The 'Things That Piss Me Off' Thread

i meant those types of speeches are totally like appeasement , it is not able to solve the problem. i dont think islam is a peaceful religion ,but de facto a rather military organization ,at least it is a ruthless and fierce religion . this is why Muslims always have many many terrorists because of their medieval scripture for instances,to kill the non-muslims and men are greater than women....

secondly , if it's a just revenge for what us and her allies have done on muslim world ,ok,fine. But how about things happen in Sweden , Thailand , ,Philippine,Holland etc what these nations have done on the muslim world ,no such happen . in fact muslim immigrants still make riot and rebellion on their "conquered" place .so please dont defense muslim with such sacred excuses what they want is continually propagating and destroying other native cultures and turn the world only with islam.
i dont think islam is a peaceful religion ,but de facto a rather military organization ,at least it is a ruthless and fierce religion .

how come you conclude this? because of a bunch of idiots who pretend to be muslim and kill innocent people. no, sorry they are not muslim, at least in my book. they are some filthy bastards who are doing more harm to my religion than anybody else in the world. they cause people like you to think as written above. it is actually the exact opposite of the concept of 'jihad'. these so called muslims who are acting against 'jihad' just can't be muslims in my opinion. if it's Islam what they are trying to promote, then it's not my religion.

no religion in the world has an absolutely clean past. speaking for myself, I just don't care about a person's religion and I'd never prefer to say bad things about religions. but how about the muslim genocide in myanmar? I thought buddhists are the most peaceful people in the world. or the israel's massacres in gaza? or the russian massacres in cechnya? or the serbian massacres in bosnia?

still, I'd never describe any religion just as the way you did with mine. I'm only worried about that in many parts of the world people are taking similar stance to yours against my religion, because of a bunch of filthy bastards called al-qaeda, hezbollah etc.

I don't care about the revenge part, you just don't simply say such things about my religion (about any religion, in fact). the riots you mentioned are actually happening anywhere in the world by any group of people of any religion or any race. you just pick up the ones muslim groups are responsible of and telling that muslims are trying to turn the whole world to muslims. how come you think that make sense? I wonder.
i dont think islam is a peaceful religion

and I think youre just one of the idiots tho don't know a shit

no religion in the world has an absolutely clean past. speaking for myself, I just don't care about a person's religion and I'd never prefer to say bad things about religions. but how about the muslim genocide in myanmar? I thought buddhists are the most peaceful people in the world. or the israel's massacres in gaza? or the russian massacres in cechnya? or the serbian massacres in bosnia?

this is problem if a muslim guy on usa go on school and kill 10 his school mates , hes a terrorist , if its not muslim the guy isnt terrorist anymore , its as simple as that !
Those stats are highly problematic... For one dessert storm military deaths had nothing to do with terrorism. The ones in Afghanistan how are those calculated, are they including the Taliban killing other Muslims, as well as al Qaeda? And I think you miss the point a bit yes there have been more deaths of Muslim civs compared to American civs but far many more Muslim civs have died at the hands of fellow extremist Muslims. Then us military hands.
I'm unsure of exactly how the figures are sourced, but regardless of the precision of the figures the point it proves is that Muslims do have a legitimate reason to protest against US intervention and awareness of such things needs more publicity. Obviously the right way to go about raising awareness isn't by killing people though...
I hate the idea that people have hijacked religion to use as the reasoning behind acts of pure hatred in many cases. Acts of revenge by both sides are sparked by other needless acts of hatred, or greed which I'd like to think would have been extinguished as we evolved, it seems the leaders of the world are at a point of devolution back to primal warfare to claim land and riches which frankly we have no right to claim as one humans over another, if there's enough for everyone why doesn't everyone have their share.
I hate the fact that war and terror have become an undertone of necessity in our modern society, to 'protect' ourselves from the rage of another nation or religious group or whatever. But to what end really? No one human should ever have reason to harm another. We are one as equals, yet we fight and label like we are superior and inferior in the same breath.
Frankly I hate religion and all it stands for in our modern life, it shows the way scriptures are taken and picked for excuses of warfare and division of society I'm not just talking Islam, I'm talking Christianity in America and the way its bible is used to allow hatred toward homosexuality, the idea that Islam extremists use their scriptures to convert to terrorism. What ever religion, it is bathed in blood. I remember a quote, I don't know where from but it was a Muslim talking about 9/11 he said "Islam does not in itself endorse the extremist behavior, when those hijackers took those planes and hut the twin towers the. DDidn't just hijack those planes that day they hijacked my religion as well" it hit home how the idea of a genuinely good set of ideals rich in history has been taken for the use of evil.

