2010 FIFA World Cup

I'm pretty sure the Euro demo was out well before the release- sometime in March. I remember not being able to play FIFA 08 for an extended period.
I hope they've improved Wembley stadium for this, England will probably be the most used team in the game so they should at least get the stadium correct. So no covers over the dugouts, no 30ft gap behind the goals/down the sides, and no big concrete barrier surrounding the pitch please EA.

No way dude, Spain will easily be the most used team.
I wonder if EA put's the real players in the scenario mode.

Example: For the 2006 FIFA World Cup Final - Zidane, Barthez etc.
For the 2002 FIFA World Cup Final - Ronaldo, Kahn, Rivaldo etc.
For the 1998 FIFA World Cup Final - Desailly, Blanc, Dunga etc.

THIS would be REALLY great!

And of course, like everytime, Brazil is the most used team and second and third most used are I think Germany and France.
I wonder if EA put's the real players in the scenario mode.

Example: For the 2006 FIFA World Cup Final - Zidane, Barthez etc.
For the 2002 FIFA World Cup Final - Ronaldo, Kahn, Rivaldo etc.
For the 1998 FIFA World Cup Final - Desailly, Blanc, Dunga etc.

THIS would be REALLY great!

And of course, like everytime, Brazil is the most used team and second and third most used are I think Germany and France.

In FIFA 10 Spain is most popular, followed by (2)England, (3)Brazil, (4)France. Will probably be like this in WC 2010 too. Everyone loves Spain now.
I wonder if EA put's the real players in the scenario mode.

Example: For the 2006 FIFA World Cup Final - Zidane, Barthez etc.
For the 2002 FIFA World Cup Final - Ronaldo, Kahn, Rivaldo etc.
For the 1998 FIFA World Cup Final - Desailly, Blanc, Dunga etc.

THIS would be REALLY great!

And of course, like everytime, Brazil is the most used team and second and third most used are I think Germany and France.

I wouldn't expect it. I can't remember which game it was, but I'm pretty sure scenario's used the current squad even if it was from 99. I'm hopefully wrong though.
Hi Nazzo,
So did they have the corret kits like Addidas for Oman ??? Can you please post me the link for the Oman Vs Iraq please :)
I doubt it, it looks like it could be just on the line.

Watching those goals I get the same feeling as ever when watching FIFA goals... meh. I have never seen a goal in FIFA that I can say "what a great goal" about. PES used to have these all the time. Something wrong with the ball physics I guess, and the nets are way too heavy and destroys the little feeling of power in shots that it could have.
30 seconds into the first video and I turned it off...same old, same old..Keeper parries nowhere and then a daft scissor kick thing into the net.

30 seconds into the first video and I turned it off...same old, same old..Keeper parries nowhere and then a daft scissor kick thing into the net.


I second that..

I am very underwhelmed watching those vids. Only thing improved to me is the lighting, grass, and colorful atmoshpere. I think I'll pass over this one.
I completely agree about the "FIFA goals"; Lines are way too high, men aren't marked tightly enough in the box, etc. How have they not fixed something like this instead of implementing altitude effects? I feel like the demo release, so proximate to the full-game release, may be a strategy to prevent players like us (the ones who are more inclined to buy an intermediary game) from spending enough time with it to realize it's not worth buying.
I completely agree about the "FIFA goals"; Lines are way too high, men aren't marked tightly enough in the box, etc.

People keep complaining about the players' positioning and behaviour while defending, fair enough, however are you guys aware of the fact that in FIFA 10 most of the AI shortcomings under that peculiar aspect could be easily mitigated with custom tactics?

Case in point being the last tournament I've played on the TAMFA website wherein my team (Cruzeiro) ended up conceeding just 18 goals out of 46 matches and finished the regular season in 2nd place with 24 victories, 15 draws and 7 losses (not too shabby, uh).

aren't ya'll just, uhm, lazy?

...honestly the bigger pitch alone makes this game worthwhile.
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so does any other game's AI, which is why you should stick with multiplayer (possibly with friends or with people who share your same approach to the game) and fix your own team shortcomings via custom tactics.

Why should WE fix the game? Isn't it meant to come pre-fixed?

I know WC2010 is basically just FIFA 10's game engine with a few extra bits and bobs (The shooting does look a bit more threatening, but the ball still doesn't seem to be on speaking terms with gravity), so none of this makes me worry about FIFA 11 at all. In fact, things like the lighting are almost definitely going to be carried across, especially with PES handing FIFA it's lighting ass on a plate last October.

But the absolute worst thing EA could possibly do is take this attitude that tactics are so unimportant that they can just hand us a game and ask us to manually change as many teams as we can.

That scissor kick animation does my head in as well. How often do you see a player use that in a game, let alone in a situation where you're 6 yards out and have a whole net to tap into provided you beat the keeper? Madness. He may as well have bicycle kicked it in.
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