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The 3-Stars Cup
I'd actually like to start a friendly discussion about which one is better, Double Dragon 2 or 3! It's actually very close, because both games have their pros and cons.Man another saga that forged my gaming childhood! Played only 2 and 3 tho. I think 2 to me had that mystic I already talked about, obtainable only by the fact that it wasn't actually mine, but I used to go play it in 2 at a friend's home or have it in loan once in a while; also the fact there were more levels and I had the impression of a more classic, well connected adventure that completely looked like a big 80ies power fantasy movie, plus there were a lot of other things that made me go overboard (the shadow clones, the mini bosses, the platform parts, the soundtrack which I largely still remember to this day).
DD3 was one of the first games I had on nes and while I loved it it fell a bit short compared with 2 to me. I don't know, to me the fact you had that trip around the world was nice in terms of variety, but also felt a bit like they were all separate entities in a sense. Also maybe the fact I could play it anytime I wanted as I said above "watered" it a bit down.
By the way, among the other good things of 3, the altered Marion was a beautiful final boss, probably one of my personally most memorable ever. Back in school days we used to call her "The Phoenix" for some reason I can't remember and none of us at the times ever managed to ever beat her, which kinda helped in building up the epic.
I would say Double Dragon 2, just like you mention, has a very nice 80s power action movie feel to it! You are so right about that. I think in many ways, it can be seen as more fun than DD3 because of the different kinds of enemies, sub-bosses etc. just like you mention.. But there's one thing that I don't like about the game and it is the cheap "rising knee" technique. If you master that technique, the game because very cheap, because that move is very OP. Take a look at this video, this guy beats the game just by using that one move!
Double Dragon III has more challenging gameplay. I think the game actually forces you to think of different strategies and use many different moves, which are actually very similar to DD2. One of the new moves in DD3 is the somersault throw that, even though is powerful, is not nearly as OP as the rising knee, so it makes the game more balanced. Also, even if DD3 doesn't really have the variety of mini bosses, it still has a nice variety of enemies, with the difference that they are more specialized, (chinese warriors in china stage, italian warriors in italian stage, etc..)
Overall I would say:
DD2 is a longer game, with more variation and perhaps more pure fun factor, but the game itself is perhaps a bit on the easy side, even without the knee technique.
DD3 is shorter, feels more compact, and perhaps not as purely entertaining, but it has the addition of bonus characters besides billy and jimmy, which add a lot, and is perhaps a more balanced game.
Would love to hear your opinions on this saga!! Also if you want to include the original Double Dragon, or Super Double Dragon for SNES, be my guest!!

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