, wait and see, I have a hunch it might turn out to be something quasi-revolutionary in a good sort of way (given the circumstances I wouldn't mind going back to early 90's arcadeish gameplay honestly).
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You'd be surprised by the sheer amount of moves you can do with a single button when a brilliant gameplay is in place, so if I were you I'd think twice before writing this "2 buttons" option off so easily.

tl;dr: unnecessarily convoluted controls != good game design.

That statement is about as applicable as my table tennis record is to my job resume. I see an argument for tricks being too convoluted, though I'm not sure how I would simplify them other than having step-overs assigned to a button or otherwise (and considerably less players should be able to perform them at the ability they do now), or improving the overall trick stick responsiveness. Other than that; how is pass, long ball, shoot, through-ball/Defensive controls complex?

(To the last bit of the quote) Conversely, overly simplistic controls do not a fun game make. I controlled the movement and actions of Larry Bird and DR J at the age of four on my Atari 2600, and nine-year-olds clearly have a grasp on assisted. Is there a need for assisted- not to beat a dead horse but its just outraging that a team "dedicated to making the best football game ever" decided to spend the labor hours on this nonsense instead of the 100 potential improvements.
You guys really aren't that sharp are you?

When FIFA hand over a license they dont only control the way the kits and so forth are used but they have a large say in the way the game is made, and obviously one thing that FIFA told EA they have to do is make the game easier for everyone to play FIFA, hence why its called the 'dad pad', you probably cant even use this control scheme online and if you have read anything about it, someone who knows how to use the normal controller scheme would smash someone on the dad pad, its just for dads who watch heaps of football and then get frustrated because when they wanna play FIFA with their son/daughter they are just hopeless.
obviously one thing that FIFA told EA they have to do is make the game easier for everyone to play FIFA

Obviously? No I wouldn't say it's obvious at all, especially considering how well we all know how EA operates, but hey if it makes you feel like a proper grown up to go around insulting people on the internet I'm very happy for you.......
You'd be surprised by the sheer amount of moves you can do with a single button when a brilliant gameplay is in place, so if I were you I'd think twice before writing this "2 buttons" option off so easily.

tl;dr: unnecessarily convoluted controls != good game design.

That statement is about as applicable as my table tennis record is to my job resume. I see an argument for tricks being too convoluted, though I'm not sure how I would simplify them other than having step-overs assigned to a button or otherwise (and considerably less players should be able to perform them at the ability they do now), or improving the overall trick stick responsiveness. Other than that; how is pass, long ball, shoot, through-ball/Defensive controls complex?

(To the last bit of the quote) Conversely, overly simplistic controls do not a fun game make. I controlled the movement and actions of Larry Bird and DR J at the age of four on my Atari 2600, and nine-year-olds clearly have a grasp on assisted. Is there a need for assisted- not to beat a dead horse but its just outraging that a team "dedicated to making the best football game ever" decided to spend the labor hours on this nonsense instead of the 100 potential improvements.

By the look of it you've never played timeless classics such as SWOS, Kick Off 2 and Goal! and are somehow jaded into thinking that 4 or more buttons are absolutely required in order to allow for an acceptable gameplay, simply because you don't know any better (which is understandable).

Well, SWOS controls rely upon 4+4 directions and 1 button however the learning curve was so steep that 15 years later there's still people discovering new moves/ways to score, besides, barring an extremely small number of (pretty talented) hardcore-players (off the top of my head just 10~15 in the whole SWOS scene) no one can realistically claim of having mastered them...

It's a different take on "assisted" controls (and a brilliant one at that) since the CPU actually switches players for you and stuff, however I wouldn't call that "simplistic" and it sure as heck isn't "not fun".

Don't be mistaken, there's a huge leap between "oversimplified" and "essential" and as of today we don't know to which catagory these new FIFA control scheme belongs and whether it detracts from the overall gaming experience or not.

Anyhow, please, give it a try and then get back to me (the download is legit since Codemasters themselves - the guys who own the right to the franchise - acknowledges and actively support our retrogaming community):

SWOS "96/"97 (Amiga Version) + Amiga emulator + Kaillera

Also, try doing something like this while you are at it and let's see how it goes:

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I played SWOS/Kick Off 2 to death in their day but there's no way in hell I would ever want to go back to such a basic football game, sure they were awesome in their time but compared to a 3d football game of modern times with all the intricacies of control and possibility of movement it's like comparing throwing a stick with a controlled grouping to center mass with a scoped AR-15 ;)
Here we go, the full list of stadia.

NEW - Licensed (11)
Amsterdam ArenA
Green Point
Port Elizabeth
Peter Mokaba
Free State
Ellis Park
Loftus Versfeld
Soccer City
Royal Bafokeng

NEW - Generic (9)
Estadio Presidente G.Lopes
Friður Stadium
Peuan Arena
Pyonghwa Stadium
Udugu Stadium
Salam Stadium
Hasiti Arena
Akaaroa Stadium
Satta Stadium

EXISTING - Licensed (7)
Santiago Bernabéu
Parc des Princes
Stade de Suisse
Estadio Azteca

EXISTING - Generic (21)
Forest Park Stadium
Union Park Stadium
Euro Park
Stadion Europa
Stade Kokoto
Aloha Park
Estadio De Las Artes
Olimpico Arena
Estadio Del Pueblo
Century Park Arena
Stadion Neder
Estadio Latino
Stadion 23. Maj
El Bombastico
Pratelstvi Arena
Eastpoint Arena
Stadion Olympik
Stadion Hanguk
O Dromo
Arena D'Oro
Court Lane

Total = 48
I played SWOS/Kick Off 2 to death in their day but there's no way in hell I would ever want to go back to such a basic football game, sure they were awesome in their time but compared to a 3d football game of modern times with all the intricacies of control and possibility of movement it's like comparing throwing a stick with a controlled grouping to center mass with a scoped AR-15 ;)

I love it because it's meritocratic gameplay at its best.

It's one of those very few games (Starcraft and Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike come to mind) that do not contemplate exploitable glitches (unlike say, FIFA 10 lol), so whoever ends up winning truly deserves it...and prevailing at certain levels takes a lot of playing skill, exceptional reflexes, strategic awareness, nearly flawless execution and familiarity with mind-games.

It plays a lot like a 1vs.1 beat'em up in that sense, since there's no "move" or strategy that couldn't be neutralized by a sufficiently well-timed counter-attack...but I'm digressing.

To each his own I guess. :D
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