2010 FIFA World Cup

That video with Spain vs France shows again terrible assisted ping-pong passing, noob tackling system, overdone collisions and strength and terrible positioning. Is just like watchinf fifa10 at fast speed with confetti in the grass. And I won't pay 70€ for confetti.
I am getting fed up with playing PES5 and I was hoping that this game might be worth getting, but after watching the new videos I think I will have to wait until atleast FIFA11 or PES2011 before I can retire the PS2 to the loft. Most off what was bad with FIFA10 looks like its still in the game and the thing that bothered me the most, the bad player switching, is for sure still there, I saw 2 examples of it in the first few moments of one vid.
One thing that really lefft me shaking my head was the guy saying that they have a 2 button system for passing where you press the button and the cpu decides what pass to play, now FIFA is hardly renowned for great AI and they have just given it total control over passing, great one guys :APPLAUD:
One thing that really lefft me shaking my head was the guy saying that they have a 2 button system for passing where you press the button and the cpu decides what pass to play, now FIFA is hardly renowned for great AI and they have just given it total control over passing, great one guys :APPLAUD:

You understand that's optional right? It's for the 7 year olds/ non football fans to get into the game.
All I can see in these videos is the same old boring goals. I want to see a bit more variety, but so far it looks identical to Fifa10.

There´s variety of goals on fifa 10 playing on manual, but we can never see how the game plays on manual by those videos, we´ll have to wait for the demo.
We'll have to agree to disagree there. Fifa's shooting mechanic is broken (imo), manual controls or not.

So we´ll disagree! I see a lot more variety of goals with manual controls on Fifa 10 than all those videos from WC2010.
Yes, goal variety in manual control is great, the big problems of the game are related to positioning, tackling and not enough individuality. I played the other day with Azzur some matches. We had not played in a month. And it was utterly brilliant, amongst the best matches we've played, and we scored great goals, all of them felt unique. Note that we play without the secondary pression button (another thing they have to rework from scratch).

Problem is if you play with assisted controls you easily get into goal positions so you tend to score the same way. With manual controls it's very difficult to win those positions, so you end up shooting from anywhere you can, and you try different things. That's how Azzur scored an impressive soft touch to the post and in that took me completely off guard. And I loved it.
its a shame that in all the videos posted recently, the same flaws that frustrate in fifa10 and 09 are still there. The defensive line is still way to high and there are far too many 1v1 situations. This only really happens in real life in the last minutes of a match when the losing team are really pushing for an equaliser. Why cant EA see this. Even when you set your att/def setting fully to defend you still see your cb's caught out with thru balls, or your full backs will be playing everyone onside. Its such an important side to the game but EA continue to ignore the feedback from the community. Instead it seems that against our wishes, and to some extent their claims to create a realistic football game, they seem to be going more in the direction of pleasing the 10 year olds. I mean whats with this 2 button control being introduced. Is the assisted control method not enough. I hope that this is not playable online but i bet it is. Im really starting to hope now that Konami can get there game right this year and i can go back to playing PES because EA are just not using the tools available. They have an incredible game engine but its not being tweaked the right way. And they are just full of empty promises. I will be buying this game on release because i want to play the best football game on the market but i just know that i will get the same frustrations from it that Fifa10 is giving me. Nice to hear though that the physicality has been turned down a notch. Now for the game speed?? Oh and for the love of God, get rid of those stupid chicked dance celebrations......pathetic!
I don't understand why EA keep with the defensive High Line BS. It has been a problem since FIFA 09.
Lests hope that they put a good editing option where we can customize the kits for the teams and edit players faces and info....
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Problem is if you play with assisted controls you easily get into goal positions so you tend to score the same way. With manual controls it's very difficult to win those positions, so you end up shooting from anywhere you can, and you try different things. That's how Azzur scored an impressive soft touch to the post and in that took me completely off guard. And I loved it.

That´s the perfect exemple why manual is so great. Too bad i sold my PS3 Fifa 10, but next year i´ll be back playing online! :P
I think this game needs a hardcore mode with all manual and say no radar to motivate players to go manual by making it the experienced level. That's when the game becomes playable for me. :(
I'm really looking forward to playing as Spain, and getting my arse roasted by the likes of Papua New Guinea, Bhutan and Andorra. Because you just know EA will make the matches against these little teams stupidly hard, like they always do.

