2010 FIFA World Cup

Holding down the shoot button decides power only, where you aim is where the shot goes, except it then takes into account your position, how much pressure you're under, which foot you're shooting with, your finishing and shooting stats and the conditions the match is played in (ie rain/snow would make things a bit treacherous) to actually decide the outcome of the shot.

How do you aim top corner when playing on tele? Works only with the BAP cam.

Edit: I guess the NHL way of aiming would work. But I think that is too hard core for Rutter and Co.
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Problem with the NHL aiming is that you aim with the same stick as you move. If you want to shoot low, then you have to move the stick back where you come from. If this is timed badly it is very easy to make the player think he should turn around instead of shooting a low shot.

This is already a problem on headers for example, when you have to move towards the ball but want to try to head it in another direction. Very often there is no time for you to change the direction of the stick in time, unless you already are standing in the correct position before making the header. Or trying to back-heel a pass but the player turns around instead and then pass the ball. Or when trying to cross the ball from the sideline, but the player first take a touch towards where you aim and then cross.

I would love to try to come up with a new alternative control scheme where you would minimize the possibility of wrong result from the button input. For example, we now can accidentally tackle when trying to cross, or pass when trying to standing tackle and so on. Also like romagnoli already have been touching, the fact that the pressure sensitive buttons should be used better than they currently are (sticks and triggers). But would probably be better suited in a completely new thread.
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Problem with the NHL aiming is that you aim with the same stick as you move. If you want to shoot low, then you have to move the stick back where you come from. If this is timed badly it is very easy to make the player think he should turn around instead of shooting a low shot.

This is already a problem on headers for example, when you have to move towards the ball but want to try to head it in another direction. Very often there is no time for you to change the direction of the stick in time, unless you already are standing in the correct position before making the header. Or trying to back-heel a pass but the player turns around instead and then pass the ball. Or when trying to cross the ball from the sideline, but the player first take a touch towards where you aim and then cross.

I would love to try to come up with a new alternative control scheme where you would minimize the possibility of wrong result from the button input. For example, we now can accidentally tackle when trying to cross, or pass when trying to standing tackle and so on. Also like romagnoli already have been touching, the fact that the pressure sensitive buttons should be used better than they currently are (sticks and triggers). But would probably be better suited in a completely new thread.
Exactly that's why I really don't see any other way. They just have to program so that the correct amount of error is applied to shots and the physics. But the mechanics are good.
Err that's what I said, where you aim (obviously with the stick) is where you try to put the shot ;) then the other factors such as stats, conditions, angles, pressure are calculated to see whether it'll happen or not, so if for example I'm using some awesome shooterer, the pitch is dry and clean, under no pressure, I hold down the shoot button 80% or so, aim for the top right corner, let go of shoot and my shot rockets into the top right corner, etc etc.

Sorry. When you said aim I only assumed you meant the direction, not using tilt aswell to be able to determine height. :)

Which way would you tilt the stick? Do you mean, instead of pressing, say, 100% East, you press it 30% East? Would that make the shot higher or lower?

Dunno about using LT. It'd clash with supercancel (currently L2 and R2, presumably LT and RT). It's a bit busy up there on the shoulder buttons!

Basically, it works just like FIFA10 (you can still use the manual or semi aiming schemes), only instead of pushing the stick all the way in a direction to aim in that direction, you would only tilt it a certain degree.

There would need to be a deadzone in the middle due to the small movements involved would make aiming very inacccurate with tilts less than 30 or so percent.

The more you tilt the stick, the higher the intended shot.

Tilting 30% or less means you basically want to achieve a grounded shot or long pass. Pushing the stick 100% should give a sufficiently high shot or longpass to be able to replicate the highest variants of either type.
To be more effective and usable, the intended shot height would be restricted to a more conservative angle (to avoid having stick tilts between 30-50% being from ground to bar, and everything over 50% being hitting various constructs at the top of the arena.
Long passes using the Long pass button would have a higher maximum angle, to make sure you could do the sort of semi-chipped longpasses you can do in real life.

To be able to execute very high, or almost lifted lobs and such, you could use LB+Y lofted through balls as the highest trajectory of the 3 types: Shots, long passes, lofted passes.

