Windows 7

So is there an upgrade option when you pop the disc in?
not sure if it applies to the windows 7 beta, but there was definitely an upgrade option when i tried to install it over my old version of vista.
I can confirm that the 7048 Upgrade install works fine installing over build 7000 :)
Yeah, how did you do it Dags? Clean install or upgrade? Did you need your product key again? Cheers.
Just popped the 7048 disc in and chose Upgrade, and it acted like it was upgrading from Vista I guess. I did need the key again so make a note of that (although it's not hard to find a key online anyway).

30GB is probably a good partition size for W7 but I think the install itself is around 8GB.
I'm already looking forward to the release version of Windows7 I'm so impressed with it, even trying to find out the cheapest price for a retail version......
Yeah it was very good when i used it

if its cheap enough ill buy it as well
7048 still hasn't fixed the bug where if you use CTRL & D to minimise everything to the taskbar, then empty your recycle bin, you won't see the dialogue box asking you to confirm. You need to activate one of the windows you minimised and the dialogue box will be behind that :ROLL:

I've reported this to MS as soon as I got 7000 but they clearly haven't bothered.

Seems odd that they'd change the icon for the calculator and explorer in 7048 but not fix a bug that's been reported though.
Did I read wrong, or is there now a way to backup the whole OS and installation to DVD? I originally installed the Win7 beta to a spare storage drive I have attached, it's a slower Maxxtor 250gb IDE drive, now I know it's stable I will want to make a semi-permanent install to one of my Samsung 500gb Sata2 HDDs, there's the obvious clone partition option but I thought I'd read about this inbuilt OS to DVD backup system?
Really? I haven't noticed much difference besides icons.

It did actually crash while installing and when I rebooted it did the recovery and fixed itself. It's also rebooted itself once randomly when 7000 didn't.

Feels the same as 7000 here.
thats all probably down to the fact that you upgraded, whereas i did a clean install...

to me, there is a big difference in stability, and especially speed with 7048. it really does feel like a release candidate...
Got Vista on my laptop and lately its running shit slow. Would I be able to install the latest build of Windows 7 to it and keep all of my itunes and docs?
Got Vista on my laptop and lately its running shit slow. Would I be able to install the latest build of Windows 7 to it and keep all of my itunes and docs?

if you have the space, cw - you could 'shrink' your drive, and then copy all your important files over to the space that is created. then you could do a fresh install...

i'd recommend it, otherwise, just backup your files to an external drive, then drag them all across after the install...
If your system is running slow, you'd be better off with a clean install anyway to be honest.
I was just thinking about formatting it tbh. I would need to backup a few bits and pieces before I did it though
if you have the space, cw - you could 'shrink' your drive, and then copy all your important files over to the space that is created. then you could do a fresh install...

i'd recommend it, otherwise, just backup your files to an external drive, then drag them all across after the install...

What do you mean by shrinking your drive? Does it compress it onto a new partition for you thats safe from a fresh install?
It removes space from your partition and you can assign that unused space as a new partition. Doesn't work on the "Home" drive though, Home being the drive you have Windows installed on.
No, you can upgrade to W7 with one partition. It's just with CW saying he's got data he wants to backup, that it's easier for him to copy his data to a new partition and do a clean install of W7 on it's own partition really.
It removes space from your partition and you can assign that unused space as a new partition. Doesn't work on the "Home" drive though, Home being the drive you have Windows installed on.

that's not correcct DagsJT, mate...

it works perfectly on the home drive. infact, i just used it the other day on my laptop. i only had one partition, C, which contained my windows installation (obviously). i couldn't be bothered to reinstall windows, so just shrunk it down, and it gave me about 30gbs of new space. i then formatted this 30gb partition, and i now use that as my 'data' drive...
Are you very sure about that because I tried to shrink my C drive and it was greyed out. Looked online for the reason why and seen quite a few articles saying any partition can be shrunk apart from the "Home" drive?

I had the same idea as you, wanted to shrink the drive to create a "data" drive but as I say, C was greyed out :(
I was just thinking about formatting it tbh. I would need to backup a few bits and pieces before I did it though

It good to format every once in a while anyway and there is no better time to when your installing a new OS and having a nice new fresh and fast PC again after :))
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