I don't even know how much sense I make, I type fast and think slow but this is a vague pointi wanted to make.

Also, I saw on of you mention the Zeitgeist movement I'm a big fan of their work of course I feel they could use a little down tone in radicalisation of some of their points but their sustainable movement etc are all fantastic ideas.

The word Zeitgeist is fitting for religion, the idea that they need to reach a point of being up with the times with modern society and fit their ideals with a new age of humanity.
I'd rather see religion eradicated from society its lost its credibility in a changing world and will continue to be the reason for extremist behavior. Regardless of religion however its sad that humans will find a reason to fight
I remember a quote, I don't know where from but it was a Muslim talking about 9/11 he said "Islam does not in itself endorse the extremist behavior, when those hijackers took those planes and hut the twin towers the. DDidn't just hijack those planes that day they hijacked my religion as well"

sorry they are not muslim, at least in my book. they are some filthy bastards who are doing more harm to my religion than anybody else in the world. it is actually the exact opposite of the concept of 'jihad'. these so called muslims who are acting against 'jihad' just can't be muslims in my opinion.

i am very frustrated with sayings like the above who have done the horrors in the name of Allah that they are classified as not true Muslims afterward.these "impeccable"sayings gain the upper hand in the discussions and some kind people will mistakenly give benevolence to the so called true Muslims by that,in consequence Islam violence is still mounting........... true Muslims ,aren't they? yes they all are , they are just in division of labour.

also dont mention the problems in Europe but talk about my country ,china. i do realize how tolerant is this religion.
as you all know Chinese would celebrate our traditional new year which with in the names of different animals .in 2007 it is the year of the pig and that sayings like happy the year of the pig should have been announced in the state television broadcaster like the previous years, however it didnt happen .why? it is because the communist party had to take care the mood of the muslims in china as the party clearly know what is the aftermath if they didnt take such caution. But consider a fact that china have millions non muslims yet a few muslims comparatively.
who respect our compatriots' thought?:COAT:
you're clearly a hater who just doesn't want to see any good/true side in the thing you're hating. just the things that led you to hate it and you're tied with them. no point in discussing about this religion with you. we've enough of the likes of you in turkey, who call them themselves "atheists" (mostly 20-30 years old people, because they think atheism is so cool and makes themselves look like the coolest guys around), but the only thing they know about their so called atheism (I call it "turkish atheism" btw) is making fun of islam and the muslim people in the country and keeping promoting all the same old false propaganda against it. (I'm sorry if I offend the atheist guys here on evoweb, I've respect to your beliefs as long as you have with mine but the things in turkey are a little bit different, you know)

