The 'Things That Are Great' Thread

Footless tights are a mess, they just look awful. They belong in the "piss me off thread" actually.
I hate those flat shoes that girls have started wearing just because 2 celebs had. They look like P.E shoes and are what 3 year old girls wear.
Yeah those kinds of shoes. They make women look like little girls and most women are only wearing them because some random celeb wore them a few years ago.
I hate those flat shoes that girls have started wearing just because 2 celebs had. They look like P.E shoes and are what 3 year old girls wear.

Plimsoles!!. they ruled

With skinny jeans too?

Nah - I can't do skinny jeans - really uncomfortable!!!

My testicles didn't speak to me for weeks after I tried a pair out - it was the first time they had been seperated ever.......and they didn't like it.

I also like people asking me 'How's it hanging' when they meet me. With Skinny jeans, they don't ask that because they can see it for themselves.

My mate is a mod though and he wears Skinny Jeans - but he suits all that gear and he is in the music business - so can get away with it.
Nobody suits that gear, it looks shite whoever wears it.

Most blokes look shit - especially the fat dudes that squeeze everything in!!!

But they look good on Women - there is a lady that gets on the same bus as me in the mornings and gets off at the same stop and she looks hot in them. Her arse looks numero uno!!!!!
What is it the kids say? "Photo or it didn't happen" or something? ;))

It's usually screenshot or it didn't happen I think, it started on teh interwebs, but I like photo too.

"Screenshots or it didn't happen"

This term is usually associated with online games. The term is used in the event a player describes a situation in which the outcome was unbelievable, unlikely, or amazing. Player(A) then describes the event to his friend, player(B), who was not there to witness the event, which to him sounds unbelievable. In which case, player(B)in disbelief says, "Screenshots or it didn't happen."

Player(A): LOLWTFOMG!11!!cos(0)1!!!! HAHAHAHAH, I just one shotted a paladin through his nub shield.

Player(B): Screenshots or it didn't happen!

Player(A): HAHAHLOLOMGWTF!!1!!!cos(0)!1!! I just shot my tube from The Hotel across the map and killed player(C) at the Gatehouse on Karkand in BF2 without knowing where he was.

Player(B): Screenshots or it didn't happen!

Player(A): Here you go, lol pwnd.

Player(C): NO WAI!! :cry::eek::cry::eek::cry:

Why am I going on about this...?! Someone slap me. I'm going off on a totally random subject now. I need sleep.
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