WE9 - Q&A - Official Question and Answers Thread

Yep, the high through ball is crazy. They don't place it in between the goalie and the striker, it goes right to the goalie, as if the player making the pass was trying to chip the gk, not pass to his own striker... but there's more flexibility on the circle long pass...

FKs are a bit different - looks like scoring a curler from long range into the corner is still really hard, but it's a lot easier to hit a hard, straight shot from a lay-off. If you're about 20-30 yards out, someone taps the ball to you and you catch it properly, it will sail over the wall and into the net without the goalie getting near it. So players with low curl but good accuracy and power on their shooting, who DO score from free kicks but not in a Beckham style (eg Shearer), can now get their share.

Trouble is, taking free kicks that way is MUCH more likely to get a goal than the usual curl into the corner, even for the computer... CPU's not scored any beauties from FKs against me yet, but it's scored about three of these...
What's with the position editor? It seems as if you can only choose one position per player, or am I doing something wrong?
kingpug said:
Am I the only one that thinks the high through ball is far to fucking hard (power)?..when I do one I cant get anywhere near it, it is unreal.
No I can't talk for everyone else but this was one thing I'm not so sure about and was gonna bring up. I haven't played that many games maybe like 9 altogether as I was out all day yesterday and won't be in much today either BUT.. from what I noticed the Chipped through ball puts the ball TOOOO ahead of the player. Like 4-5 meters ahead.

Now this is not bad thing when your RM is for example running past their LB and you have that space but for giving your strikers that final throughball, putting it ahead that much usually means the GK will come and get the ball unless the defence is sitting on their own half line which is not case.. and if thye defend deeper then any through ball (chipped) you give will almost be caught defintely first by keeper.

I think it's just a bit TOO much ahead... even with some great players... 4-5 metres is too much but maybe I need to play more but yeah i defintely did notice this.
Aerial through balls are now 90% of the time useless.

The other thing that is annoying is me is the fact that when you are playing on the opposite side to where the camera is, it doesn't zoom in so it looks really far away. I mentioned it in my review thread, anyone else bugged by this?
I was bugged by that - the perspective changes when the ball goes over to the far side, it's like trying to play on one of those crazy angles like "Broadcasting 3". Because of this, and the vanishing fans in wide angle, and the slightly wider view in Broadcasting 1, I've changed views to Broadcasting 1, despite the screen tearing...
Perky Intruder said:
Aerial through balls are now 90% of the time useless.

The other thing that is annoying is me is the fact that when you are playing on the opposite side to where the camera is, it doesn't zoom in so it looks really far away. I mentioned it in my review thread, anyone else bugged by this?
Exactly these are only 2 things that are bugging me right now.

I know we said we want WIDECAM, and that's all I ever played with and all I ever will but I think when the ball is all the way on the far sideline, Konami should've moved camera a bit more forward so we can see where the ball is with more zoom/closer but no they want to show us the WHOLE width of the field even when it's all the way on other side... and that's kinda pointless.
It's only thing I don't like about widecam and WE9 but then again Widecam is the only way to play this game and I'll never change :)

It sucks though... we didn't need to see our own LB when ball is on RIGHT handside.. of touchline doing a throw-in with Cafu while playing from left-to-right.. i'd much rather see for that 2 secs NOT whole pitch and just more zoomed on side of field the ball is one but whatever.. hopefully minor camera tweaks like this will be in for next version PES5.
Does anyone know where this mode is that keeps all your records in?

Im taking about the one that tracks all the games that have been played
Does anyone know where this mode is that keeps all your records in?

Im taking about the one that tracks all the games that have been played

I think it's where you select controllers, if you go down to the "load all settings" option it brings up some screen with memory cards.
Vanishing audience! Wow! I thought I had a bad copy of the game. I started playing the game on "Normal - Far" Camera, but found it too close to the action. My passes weren't the way they should be, which made me look at the radar A LOT to find where my players were. So, I changed to Wide Camera and now have a rather decent view of the pitch, with passing opportunities and such. When I looked at the crowd, they were gone! When the Goalie puts the ball in play via goal Kick, the crowd is there, but soon after, they're not! I was cursing over and over again for the "dissapearing issue". Well, guess that polygonal crowd is a bit too much for the PS2, maybe on the PS3... Well, I'm glad to see it all clear now. And refreshed I don't have a faulty disc or a PS2-Laser problem.
By the way, I'll try taking freekicks the way Pere Ubu said, and I also find Aerial Through Ball to be useless most of the time.
MrCoopz said:
Does anyone know where this mode is that keeps all your records in?

Im taking about the one that tracks all the games that have been played

Memorial i think, but i think u need 2 mem cards...
I think you mean the memorial match, it should be under museum or something.

I got a question for people, what has been your worst defeat so far?

I went Man UTD and played Celtic on 3 stars, I lost 2-0 and they only had 2 shots ans both on target, both in the net. I had like 14 shots and 6 on target, 2 hit the post and the keeper saved the rest.

I then went Chelsea and played Celtic again on 3 stars, I got an easy penalty and scored it, then they got lucky and scored because Cech saved it but the ball bounced back off Zurawski and went in, then they get a fk in stoppage time, cross it in the box and they scored with a header.

Yet again I had something like 9 shots and 1 on target, the penalty, I am finding it impossible to hit the bloody target nevermind score, practise makes perfect, i hope.
I have a question, if you set a players position to wingback or secondtop does it actually change the way they behave when they're off the ball or are the positions in the PES/WE series just a way of categorising players???
re kingpug- the new version must be really unrealistic.Zurawski scored for Celtic!
Seriously though where did you get your copy of WE9 from? and is is as good as expected?
i saw a video somebody made of him scoring using frank lampard,and it looks like the graphics and goal celebrations r exactly the same as in we8,.r they the same?or is it a bit more polished?
Sorry but I just can't go through this whole thread to look for answers to my questions:

1. Does the CPU still suck at free kicks?
2. Are the throwins excactly the same and is there, as in Pes4, usually one receiving player comepletely unguarded if you are fast enough to throw to him?
Nope, in fact in my first game, Henry scored the first goal against me through a free kick..
Do Barca have any new faces? Also is the two foot feint still in the game? And.............Are there any new celebrations for Barca players(in particular Ronaldinho's thing where he flicks his wrists around a bit like this.. \\:o/ except with his little finger aswell) ?
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