- 28 September 2010
Yes i think you are correct,Sonya and Kano were the captives. Maybe a similar stage were it was Raiden statue, or petrified, memory cant help me..Cool to know about Raiden's backstory between 2 and 3. It makes sense indeed that he was absent, at least from a lore point of view. I'd say us diehards just would have wanted him back all the same tho!
Weren't they actually Sonya and Kano chained in that stage, anyway? I might recall badly as well tho. Loved those little touches anyway lol. I still remember Cyrax trapped in the sand in one of MK3 stages.. used to give so much life and mistery to the backgrounds.
By the way I also remember a(nother) crazy comic about MK I used to read as a kid.. this one:
it wasn't official lore and plot wise it was as incoherent and confusing as the games or probably even more.. but man it was a super cool read and totally, seriously nailed the MK spirit right. The last number that closed all the saga was such an epic that in my heart is togheter with many DC or Marvel classics I've read (noticing by the Wiki that critics destroyed it and reception was poor.. changes nothing to me).
The final pumping up theme!![]()
There was additionally a Panini like album, here in Greece, accompanying the games release, and despite the classic terrible Greek translation/localisation (as usual), there were a lot of helpful info, that were not in game, the album stickers were covering a mix and match of all OG trilogy.
IIRC Raidens absence was covered in mystery, something about missing in action somewhere in the Outworld, or something similar that our child mind could not understand back then.