The 'Things That Are Great' Thread

Just dont watch it if you dont like it?
But it's all the hype and media attention surrounding it. It's complete bollocks. First few years were actually alright coz they had somewhat normal people in it. But nowadays they just put freaks and nobheads in there to try and engineer more entertaining TV.
Yeah it's annoying that you can't escape it and can't stay away from it all. You turn the tv on or read a paper and it will have the latest goss on some nob in the BB house and there will ALWAYS be some sex scandal involving the page 3 girl they have in there or one of the models (it seems every fuckers a model these days).
Well I watch BB sometimes, but I dont read tabloids or heat magazine etc so I rarely hear anything about it other than if I watch it so I dont see the problem.

The year when they put all 'normal' people in everyone moaned it was boring (and it was) so they decided they'd have to make it more entertaining.

I find it interesting to watch from a psychological point of view, you can see how people act in certain situations like if they're being two faced for example.

I don't think the people on it are freaks necessarily (well a couple are) but they're just eccentric or outspoken and that's how they get noticed in the auditions.

Anyway, it'll get picked up by channel 5 or Sky1 anyway so it's not like it's going away.
I find it interesting to watch from a psychological point of view, you can see how people act in certain situations like if they're being two faced for example.

The annoying that for me is I'll see someone being a two faced shit and then million of stupid people will vote to keep them in because they're funny like that tranny or well.. most of the winners.
Hmm i know what you mean but this year all the cunts who were fairly popular in the house but a bit too faced have been voted out by the public.
I think most of the time, if someone is a complete arsehole they usually get voted out.

I like Big Brother and if you don't want to watch it, it is easily avoided. Most papers have a small column on it nowadays. I think the only things that will go over the top on it are those shitty celeb mags, but I only look at them when the wife gets them (Honest ;)) )

I still don't understand why people get the arseache with it so much, it bemuses me.
Yeah same here, Bobby.

I never see anything about it on TV (other than adverts and the show on c4) and I rarely hear anyone talking about it apart from when they're saying they hate it :LOL:
Man you'd get more enjoyment just walking up and down your road staring through peoples windows and talking to yourself in an over done Geordie accent like ya nar...
I watched a bit of the first one and that was enough for me, they are not even a decent cross section now they are all just would be actors and ex glamour wannabe's...
Is it just me or does it look like the background is super-imposed (like a green screen)? There's something about the way he jumps out that doesn't some right...
Is it just me or does it look like the background is super-imposed (like a green screen)? There's something about the way he jumps out that doesn't some right...

a first i was like, ohh here we go with another american conspiracy thread, but yeah if you look at it again, it looks like he steps on a step that is not there, it could be depth perception on our parts
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