The 'Things That Are Great' Thread

My neighbour over the road watching porn on his TV with the curtains open and his TV is on the wall right in front of the window... :SHOCK: :LOL:
I use to work as a postie and I remember delivering to someone who was watching porn with the curtains open. Close the friggin curtains!
being able to watch porn on the telly with the curtains open.:TU:

edit- Also knowing that nosey sod over the road wont be watching, most probably on his xbox.
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It must be John Hughes weekend as I've just finished watching 'Planes Trains and Automobiles' on FilmFour. I love that film.
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Amazons customer service. They are replacing my broken Arkham for another copy with no fuss or fucking about
haha, no he ran into a tree on their back lawn, we were having a kick about, shame no one had it on camera, it was a classic...

Ah Gary, he is always doing stuff like that :LOL:

I remember back in Nam when he got some bamboo and cut it down with his flick knife in the shape of a penis. Then he put it between his legs and started chasing us around like he was humping us all. He turned around and started humping this other guy and looked up and it was Sarge!!

Oh how we laughed! Gary got to clean out the latrine that night, poor fella!
Yeah great so you can hardly taste the flavour, it breaks your teeth and doesn't melt in your mouth.:TTTH:

Yeah I need my chocolate at room temperature. Though a Mars bar from the fridge chopped up and mixed in with some ice cream is lovely.
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