WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread

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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

Konami are feeling the heat, thats a good thing!
My thoughts entirely. They're getting one or two (and it is only one or two) bad reviews for the first time ever, and they obviously don't like it.

I've never seen any other game get a bad review and then witnessed the developers come forward and say "you're out of order, review our latest code". I find it hard to believe that, in 12 years of modern gaming (PSX onwards), this is the first time this has ever happened - and yet I've never seen a developer go bonkers over it. They really don't like having the heat turned on them.

This can only be a good thing though. If more magazines stress how annoying it is to be given the same basic (off-the-field) game every year, that will be our only chance of getting through to Seabiscuit that we want more than just gameplay changes, that we would like to see more leagues and more things to do (I will give money to the first magazine that says "Konami, please scrap the ML and build a manager mode BASED ON THE REAL WORLD").

That is, as long as Konami doesn't respond to each negative review with "they reviewed old code"...
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)


Disgusting! There could be children watching :(

Random, but rather amusing :)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

My thoughts entirely. They're getting one or two (and it is only one or two) bad reviews for the first time ever, and they obviously don't like it.

I've never seen any other game get a bad review and then witnessed the developers come forward and say "you're out of order, review our latest code". I find it hard to believe that, in 12 years of modern gaming (PSX onwards), this is the first time this has ever happened - and yet I've never seen a developer go bonkers over it. They really don't like having the heat turned on them.

I wonder if they have become victims of their own game's "hype" to a degree. They are used to being able to "half-ass" (in my very humble opinion) certain releases and still be praised.

Anything that breaks the trend for the last few years is nice imo. Atleast something is going on. Maybe KONAMI will finally give PES the development money to get some steam going rather than just barely passing for a "new game" each year.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

One can only hope.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

I`ve got hope. Don`t worry fellas it`s gonna be ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLRIGHT!! Roll on the 26th!

p.s. Konami i`ve never let you down ;)!
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

I literally laughed my ass off :lol:

So your arse is lying on the floor in a pool of blood and shit, whilst you're sitting there laughing about it? How are you even sitting without an arse? :|
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

Ok i couldn't resist not posting this. Gotta love the translation.

We will not spit our venom on anybody.

But naaaan, one talks cock.

There are friends, one does not love nobody, one vomit on the politically correct one.

And perhaps then good, time that is packed, one will send Marion… whom they will not dare…

the evil was made and the written articles for the majority.

We have other she-cats to whip and torture.

one nevertheless likes well to put the two feet in the dish, provided that splashes everyone.

I think Seabass is the Anti-christ and he's sending us a message.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

The update on the blog is promising but the way we were led to believe that the edit mode was deep only for it to be the complete opposite is disgusting! PSM3 just went down a notch in book, what happened to those 30 boots?
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

From the blog

Just got back from a few fun days at a trade event in Birmingham, and boy have I got a lot to talk about! After taking in the delights on offer (Call of Duty 4, Mario Galaxy, Assassins Creed etc.), I was treated to an extremely up-to-date code of PES 2008!

This was mainly thanks to both Michael Rotchell and Gareth Evans, senior members of the Konami sales team. Not an event where they were supposed to be showing off a near final version, but were kind enough to let me have a look for the benefit of the blog.

I was like a kid in a candy store when Michael booted up the game on a PS3, connected to a nice 40inch Sharpe TV. After seeing him (and me for a bit) getting beaten by Germany playing as England, I took the opportunity to take a look through the menu's and familiarise myself with the new look. My main interest, like many viewers, was to check out the editing functions available this year. Unfortunately it wasn't what it was lived up to be, editing wasn't a step up from the current gen options. Sure there's the ability to scan your own face in and pop in logo's & sponsors of your favourite unlicensed teams, but the basic functionality just wasn't there.

First off the 9 boots that we've seen are all whats on offer. Along with that the preset boots can't be edited. In PE6 on the PS2 you could at least create boots that resembled other brands, not this year on next gen I'm afraid. Then when checking through kit editing options I realised that the amount of preset designs to choose from have dramatically been decreased. Lets hope the new sponsor/logo import feature makes up for this.

Feeling a little bemused by the editing, or lack of, I started a match. Choosing the mighty Milan vs the not so mighty Tottenham, I was greeted with a new option allowing you to change the grass patterns on the stadiums. As previously rumoured, there is absolutely no option to edit stadiums any further than the design of the playing surface. Ranging from diamond, squares and circles shapes, there was around 5 different looks you could create to the 15 stadiums on offer. Yes you read right, just 15 stadiums!

After having a mixed first 5 mins with the game I was ready to kick off. Choosing 3 guys to always go up for corners (Nesta, Inzaghi and Ronaldo should do it) the match started. Quickly popping the game into wide cam I was treated to one of the best experiences I've had with a Pro Evo game...EVER. Gone was the frustration regarding the underwhelming front end, the gameplay is where its at and PES 2008 has it in abundance.

The first thing to hit me was the slow pace. It's been a while since playing an advanced version in Leipzig, so it was much clearer for me compare the two versions. All I can say is that it's very close to the speed of Fifa 08. The X360 version was a little quicker and a little brighter in its colours, but it was pretty much the same. Gone were the players zipping around at an alarming pace in the demo, everything seemed more considered and lifelike. It was great to be passing the ball about, creating some beautiful moves and scoring some special (and meaningful) goals. I even managed to dive and grab a penalty!

