2010 FIFA World Cup

I'm really looking forward to playing as Spain, and getting my arse roasted by the likes of Papua New Guinea, Bhutan and Andorra. Because you just know EA will make the matches against these little teams stupidly hard, like they always do.

It's also great to see new features, like Captain-your-country, cut-scenes of the managers, and the all new zoomed out camera. OK, all these features were in Euro2008, but they're still new, because new can mean both something that is actually new, and something that has been around for years.

The thing I'm most looking forward to is doing a disco dance after scoring a goal. No really, it is actually more fun than the scoring in FIFA.

It's all about beating peoples asses using Jamaica man :)
in terms of arcade football it should eb very good, in terms of simulation it will probably be shit since EA don't need to make a realisitic game :)

Jesus fucking christ! Do you have to come in here ALL THE FUCKING TIME TO STATE THAT FIFA IS NOT A SIMULATION? We know what you think and you don't have to come in here to tell us that twenty times a day .Seriously.:COAT:
yes man, hardcore mode could be like:

- full manual
- slower speed
- no double pressure button
- less accurate cpu passes and crosses
- worse goalies
- stamina more effective

Yeah, but there's fuck loads of camping on hardcore.
Jesus fucking christ! Do you have to come in here ALL THE FUCKING TIME TO STATE THAT FIFA IS NOT A SIMULATION? We know what you think and you don't have to come in here to tell us that twenty times a day .Seriously.:COAT:


Whats wrong with being excited at the thought of beating people online with your country, especially since they are pretty rubbish :) and have little or no chance of doing it in real life :)
Oh, shit :( what happened. I rememebr that game i had agianst you :), where you the brazilian dude you played really slowly? There were many chances in the match but it ended 0-0 or where you the Guy who played with Udinese?

Both enjoayble matches to be far.

In terms of arcade football it should eb very good, in terms of simulation it will probably be shit since EA don't need to make a realisitic game :)

yes man, i played with udinese, nide days that one.

and don´t be so pessimist, i still like fifa10 on manual, maybe the WC game is good on manual too, we can always hope, at least it´s free :P

Whats wrong with being excited at the thought of beating people online with your country, especially since they are pretty rubbish :) and have little or no chance of doing it in real life :)

A simulation will never be 100% perfect and if you want real football go play with your friends(but just if you have some) at a football pitch.
At the moment FIFA is the best football simulation that's the fact and there is nothing more to say(dot)
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The main thing I liked about PES10 was the shooting TBH, you could ping shots off with ease compared to FIFA, a mix between the two would be nice as it's too easy in PES and at times it seems like the game is making your shot poor in FIFA...

Not played enough PES10 to compare the 2 TBH, they are different animals and it takes quite a few hours play to make a judgement call...
I've never had a problem with FIFA 10's shooting to be honest, its one of the last things I'd say is broken.
yes man, i played with udinese, nide days that one.

and don´t be so pessimist, i still like fifa10 on manual, maybe the WC game is good on manual too, we can always hope, at least it´s free :P
It was a very good league :)

Sorry, just over the years and especially last year, just can't see many positives :(

A simulation will never be 100% perfect and if you want real football go play with your friends(but just if you have some) at a football pitch.

Why do you assume that i want a perfect game, sorry, thats such a poor, poor argument. Aren't games supposed to be fun? I don't know, maybe i'm missing the point. I just would like to play a game which isn't broken thats all. That was FIFA10 is very broken :CONFUSE:
Once again, this thread has derailed. I've blocked klashman's account from accessing this board area, so there's no need to reply to all the annoyances on this page and his never ending "FIFA is arcade" broken record attitude any longer.
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Once again, this thread has derailed. I've blocked klashman's account from accessing this board area, so there's no need to reply to all the annoyances on this page and his never ending "FIFA is arcade" broken record attitude any longer.

Not broken as such, I don't like the whole power=height crap though for sure, it's more a feeling of not having full control though having said that I can't handle the randomness of full manual shooting...

How else would you do the shooting then? I don't see any other way.
How else would you do the shooting then? I don't see any other way.

Holding down the shoot button decides power only, where you aim is where the shot goes, except it then takes into account your position, how much pressure you're under, which foot you're shooting with, your finishing and shooting stats and the conditions the match is played in (ie rain/snow would make things a bit treacherous) to actually decide the outcome of the shot.
Holding down the shoot button decides power only, where you aim is where the shot goes, except it then takes into account your position, how much pressure you're under, which foot you're shooting with, your finishing and shooting stats and the conditions the match is played in (ie rain/snow would make things a bit treacherous) to actually decide the outcome of the shot.

