Windows 7

Are you very sure about that because I tried to shrink my C drive and it was greyed out. Looked online for the reason why and seen quite a few articles saying any partition can be shrunk apart from the "Home" drive?

I had the same idea as you, wanted to shrink the drive to create a "data" drive but as I say, C was greyed out :(

positve mate...

in fact, i just tried it again and here is a screen shot:

Hmm interesting, just checked mine and it's there as well. Maybe it wasn't allowed on Vista?
7057 is now available in 32 64 bit in the usual places, i upgraded from 7048 to 7057 64bit, seems desent, expect the first official release candidate in a few weeks.

seven looks like its gonna be a august/september release.
How easy is it and is it possible, to upgrade from the originally released Windows 7 build to this new 7057 one? Cheers
Just burn it to a disc, put it in the drive and choose to Upgrade.

Check post #127, I replied to the same question you asked earlier ;)
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Nah shouldn't do, I think MS gave out generic keys in the end so just use one of those if you can't remember your original key.
you are right DagsJT, the keys are all generic...

i hope this isn't against forum rules, but for anyone wondering, here are the keys they gave out:

11. Can Microsoft be milked for all it's worth when it comes down to Windows 7 Beta product keys?

Well, actually not quite. The number of product keys the company will offer for Windows 7 Beta downloads is limited. For the 32-bit version they are: 6JKV2-QPB8H-RQ893-FW7TM-PBJ73; TQ32R-WFBDM-GFHD2-QGVMH-3P9GC; GG4MQ-MGK72-HVXFW-KHCRF-KW6KY; 4HJRK-X6Q28-HWRFY-WDYHJ-K8HDH; and QXV7B-K78W2-QGPR6-9FWH9-KGMM7, while for the 64-bit version they are: 7XRCQ-RPY28-YY9P8-R6HD8-84GH3; RFFTV-J6K7W-MHBQJ-XYMMJ-Q8DCH; 482XP-6J9WR-4JXT3-VBPP6-FQF4M; JYDV8-H8VXG-74RPT-6BJPB-X42V4; and D9RHV-JG8XC-C77H2-3YF6D-RYRJ9.
Installed the thing on VMware. Looks nice, but I won't , for now, install it natively on my machine. It just took a little over 5GB.

I'm reasonably happy with my Vista 64.

EDIT: Btw, no Aero on VMware. :(
Yeah i had that problems Revan

In the end i made a new partition and tried in on that which was very very easy to do and remove. I even got dreamscene and stuff working on it :)

Its all in this thread somewhere if you wanna try it
I got mine off usenet as MS had stopped hosting it like 1 day before I decided to give it a whirl. If you don't have usenet access I'm sure there are torrents with it.
Thanks Placebo I did find a few torrents. Not sure if I should go for the 32 or 64 bit though? My current OS is Vista 32 bit.
It depends what your hardware is and how much ram you have, if you have a 64bit processor then you really should use the 64bit version of an OS, if you struggle to find a torrent that gives you any kind of decent speed I can probably help you out by grabbing it from usenet and sharing via FTP? :)
It depends what your hardware is and how much ram you have, if you have a 64bit processor then you really should use the 64bit version of an OS, if you struggle to find a torrent that gives you any kind of decent speed I can probably help you out by grabbing it from usenet and sharing via FTP? :)

I'll see how the torrent goes first. Thank you for offering though :)

Feel kind of a noob here but how can I find out what processor type I have?

It only says I have a 32-bit OS under system type in computer properties.
If you go to Windows Explorer, it should tell you your processor on the bottom, or go to the system icon in Control Panel and it'll tell you your processor there.
Which bit of the system properties makes you know it could run 64 bit? And would it run well or shiity?
The Pentium 4 microprocessors has the x86-64 instrcution set. if you have more than 3,2 GB of memory it makes sense to use 64-bit. Because only 64-bit Windows can adress mot the 3,2 GB of memory.

A downside of 64-bit is the availability of drivers for your hardware. Not all vendors provide 64-bit drivers for Windows XP. So if you do not really need 64-bit just stick with the 32-bit one.
RAM is dirt cheap now though mate, and it's well worth upgrading. FM alone will run miles better.
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