So it could look something like this:

Shot button: intended angles possible - 0 to 30 degrees.
Long pass button: 0 to 45 degrees.
Lofted through balls: 0 to 55 degrees

For any situation you could use either of the three shot types to determine the basic type of angle you want, and then freely modify it with the tilt before the strike.

You could also use the long pass button as a shot button, because a low stick tilt angle and a hard power will basically yield a laces shot. Increasing the tilt of the stick will make the player use his foot more as a wedge to achieve a higher trajectory.

This system could also be used for long passes of any kind, so that you can freely vary between lofted and driven variants.

Essentially the idea is to not use contextual ball strike types, but allow the player to freely intend to get any ball strike type in any situation, for any purpose.
Sorry. When you said aim I only assumed you meant the direction, not using tilt aswell to be able to determine height. :)

Basically, it works just like FIFA10 (you can still use the manual or semi aiming schemes), only instead of pushing the stick all the way in a direction to aim in that direction, you would only tilt it a certain degree.

There would need to be a deadzone in the middle due to the small movements involved would make aiming very inacccurate with tilts less than 30 or so percent.

The more you tilt the stick, the higher the intended shot.

Tilting 30% or less means you basically want to achieve a grounded shot or long pass. Pushing the stick 100% should give a sufficiently high shot or longpass to be able to replicate the highest variants of either type.
To be more effective and usable, the intended shot height would be restricted to a more conservative angle (to avoid having stick tilts between 30-50% being from ground to bar, and everything over 50% being hitting various constructs at the top of the arena.
Long passes using the Long pass button would have a higher maximum angle, to make sure you could do the sort of semi-chipped longpasses you can do in real life.

To be able to execute very high, or almost lifted lobs and such, you could use LB+Y lofted through balls as the highest trajectory of the 3 types: Shots, long passes, lofted passes.

So it could look something like this:

Shot button: intended angles possible - 0 to 30 degrees.
Long pass button: 0 to 45 degrees.
Lofted through balls: 0 to 55 degrees

For any situation you could use either of the three shot types to determine the basic type of angle you want, and then freely modify it with the tilt before the strike.

You could also use the long pass button as a shot button, because a low stick tilt angle and a hard power will basically yield a laces shot. Increasing the tilt of the stick will make the player use his foot more as a wedge to achieve a higher trajectory.

This system could also be used for long passes of any kind, so that you can freely vary between lofted and driven variants.

Essentially the idea is to not use contextual ball strike types, but allow the player to freely intend to get any ball strike type in any situation, for any purpose.
Way too difficult. If you want to be able to determine height it has to be the NHL way.
Isn't his suggestion NHL style but without the aiming back? Tilt slightly for low shot and more for higher shots.

And Nick is correct about the problem with power equals height, it's a broken system that has to be changed.

If EA want's to keep it simple, then they should start with changing LT + Shoot to a low shot (to try to shoot low that is). Currently LT + Shoot is a hard shot, and this is not needed anymore if power is not equal to height.

Although it still is a bit of power equals height if you don't hold down the LT (for low shot), but it is more like height between mid height and under the crossbar. Because shooting over the crossbar a lot should only be depending on your player stats combined with how he is positioned to the ball and so on. You would never AIM over the bar in real life, and what we are doing is "aiming" with the power bar. Even though the aiming would be pretty insignificant because it is more about power now that we use LT for low shots.

This system obviously doesn't give as much control as the one trance allstar talk about, but it feels like it is more realistic to expect EA to implement this one (because Football Kingdom has shown that it works).
The shooting physics need to be fixed first before they give us more control, then when they finally do give us more control i want heaps!
In this video you can see on the menu that it says "amateur" in difficulty even when they play against each other. Could this mean that we finally have control of the CPU level of your own team? Because in FIFA 10 and earlier, your own team AI seems to always be set to semi-pro (even if you play against the cpu on legendary). I have compared the behaviour of the CPU team mates against all difficulty levels against the CPU, and like I said it seems to set your own team to semi-pro AI. This has kind of been confirmed too, because in Clubs mode, your team AI was officially changed from Semi-pro level to World Class in a patch to make them less retarded.