I personally disagree a bit with this solution. I agree that power alone should be on the Shot button. The problem for me is that your solution seems to take away the ability to decide whether you want a high shot or low shot.
The factors you mention, position, body balance, etc, all help to decide the outcoming shot, but the biggest factor for the height of the shot is the way the player hits the ball and shapes his foot. This aspect, as in real life, would be nice to have controlled by the human player.

So, my ideal system, and a system I feel they should implement as a possible way to play the game (if they can cater to 2-button novice players, why not to to the other extreme):

Shot Button: Power
Stick tilt: Height

I'll add that this system was used in ISS64/98/2000 for the N64, and it worked like a treat, and it is surprisingly intuitive once you get the hang of it.

If one were to make the argument that the tilt control would be difficult to use in crowded situations, or situations where you barely have enough time to hit the Shot button, much less fiddle with the stick tilt angle, they could make this whole function controlled by the LT trigger.

So Normal Shot:

Shot button: Power & Height (filling bar more gives more power and more height)
Stick direction: Aim

"Advanced" Aiming mode: Holding LT at any point between starting to power up the shot, and the shot being executed (or before shooting, obviously), will allow using stick tilt angle to fine tune the desired height. Player stats and body balance/etc/etc will make this desired height more or less achievable.

Certain shot situations, such as right after the ball bounces, will make low shots impossible despite tilting stick very little.

The above was actually exactly what was used in the N64 ISS series. There you held The Right Bumper Key to enable Analog height control.
Stick tilt sounds like a good solution, but it's hard to know when you've never experienced it (haven't played those N64 games).

Another solution would like like in Football Kingdom where you hold down LB (I think) to try to force a low shot. The bar is pretty much only power in that game. Holding down LB doesn't mean automatic low shots though, because if you time a shot really bad you might not be able to keep it on the ground, pretty realistic.

Tilting the stick would give much more control though so that would probably be the best solution if it works well.
Don't forget guys that EA makes the game that even little kid can play it so I don't think solutions like this will ever happen because things like this are a bit too complicated for 7 years old kids.

But I look forward to this point because they started to make it more complicated(better) like the penalty system.
I personally disagree a bit with this solution. I agree that power alone should be on the Shot button. The problem for me is that your solution seems to take away the ability to decide whether you want a high shot or low shot.

Err that's what I said, where you aim (obviously with the stick) is where you try to put the shot ;) then the other factors such as stats, conditions, angles, pressure are calculated to see whether it'll happen or not, so if for example I'm using some awesome shooterer, the pitch is dry and clean, under no pressure, I hold down the shoot button 80% or so, aim for the top right corner, let go of shoot and my shot rockets into the top right corner, etc etc.
Don't forget guys that EA makes the game that even little kid can play it so I don't think solutions like this will ever happen because things like this are a bit too complicated for 7 years old kids.

So they have a nice simple option of Arcade/Simulation mode, Arcade is the assisted two button easy shooting crap, Simulation is exactly the kind of stuff we've been suggesting here, then it please both audiences and EA don't end up losing 50-75% of their market like they did when PES/WE was at its peak.
but you don't have to play on assisst mode thingy. You can play manualy just like fifa10 which is awesome.

Manual passing's got a little bit of an assist in it too this year.

The double pressure button should be penalised with more possibility of causing fouls.Not that it matters to me because i constantly kick the shit out of opponents,but it would be a way to stop it getting exploited.

I don't understand why they don't implement this. It seems so easy to do as well. Let people run into the back of me all the want. Just call a foul if they don't get the ball. Of course it's a bit more difficult than that as someone would figure out how to draw fouls all the time, but they should be able to figure it out.

the problem with the double pressure button is that people use it as a double pressure all the time, which should mean the players get tired quickly, but they don't.

Another issue that needs to be addressed. I'm assuming that someone's making a list to send to Gary Patterson with all of the ideas that people here have come up with over the past couple of months, yeah?

And is anyone in having issues finding OTP or 1v1 matches still, when you change the default settings? I've mentioned this before but if I change the passing settings to anything other than 'Any,' or change anything else, I will never find a game. Same with trying to play 2v2 in lobbies, nobody ever joins.
Manual passing's got a little bit of an assist in it too this year.