so, has celebrating the pig year become forbidden on chinese tv's now? has it completely forbidden everwhere in china? did they put some footage from macca on your tv's instead? sorry, I just don't understand your reaction. personally, I'd be proud if our government would do a similar thing in my country. also, I don't think any sane muslim would be disturbed to see chinese people celebrating their pig year on tvs, to be honest. (and honestly, tv's have no friggin part in my personal life) I think you're just exaggerating. if you don't like that decision, then complain about your government, not muslims. also, how are you so sure about that they are the ones who disrespect you culture? what are they supposed to do in that case? hmm, maybe they should shoot themselves before they're exposed to another genocide, eh? because they're too dangerous that one day they'd turn the whole china to a 100% muslim country, you know (lol). you just described their religion as "rather a military organization" yourself and now you're also being someone expecting to be respected due to a decision made by your government that muslims are hardly responsible of. this is insane.
I just want to make clear now, that even though I'm Atheist I'm not like what you described Kanoute, I respect the majority of Religious believers and the good effect that they have on others lives and society in general. I just feel social cohesion is more easily obtainable in a country like England if religion is abandoned, because the divisions created by religious beliefs are set deeper than divisions caused by secular society differences (except the obviously large ones such as animal rights, business extortion/poverty). I also am of the view that different religions are just another way of dividing humanity as a species, I'm all for equality in our world and Religion is just as much a factor in division as skin colour and if abolishment of religion is a way of creating that unity we need then I see it as important, of course I'd sooner see everyone just accept each other's religion, but I don't think that's likely at all.
Taylor, that was for the majority of atheist people I know in my country and not aimed at the likes of you at all.

tbh, I don't see religion, race, skin color or language, you name it, as much of a factor in dividing people and causing all these conflicts between humanity as malicious behaviours like disrespectfulness, intolerance, hypocrisy etc. and wouldn't put all the blame on those concepts.
I'm muslim , im not into religion that much , I celebrait Eid , I did circumcision and dont eat pig thats all , I dont "pray" , I do drink , and do a lot of other things that aren't good for muslims but thats how I decide to be , I have few catholic friends here (as not many catholics live where I'm) and I really have good time with , when its x-mas we go to his home drink and eat and have a lot of fun , when its Eid he com to us and we all enjoy it , I think Albanians are an example how to live together muslims and catholics , in Kosovo around 85% are muslims , all tho not many are that much into religion , if you go in city and walk you hardly see any girl wearing hijab , I saw more girls wearing hijab on 6 months I lived on USA than in my country for all this time !

we live all together and respect other religion thats what all persons should do , respect other religion and I believe non of religions say's you have to kill children , women and inocent people

but guys like impecunious really piss me off , they have a sicknes called Islamophobia
LFC its pretty cool that you can do that where you live, and I think that's a great example of how the world should run in consideration of Religion! I just wish everyone could be the same, like I have a Christian friend who can't abide any other religion at all (he even calls me a blasphemous prick for being atheist) yet we all let him be when it comes to him talking about being christain because we don't mind it.
yeah its really nice , even when we have Eid , children go on every home and say "happy eid" and all give candy;s to them , in my "street" are around 50 homes and there are 2 homes where lives catholic family's , and when its eid they buy candy's too so when children go to them saying "happy eid" (because children don't know they are catholic and children coms from all around the city) they give candy's to them even if they are not muslim !

also take a look to this pic , how close its Mosque and Church and there is never problem for this !
What would be really good, is if cities had giant 'centres of religion' like areas of cities which hold the places of worship of all religions not only as places for those who already follow a religion to go and pray but for those who don't know much about religion can learn about each one for what it truly is not what we see in media. It would make those who have grown up in the ignorance of religions will understand each other enough to truly accept one another. Just a dream!
i think the key to make turkey a stronger and raising power is a secular government.once government get rid of religious regime such as today's Islam or medieval Catholicism that the society and the live of people will prosper naturally. However , islam still advocating a old-fashion and unreasonable living style to us and if there is any non follower that they(true muslims) will disturb by taking different means. For example , in eyes of muslims that a woman dont wear hijab is a lewd one ,as a result they can harass them .these types of cases you can find in Australia beaches and some parts of's a real shame for today's life!

"how are you so sure about that they are the ones who disrespect you culture?" i think this very obvious .... a city called Shadian in china which is a majorly a muslims city but there are some non muslims , given that the muslims wanted to disallow all alcoholic drinks in the city then even non muslims drank in their homes personally was not only prohibited but also received attacks from muslims by invading to their personal properties ... i wonder who give them such power , Allah??
It can happen if all parties are treated equal and respected, this is where it fails most of the time.

