2010 FIFA World Cup

been playing FIFA since release with my friends (full manual, slow speed, 2* stars team top, etc., lots of fun), dunno what you guys are on.

Sounds like the opposite of fun.

aren't ya'll just, uhm, lazy?

...honestly the bigger pitch alone makes this game worthwhile.

Nah, but it just might be that your style of play is more in line with what FIFA are promoting with these two most recent iterations of the game.
so does any other game's AI, which is why you should stick with multiplayer (possibly with friends or with people who share your same approach to the game) and fix your own team shortcomings via custom tactics.

I play primarily multiplayer with friends who try to play an honorable simulated game of football. These issues greatly diminish the enjoyment factor- too often I feel like I haven't earned/deserved a goal/result because the AI is doing its best matador impression. Other modes of the game (be a pro/playing against ai) where this issue doesn't exist lead me to believe its not difficult to fix. Why should I not expect such an improvement?
Hi Nazzo,
So did they have the corret kits like Addidas for Oman ??? Can you please post me the link for the Oman Vs Iraq please :)

It's in gamespot where the showed the new ok system and the captain of your country thingy. I'm on my phone right now so I cant post it. Try going to gamespot or just go to the earlier pages of this thread and you'll find it.
I completely agree about the "FIFA goals"; Lines are way too high, men aren't marked tightly enough in the box, etc. How have they not fixed something like this instead of implementing altitude effects?

Because it's a sales point that EA can put on the back of the game box. Something along the lines of 'playing at altitude affects ball physics and player fatigue'. It's a meaningless gimmick that will be dressed up as a new feature in typical EA fashion.
Yeah the AI is crap. Yesterday I had the perfect example of how simplistic it is.

1-0 up in the CL with 20min to go, so I change my mentality to defensive to keep it tight. It's all fine and then I manage a great counter with my player on the wing and Torres free in the middle ready to recieve a pass for a 1-on-1. Offcourse due to being set at defensive just before I'm about to pass to Torres (who is now about 1/3 into the opposition half) he stops, jogs back a few steps and then runs forward again. Offcourse by this point the defense has caught up and the attack is lost. Had I had the mentality on balanced or attacking he would have continued his run.

It's crap. It's like they just don't get it.
And let's hope they don't consider last nights game (bar-ars) the perfect example of football. It was high pressure for the whole 90min! It was ridiculous, like watching a game of fifa!
what is the fucking point! why two button control?! another load of time wasted on pointless features :ROLL:
Ea......what the hell are you doing??? This is just going to be severely abused online. Fifa10 is now shite online because of the button mashing assisted players. What the feck is this game going to be like. Exactly what area of the market are you aiming at here........foetus'! AAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

Fingers crossed for Konami! EA you are ruining the game. AAAGGGHHH!!!!
All EA have to do is promote manual controls as the true way to play the game (i know alot of people use some semi controls, which is fine, i don't mean any offence), have filters on all the different online modes and reward the players playing on manual against assisted players.

It surely can't be that hard to do?

i think forza has a system where the more assists you turn on the less the prize money/EXP you get.
People keep complaining about the players' positioning and behaviour while defending, fair enough, however are you guys aware of the fact that in FIFA 10 most of the AI shortcomings under that peculiar aspect could be easily mitigated with custom tactics?
No, I'm not aware. I'll go as far as saying that I disagree entirely. If you would like to convince me by clearly explaining what you are changing and exactly how it makes an improvement, feel free. From my experience it is not possible.
At least they are honest (see PES DEMO always released after the launch of the game). People will have the opportunity to try and decide to buy it or not.

Personally I'm going to buy it because of all the offer you get in store ("give us your old shitty game + cash and take the new one).

Let's keep our finger crossed.

I don't care about the noob modes the are introducing, but at least EA keep in your mind that the real hearth of Fifa are the hardcore games. So give us an online system in which if i score 2 goals in 10 minutes my opponents will not quit the game, in which i can play using SEMI AUTOMATIC configuration and be rewarned by this...
At least they are honest (see PES DEMO always released after the launch of the game). People will have the opportunity to try and decide to buy it or not.

Personally I'm going to buy it because of all the offer you get in store ("give us your old shitty game + cash and take the new one).

Let's keep our finger crossed.

I don't care about the noob modes the are introducing, but at least EA keep in your mind that the real hearth of Fifa are the hardcore games. So give us an online system in which if i score 2 goals in 10 minutes my opponents will not quit the game, in which i can play using SEMI AUTOMATIC configuration and be rewarned by this...

What are you talking about? The PES demo's usually come out before the release.
I'm putting it straight on Two-Button control, then we can finally see what this game is made of :D
No, I'm not aware. I'll go as far as saying that I disagree entirely. If you would like to convince me by clearly explaining what you are changing and exactly how it makes an improvement, feel free. From my experience it is not possible.

Ehh I dunno, just gimme your PSN ID and we'll play a couple friendlies :D
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