The feeling of playing PES was there. Whether that's a good thing or bad remains to be seen with some of the fans, as perhaps its a sign of the series not really moving on. It certainly feels familiar. In my eyes though that's a good thing, it was a pleasure to play, and left me with the feeling that I'd just played a game that I'll be playing for many months to come.

The build that I played was around 3 weeks old, and had some issues that I was assured will be fixed in the final versions. I noticed slowdown on replays and corners, as well as some loss of detail when in wide cam - the boots all went to black, and you couldn't even see the rain!

Overall though it was a great experience, I certainly feel honoured to have had time with the game. It's going to be keeping many people occupied when its hits on the 26TH October! Thanks again to Gareth and Michael for letting me have a bash, make sure you keep in touch guys!

More on the final version in the coming weeks, we should have them very soon.


Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

That sounds promising.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)


So your arse is lying on the floor in a pool of blood and shit, whilst you're sitting there laughing about it? How are you even sitting without an arse? :|

Wow, lol
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)


So your arse is lying on the floor in a pool of blood and shit, whilst you're sitting there laughing about it? How are you even sitting without an arse? :|

Love your imagination. But leave my ass alone ;)

Edit: Just read the review. Thanks Adam. :)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

Damn the massive editing mode feature we were is a bit of a let down!

Wasn't it OPM who said that?

Maybe Konami might of removed it in the latest beta, due to it causing technical problems to the game or something. Just a guess....
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

Damn the massive editing mode feature we were is a bit of a let down!

Wasn't it OPM who said that?

Maybe Konami might of removed it in the latest beta, due to it causing technical problems to the game or something. Just a guess....

I am totally disgusted at this pathetic editing function that we will get.

I really don't understand it.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

I am totally disgusted at this pathetic editing function that we will get.

I really don't understand it.

Me too mate. I was looking forward to seeing all these extras that were apparently in it, but nothing to be seen. Oh well, at least the game played amazingly well ;)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

Me too mate. I was looking forward to seeing all these extras that were apparently in it, but nothing to be seen. Oh well, at least the game played amazingly well ;)

I just don't understand why NOKAMI keeps treating their devout fans this way. It's just so unfair and a total insult and slap to our faces. This is not how you treat your fanbase.

The gameplay better be amazing.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

I just don't understand why NOKAMI keeps treating their devout fans this way. It's just so unfair and a total insult and slap to our faces. This is not how you treat your fanbase.

The gameplay better be amazing.

Not to mention the shirt patterns in Edit mode aren't exactly huge graphical tasks. They are just fields on the shirt that can have a color. How hard can it be to just chuck 1000's of them in there? Adidas patterns, Nike, small bits and pieces.

Also, we should be able to place these patterns anywhere we want, and rotate/mirror them. That way we could design out own patterns from small "building blocks".

Also, I don't see why KONAMI are limiting us in how many patterns we can use simultaneously. In PES6 it was 5 for the shirt. Am I missing where these patterns take up 10MBs of RAM each? I think it shows they aren't even trying, or are so disconnected they think we don't care about these things.

Also, how many Imported logos/textures can we use simultaneously?
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

that wasnt the final version was it? no, so i guess they can still add more stuff to the edit mode and make us a surprise :)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

When I get PES 2008 I hope all the news up until now has been a dream and Konami have just been trying to trick us all.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

that wasnt the final version was it? no, so i guess they can still add more stuff to the edit mode and make us a surprise :)

I think it would be easier for a camel to go through an eye of a needle than for NOKAMI to make this changes.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

ya NOKAMI wont change anything ;) but KONAMI will
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

Seems a bit late to add content a month or two before the game is due in shops. Most likely they have planned what will be added and changed for the next release. I can't imagine someone saying "hey wait a minute, we have to add those things aswell" this close to release.

An as always with the PES team, if it seems to bad to be true, it probably is... ;)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

Just 3 weeks now. :D Hopefully for those with pre-orders we might get it a day or two early. :)
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

i fully expext play.com 2 deliver me ISS n NBA 2K8 on the same day at least a day early.
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Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

Don't care much about the editing.
Fact is that the gameplay is excellent according tosomebody who's actually played it...
So forget about the previous 489 pages in this thread and all the charlievolano's and cammeyboys of this world....
About the french article...do you know French jack???
I do and what the internet article said was that some French magazines based their reviews on early codes, codes that were meant to used for previews...now i guess that"s why konami wasn't happy...
Is this logic??? Yes it is, it isn't fair behaviour...Why all this hype??? Because PES is the best seller game in France...and of course because gaming magazines are more and more outmanoeuvered by websites...so they want to "create" exclusives by having the first PES "review" of an early code...
Put two and two together (the French article and the recent build that Adonis played and that is very good...) and it isn't hard to see that PES2008 isn't treated very fair.

Ok...let the fanboy comments rain down on me...i don't give a shit.
Re: WE/PES 2008 Next Gen - Discussions Thread (Last Update 09/27/07)

i fully expexf play.com 2 deliver me ISS n NBA 2K8 on the same day at leasf a day early.

I wil get it on the 25th:) (thatys even the retail store date here in Holland)
got nba2k8 on 360 already,for me its the best NBA game ever played:)

great to hear from Adonis that the gameplay pwnz,and thats all what i care about!!
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