Within Israel The Arab population have equal rights as a Jewish citizen, they mix together in schools, Cities, towns, neigbourhoods and there is no trouble. They have a system in place where universities etc have to have a percentage of Arab and immigrant community I think it is at least 20% (Lots of Russians and Ethiopians have come to Israel to live over the last 20 or so years).

They get scholorships etc to progress. The workplaces are encouraging a bigger mix between Jewish, Arabs etc.

It is great to see actually, I love going to the mixed Jewish and Arab towns, its so nice to see them living together in peace and living their everyday lives together.

In Israel to get the best humous you have to go to an Arab village/Town or an Arab restaurant in any town/city :))

I just hope one day it can happen on the broader scale obviously with the Palestinians in the occupied territories, for everybody concerned it would be much better.

If the Jewish and Arabs within Israel can respect eachother and live together, then it can happen everywhere, the key word is respect though and there are a whole host of people in every religion that just can't respect the other.
It can happen if all parties are treated equal and respected, this is where it fails most of the time.

Within Israel The Arab population have equal rights as a Jewish citizen, they mix together in schools, Cities, towns, neigbourhoods and there is no trouble. They have a system in place where universities etc have to have a percentage of Arab and immigrant community I think it is at least 20% (Lots of Russians and Ethiopians have come to Israel to live over the last 20 or so years).

They get scholorships etc to progress. The workplaces are encouraging a bigger mix between Jewish, Arabs etc.

It is great to see actually, I love going to the mixed Jewish and Arab towns, its so nice to see them living together in peace and living their everyday lives together.

In Israel to get the best humous you have to go to an Arab village/Town or an Arab restaurant in any town/city :))

I just hope one day it can happen on the broader scale obviously with the Palestinians in the occupied territories, for everybody concerned it would be much better.

If the Jewish and Arabs within Israel can respect eachother and live together, then it can happen everywhere, the key word is respect though and there are a whole host of people in every religion that just can't respect the other.

I'd like to know more of you experience there Bobby.
Anytime :))

Tell me sort of things you want to hear about? Otherwise I can ramble on for ages ;))

Just life in general, safety, life among both Pals and Israelis, or Arabs and Jews, whichever way they're called.

You can do it over PM if you want to so we don't hijack this thread :)
The only problem with posting about Israel on forums is that it is inherently linked with what is happening in Gaza/West bank and people getting very emotional and arguments happen.

I don't mind posting on here but people can take offence and then it gets out of control it is such an emotive subject.
I'd prefer a PM Bob. Send whenever you feel free.

And Bob is saying the truth. Plus it's off-topic in here ;)

And we don't want to get political in this forum. Can of worms.
I'd prefer a PM Bob. Send whenever you feel free.

And Bob is saying the truth. Plus it's off-topic in here ;)

And we don't want to get political in this forum. Can of worms.
This isn't aimed at you in particular, but exactly this type of thing pisses me off.

The way religious or political issues and beliefs are put on a pedestal where the rules of conversation are different. It's seen as wrong/rude to question or challenge people's views on certain things even if they're absolute nonsense, or put forward your own views on such matters if they're not mainstream/100% tolerant.

If someone gets offended by an opposing view, so long as it's rational and justified, then that's their problem entirely.

Was driving down a country road yesterday morning and something fox like ran across the road in front of me. Causing me to swerve to avoid it...resulting in the car sliding wildly out of control and shooting me through a hedge into a farmers field. Could be a write off.

Should've just hit the bugger.
We have a "rule" here stating that you shouldn't try avoiding to collide with anything that's smaller than your hood(children excluded, of course), because it bears more danger and damage than driving into it on purpose.
We have a "rule" here stating that you shouldn't try avoiding to collide with anything that's smaller than your hood(children excluded, of course), because it bears more danger and damage than driving into it on purpose.

Someone here would probably call it fox hunting and bitch and moan to Dave the cunty cock Cameron about it, and eventually driving down country lanes will be illegal.
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