I don't understand why they don't implement this. It seems so easy to do as well. Let people run into the back of me all the want. Just call a foul if they don't get the ball. Of course it's a bit more difficult than that as someone would figure out how to draw fouls all the time, but they should be able to figure it out.

Another issue that needs to be addressed. I'm assuming that someone's making a list to send to Gary Patterson with all of the ideas that people here have come up with over the past couple of months, yeah?

And is anyone in having issues finding OTP or 1v1 matches still, when you change the default settings? I've mentioned this before but if I change the passing settings to anything other than 'Any,' or change anything else, I will never find a game. Same with trying to play 2v2 in lobbies, nobody ever joins.

I've been PMing some particular ideas over to Gary from my thread. I've not been sending everything as he already has the link to the thread and I don't want him to end up blocking me!

In the meantime, everyone who is so inclined, please keep putting ideas in that thread. I'd also recommend posting stuff over in the official forums as they do get read. I'm posting most of my stuff in both places, and I posted the following Evo-Web ideas in new threads over there:



Trance_Allstar, I think I sent some old posts you made around October or so, particularly one about how shooting should be a properly balanced mechanic rather than something that is deliberately broken beyond a certain distance etc. I also reckon you've got one or two more suggestions in you for that thread ;)
Pretty sure 08 was the last truly manual passing and there's been assist added into both 09's and 10's......


I've had newbies string passes together on me numerous times even though their EASports points, linked (I believe) to their gamertags, would suggest that they've only just started playing FIFA online. What's more, I've come up against guys in the lobbies, who most definitely do not play on manual, who seem to have no problem passing the ball about. Nearly to the point that they can ping the ball around the pitch like Barça. Perhaps I'm ALWAYS getting matched up against guys who are great at manual, but let's not kid ourselves here...

Even I have noticed some passes that I've made that have no business being received by the intended target, somehow find their way there.

I wouldn't make something like that up.
I personally disagree a bit with this solution. I agree that power alone should be on the Shot button. The problem for me is that your solution seems to take away the ability to decide whether you want a high shot or low shot.
The factors you mention, position, body balance, etc, all help to decide the outcoming shot, but the biggest factor for the height of the shot is the way the player hits the ball and shapes his foot. This aspect, as in real life, would be nice to have controlled by the human player.

So, my ideal system, and a system I feel they should implement as a possible way to play the game (if they can cater to 2-button novice players, why not to to the other extreme):

Shot Button: Power
Stick tilt: Height

I'll add that this system was used in ISS64/98/2000 for the N64, and it worked like a treat, and it is surprisingly intuitive once you get the hang of it.

If one were to make the argument that the tilt control would be difficult to use in crowded situations, or situations where you barely have enough time to hit the Shot button, much less fiddle with the stick tilt angle, they could make this whole function controlled by the LT trigger.

So Normal Shot:

Shot button: Power & Height (filling bar more gives more power and more height)
Stick direction: Aim

"Advanced" Aiming mode: Holding LT at any point between starting to power up the shot, and the shot being executed (or before shooting, obviously), will allow using stick tilt angle to fine tune the desired height. Player stats and body balance/etc/etc will make this desired height more or less achievable.

Certain shot situations, such as right after the ball bounces, will make low shots impossible despite tilting stick very little.

The above was actually exactly what was used in the N64 ISS series. There you held The Right Bumper Key to enable Analog height control.

Which way would you tilt the stick? Do you mean, instead of pressing, say, 100% East, you press it 30% East? Would that make the shot higher or lower?

Dunno about using LT. It'd clash with supercancel (currently L2 and R2, presumably LT and RT). It's a bit busy up there on the shoulder buttons!

Also I feel any change like this is utterly dependant on EA getting the shooting mechanics right in the first place. Something like this is undoubtedly going to be useful in PES, but I'm not so sure FIFA is sophisticated enough just yet. Keepers and shooting need to be improved for us to feel the benefit of such changes...

Edit: About manual controls being slightly assisted. I don't even mind. There's only so many angles you can actually aim with a small 'analogue' stick and only so much precision you can put into actions that in real life are controlled by several muscle groups in finely tuned harmony.

It's the ability of the players to complete those passes in the first place that needs to be addressed. This is true across all the control schemes.
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