WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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I haven't thoroughly played both games.

What I would say though is that Pro Evo always looks more like a proper game of football. Fifa proportionately doesn't look right to me.
The players in PES2008 kick their arses while they're running, it's actually quite funny. In FIFA 08 the ball is quite floaty and players will occasionally head the ball with their face or something stupid (although I've actually seen that happen twice in PES2008 so far).
You need to capture from picts like that ;)

Everyone here suffers from a case of being a knobhead to some extent.

Expecing a computer game to be as good as real life is not going to garner happy results. Oh well.

Well all those complaining about slowdown on PS3 must be stupidly over reacting.

I have 3 seconds of slowdown during game, and for the highlights its when it mainly shows but even then its nothing much goes more like slow motion but still is acceptable. The replays are fine as far as I have seen im on about watching the goals etc, seem fine so far.

I got both PS2 and PS3, they both agre ace in their own ways its hard to explain, for master league, you have 20 teams in div 1 and div 2 for PS3, for PS2 its the same 16 and 8, also for PS3 when you do create original team the players you buy come out of your funds, where as on PS2 its the same as PS2 PES6, you can replace them all pretty much.

The edit mode, now PS2 hasno official boots, just 9 editable ones, that you can only change the colour I think, where as PS3 has all official boots, whats up with that? All PS2 templates are the same as PES6 PS2 I think aswell which aint bad, as you can pretty much make all the kits to a good degree. The PS3 as you know is limited, its hard to add nike and adidas logos as you capture the background, so you have like the white top and black adidas etc, kind of annoying, dont think you can add pixel versions either. The edit player is good for just building a face using the in game editor, they look amazing as its all 3d and you model everything, the import face is average, as it just basically layers the face flat, so the eyes are like flat, not moving and blinking like the build, you cant add a beard which was my main gripe. So I think its best to try and edit using the build rather than scan, but you can get them too look okay, just gotta get the colour right or hope the new eyetoy does better resolution. But the build is class, the beards look superb, and the editing with the skin texture is amazing.

The game plays so nice, I love it! I thought I would share the ML and Edit for some haha :D

Defending is an art, which is why I love PES, all you lot are like wooo look at my goal, between PES and Fifa, PES is the one game you can see who can defend good, in Fifa its like its auto assisted, its too much ai controlled, all you have to do is basically close down the player or what not, no skill in defending, PES takes skill thats the difference for me, I dunno what some are going on about my defence wander, sort your tactics out, seriously, defend good dont let the goals in, I guess thats why me and my mates games were so good, as we CAN defend without the computer babying us I guess, never in my life have I got so excited over a slide tackle to win the ball, its great wherever on the pitch!

*edit* Has anyone got any good places to try and import the kits for the PS3, what do I have to try and take a picture of ect?
Im now finding (after a 3 hour sesh) if you never use the R1 run button except at obvious times like running through on goal or down the wing. the game opens up into a fanastic pass and move-athon where you can carve a few quality chances and keep your shape for when the CPU attacks you.

this is great because it makes the game flow in a more real-life way and you see alot less of those 'shit-I-have-left-the-Chip-Pan-on' esque sprints. which is nice.

I've done something like this the last couple of Pro Evo's, except with me it's never have more than 2 men upfront unless you are getting beat.
It just feels more like real football, and using 433 or whatever just rapes the bewildered cpu down the wings.

I've just had a good few games against the cpu(never using 433 of course), and I'm beginning to enjoy this game.
The cpu gives me a good match, even on regular.
it's a grower.

i misunderstood your post i think.
Anyway, thats what i do to give the cpu a fair game.
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can any one tell me
how can i make more Slow motion in reply ??
what key i should use cuz i cant find the key for that
it was in PES6 but i cant make it in PES08 PC
any one tested it ??

To get more slow motion during replays, you need to tilt the analog stick very little to the right (forwards) or left (rewind).

It can be easier if you first angle the stick upwards or down, and then inch it to the left or right along the border of the stick socket.
That manU kit looks great. ^^
Carl, will you uploading your file? And are you still working with the guys from WENB?

I will be uploading my scans, also. What I will try to do is scan as many kits as possible, that way you will have a choice of the clubs which you wish to download. I will keep you updated with progress when it happens.

You can expect an update monday (as i am working today and tomorrow!) :D

Iv'e also had a theory for importing kits but again i will show you the fruits of my labour on monday.
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I agree with a lot of the posts that this version feels good but is just too fast and plays more like an arcade game with less emphasis on passing. Like Jack Bauer said when he first got the game he was relatively impressed with the speed and it wasn't as bad as he thought.

I thought the same until I played my friend who is about the same level as me (both been playing since ISS on SNES) caned me 4-0 with Barca Vs Valencia - I couldnt get near Messi or Ronaldinho - dribbling was insane)

Now don't get me wrong I am pissed about this version (have heard PS3 version plays better) but I just want to get the best out of the game.