It's also great to see new features, like Captain-your-country, cut-scenes of the managers, and the all new zoomed out camera. OK, all these features were in Euro2008, but they're still new, because new can mean both something that is actually new, and something that has been around for years.

The thing I'm most looking forward to is doing a disco dance after scoring a goal. No really, it is actually more fun than the scoring in FIFA.
I think this game needs a hardcore mode with all manual and say no radar to motivate players to go manual by making it the experienced level. That's when the game becomes playable for me. :(

yes man, hardcore mode could be like:

- full manual
- slower speed
- no double pressure button
- less accurate cpu passes and crosses
- worse goalies
- stamina more effective
I think this game needs a hardcore mode with all manual and say no radar to motivate players to go manual by making it the experienced level. That's when the game becomes playable for me. :(

but you don't have to play on assisst mode thingy. You can play manualy just like fifa10 which is awesome.
but you don't have to play on assisst mode thingy. You can play manualy just like fifa10 which is awesome.

But only if you play with a reliable friend and both agree not to press the secondary press button. Doubt they put a hardcore mode like this into the game. Too much cost for a small % of hardcore players...
But only if you play with a reliable friend and both agree not to press the secondary press button. Doubt they put a hardcore mode like this into the game. Too much cost for a small % of hardcore players...

It's more like it would alienate a significant percentage of the FIFA fanbase. FIFA is marketed as the casual footballers game, after all. Even Gary Paterson, the man behind the gameplay of FIFA, says so.
the problem with the double pressure button is that people use it as a double pressure all the time, which should mean the players get tired quickly, but they don't.

i have no problem with people using it though, cause it leaves massive gaps to exploit. i only use it as a double pressure in and around my 18yard box, most of the time i use it to send a AI player towards the ball while i cover runs and dangerous players.
There´s variety of goals on fifa 10 playing on manual, but we can never see how the game plays on manual by those videos, we´ll have to wait for the demo.

I played against you last year in that manual tournament thing DOAKappaTango setup!

It's 'i will bat joe' :) i was going to win that league if it didn't fold :)) :lol:

Sorry man, i grown sick and tired of FIFA now, even on manual :)
I played against you last year in that manual tournament thing DOAKappaTango setup!

It's 'i will bat joe' :) i was going to win that league if it didn't fold :)) :lol:

Sorry man, i grown sick and tired of FIFA now, even on manual :)

Yes man, i remember you. Unfortunelly i was kicked out of Live on my 360 and had to stop playing, but there were some good people playing on manual those days. Now i´m only online on the PS3 and i hope EA makes wc10 or fifa11 good so i can buy and play it online.
the problem with the double pressure button is that people use it as a double pressure all the time, which should mean the players get tired quickly, but they don't.

i have no problem with people using it though, cause it leaves massive gaps to exploit. i only use it as a double pressure in and around my 18yard box, most of the time i use it to send a AI player towards the ball while i cover runs and dangerous players.

Double pressure with manual passing make the game very ugly, only long balls from defense all the time. But i agree that if they correct the stamina problem and make players get much more tired when using double pressure it could be a valid strategy to use, but the way it is today is totally stupid and makes the game have no fun at all.
What pisses me off the most is that the backline is so stupid that the ai is constantly bringing the CBs out of position and that the so for your team sucks at pressing. Team press does nothing. So you are forced to use the secondary press but even then it's only one extra shitty ai player that does know what pressing is without having a high pressure and aggression.
The double pressure button should be penalised with more possibility of causing fouls.Not that it matters to me because i constantly kick the shit out of opponents,but it would be a way to stop it getting exploited.
Yes man, i remember you. Unfortunelly i was kicked out of Live on my 360 and had to stop playing, but there were some good people playing on manual those days. Now i´m only online on the PS3

Oh, shit :( what happened. I rememebr that game i had agianst you :), where you the brazilian dude you played really slowly? There were many chances in the match but it ended 0-0 or where you the Guy who played with Udinese?

Both enjoayble matches to be far.

i hope EA makes wc10 or fifa11 good so i can buy and play it online.

In terms of arcade football it should eb very good, in terms of simulation it will probably be shit since EA don't need to make a realisitic game :)
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