If they have actually done this, it would help a lot. Because on higher levels it seems that the defenders hold a much better line than semi-pro defenders. On semi-pro there is always one full back that drops down very low and put everyone on-side. It also seems to me that higher levels takes more/better runs than semi-pro AI.

YouTube - 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa - Menu (9lives)
I love that the guy picking Brazil seems to spend an absolute age selecting his team, yet still ends up with Maicon at centre-back and Alves on the left :SS

Not that it would make much difference in this game, I guess.
In this video you can see on the menu that it says "amateur" in difficulty even when they play against each other. Could this mean that we finally have control of the CPU level of your own team? Because in FIFA 10 and earlier, your own team AI seems to always be set to semi-pro (even if you play against the cpu on legendary). I have compared the behaviour of the CPU team mates against all difficulty levels against the CPU, and like I said it seems to set your own team to semi-pro AI. This has kind of been confirmed too, because in Clubs mode, your team AI was officially changed from Semi-pro level to World Class in a patch to make them less retarded.

If they have actually done this, it would help a lot. Because on higher levels it seems that the defenders hold a much better line than semi-pro defenders. On semi-pro there is always one full back that drops down very low and put everyone on-side. It also seems to me that higher levels takes more/better runs than semi-pro AI.

YouTube - 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa - Menu (9lives)

I don't think that it's like this because everyone would take difficulty "legend". This makes no sense to me and I think you can choose it in FIFA 10 like the guy in the video did it too before the game you play with a mate when you go to options.

The cutscene with Maradona and Dunga looks great in this vid
YouTube - FIFAVoetbal.net Roadtrip: 2010 FIFA World Cup South Afrika - Amsterdam Arena Stadion


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Yeah true it's probably not like I said. Hopefully they have set your own CPU AI to World Class this time.
Some faces :

Glen Johnson

Mesut Özil

Carles Puyol




I think the Lass' Face is the best one ;)
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Why are EA really good at making black people, but they struggle with every other skin color? (No racism intended)
Why are EA really good at making black people, but they struggle with every other skin color? (No racism intended)

Because they all look the same. :P

(joke, joke, joke.......calm down. Do I need to add a disclaimer saying I'm not racist and have black/asian/south american friends?)

But seriously I think it's because they generally have more rounded features, makes modeling the proportions easier.
Amsterdam arena, isnt that missing in Fifa10 or am i being thick? Either way, looking great in that video. I wonder if, apart from the S.African stadia, we will get any additions. Hampden would be nice to have.
Amsterdam arena, isnt that missing in Fifa10 or am i being thick? Either way, looking great in that video. I wonder if, apart from the S.African stadia, we will get any additions. Hampden would be nice to have.

That's a new stadium, yes. Hopefully it will make it into Fifa11 and not get lost in the EA triangle.
Is anyone else concerned that for a game coming out in about a month there has been very little news regarding gameplay changes. Even of Rutter blatantly lied about there being new features like the "quick flick on the right stick" to switch feet on the ball he still got out there to let everyone know. I feel like they know there only appealing to the forum types, and figure no matter what we will buy it. I don't want this game if they can't fix that lines we've been asking for since the 09 demo, which could have easily been done in a gp patch (OF WHICH THERE WERE ZERO!!!), or if defenders do their best matador impressions in the box.
How can they still fuck up authenticty on the strips?

The england numbers look down right stupid and anyone who has never watched football before can take look at Englands strip and tell the fonts don't match the game's
Is anyone else concerned that for a game coming out in about a month there has been very little news regarding gameplay changes. Even of Rutter blatantly lied about there being new features like the "quick flick on the right stick" to switch feet on the ball he still got out there to let everyone know. I feel like they know there only appealing to the forum types, and figure no matter what we will buy it. I don't want this game if they can't fix that lines we've been asking for since the 09 demo, which could have easily been done in a gp patch (OF WHICH THERE WERE ZERO!!!), or if defenders do their best matador impressions in the box.
;) too true, but it's all MS's fault for limiting the DLP size, EA would have sorted all the problems out with FIFA 10 otherwise...:P
Is anyone else concerned that for a game coming out in about a month there has been very little news regarding gameplay changes.

I'm not expecting any gameplay changes to be honest. This is going to be Fifa10 with slightly nicer graphics, dancing fans, silly celebrations and confetti.
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