What I have found as a slight compromise is playing on wide and then putting both teams conditions to terrible - this slows the game right down and makes it harder to score/dribble - feels more liek Fifa 08 with better response times.

Don't know if anyone else has tried this? Is there any way to set this for competitions as I can only do in exhibitions...

Sorry for the long post and I am posting in both forums as people seems to look at both..
Well I've got a site meeting this morning, then I'm going to load PES2008, and see just how god awful it is... I'll see how hard it's going to be to try and get two full leagues of English teams...
Then I'll probably write a long email and letter to both Seasnail and Konami, won't do squat but will make me feel better and save another game pad from destruction... maybe we could start a petition and get the other sites involved, this version has at least made the out and out sheep even realize how poor and non existent the commitment and development of the title has become.. :(
Well I've got a site meeting this morning, then I'm going to load PES2008, and see just how god awful it is... I'll see how hard it's going to be to try and get two full leagues of English teams...
Then I'll probably write a long email and letter to both Seasnail and Konami, won't do squat but will make me feel better and save another game pad from destruction... maybe we could start a petition and get the other sites involved, this version has at least made the out and out sheep even realize how poor and non existent the commitment and development of the title has become.. :(

I agree. For the first time, I have today registered a complaint about PES2008 to Konami UK.

I just suddenly felt there was a need for all those who are dissatisfied with the game to not just post on these forums, which go unread by Konami, but to complain directly to Konami. The more complaints they receive, the more likely they will feel the need to improve their act.
For the PS3 users
seems that the crashes happends when you are downloading something from PSN store in the background,or the media servers is on.

'all ps3 users that are playing PES2008 the game will crash if you are downloading anything from PlaystationStore or media servers if you are using them, so my advice is do not download when playing PES 2008 crap i know but until any updates or patches this is the case.

Hopefully now people will not just make a new thread everytime the game crashes for them.'
Since most of you thought Pro-G's PS3 PES2008 review was good, They also made another review for the 360 version. They gave it a 9.

Pro-G Score 9 "Exceptional"
Gameplay 9
Graphics 7
Sound 6

Quick Points
+ Brilliant offline multiplayer
+ Smooth frame rate
+ Plays a wonderful game of football
- Graphics are underwhelming

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For the PS3 users
seems that the crashes happends when you are downloading something from PSN store in the background,or the media servers is on.

'all ps3 users that are playing PES2008 the game will crash if you are downloading anything from PlaystationStore or media servers if you are using them, so my advice is do not download when playing PES 2008 crap i know but until any updates or patches this is the case.

Hopefully now people will not just make a new thread everytime the game crashes for them.'

My game hasn't crashed once and my media server is on.

I do get signed out of the network more than usual while playing the game though.
for me its simply not possible to play the game on 360......the controller is worst ever(for pes)

I know the 360 pad isn't as good as PS3's for PES, but its a matter of getting used to :) It is an issue because we have been playing PES with a playstation pad for a very long time.

EDIT: Does anyone know if i can use a PS-like pad on the 360?
for me its simply not possible to play the game on 360......the controller is worst ever(for pes)
To be honest, I find the change that the PS3 controller has undergone, by making triggers from the shoulderbuttons R2 and L2, not a good change. Before the PS2 controller was my favorite, but this is not so good.
Shitting hell have you tried a double tap cross?

it would knock the players head off if they attempted to head it, its faster than a speeding bullet
Thats another thing some crosses, shooting (at times), cross field pass have far too much pace on them.
Thats another thing some crosses, shooting (at times), cross field pass have far too much pace on them.

Its a case of balance. Thats what Seabass needs to work on.

Think he finally has gotten the message as have Konami. I hate rush job games.

Hope they release a j league version with some steps towards 2009
Thats another thing some crosses, shooting (at times), cross field pass have far too much pace on them.

Its a case of balance. Thats what Seabass needs to work on.

Think he finally has gotten the message as have Konami. I hate rush job games.

Hope they release a j legue version with some step toward 2009
In pes5 even when i scored some cheap gols i was happy because i had to work hard to get those gols, especially on line, in pes 2008 i score one beauty after the other but they come too easily, it just does not give any satisfaction.
i think people are posting on here and not giving the game a fair chance, when i first loaded it up it felt a little alien after playing fifa (which is great), after a few games i started getting some satisfaction and think it's not really as bad as people are making out

sure i wanted an extensive editing mode but konami fucked us over on that one

i actually quite liked pro evo 6, sure it had it's limitations
In pes5 even when i scored some cheap gols i was happy because i had to work hard to get those gols, especially on line, in pes 2008 i score one beauty after the other but they come too easily, it just does not give any satisfaction.

Your'e right, The more I play, I start to realize that the Goalkeepers are doing too many mistakes :( Pes5 was great, good defences and goalkeepers, the best in the series I think...
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