The Random Crap Thread

JB is the quote in your sig from Futurama?
Yep. "An elephant who never forgets - TO KILL!" had me in stitches, the best joke I've heard in a Simpsons/Futurama episode for ages. I want a shirt with it on but there's no good ones. :(
Just got back from my parents' house with EIGHT Easter Eggs!

1 x KitKat egg
2 x Mini Eggs egg
2 x Flake egg
1 x Dairy Milk egg
2 x Aero egg

I'm gonna be HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE by the end of Easter! :shock:
I really dont see the point of Easter Eggs. Everyone eats chocolate anyway, so why wrap it in foil and make it egg shaped? Everyone goes on about Christmas and Valentines Day being money making gimmicks but in my view, Easter is the worst.

Some girl at work was saying her daughters got 25 eggs this year! TWENTY-FIVE! Why?! I can't get my head round it, it's so pointless. There's no logical reason for it at all, no wonder Britain has an obesity problem.

Mike, are you not a bit old to be getting one at all, let alone 8!?
Swallowing her own spit, choking to near-death and looking like a complete twat, yes.

Sounds a bit like my mum. She used to be always coughing up phlegm. She'd be sitting there, suddenly she starts making this annoying chocking noise from the back of her throat, like a cat with furballs, whilst simultaneously sniffing firmly through her nostrils and would then leave the room and go spit it all up in the sink. She'd probably not have this problem if she didn't spend so much time picking her nose.

I'm convinced that sometimes, when making a big pan of soup and was in a bad mood with us all, she'd spit it into the soup.
The smell of greasy cafes, especially the smell of chips at Woolworths' Cafe today as I browsed Doctor Who figurines, really aroused me.

What were you going to do with the celery, anyway? One of the world's strange foods, probably responsible for the old woman's demise.
I find Celery is a much maligned food, I often find I'm defending it while I'm checking out at stupid markets.. If you're a single guy it could be great, struck up many a conversation that way...

I never thought... damn maybe the old dear had been having a crafty snack on a celery stick and choked to death, maybe she was under the blanky with it sticking out of her mouth, that would explain the disgust... :-pp
I find Celery is a much maligned food, I often find I'm defending it while I'm checking out at stupid markets.. If you're a single guy it could be great, struck up many a conversation that way...

I don't think I'd want to start any conversation, let alone a celery related one, with the old growlers that work at my local supermarket....perhaps other than to ask if the reason they have a face on them like a bulldog chewing wasps is because the have a stick of celery stuck up their arse.
Mike, are you not a bit old to be getting one at all, let alone 8!?

When are you too old for chocolate? Aren't we too old to be playing video games too? Or chatting on video game forums? I don't think so. :-pp

Tim7 - I've already sent DJ an Easter gift:


Also Tim, I heard an Evo-Web rumour that you bought your husband CW a dog for Easter:


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Jaygrim is gonna get busy when he sees that.

In other news, there are now special edition Vimtos; Vimto Orange and Vimto Apple. They are fab.
hahahahaha! lol Mike you fuckin crack me up!

Received the gift by the way mate.. thanks :) Im trying to think of what to get you......?

Awwwwwww glad you like it my good friend! You can get me whatever you want - I'll love it because it's from you.


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Was just reading THIS ARTICLE on the BBC News website.

"This is yet another example where it is clear that the Catholic Church is misrepresenting science because it doesn't understand the basic facts"

Dr Stephen Minger
King's College London

How much stick must he get for that name... I bet the church are lining up some hate mail right now...
Hahaha Minger. :LOL: I remember once at my mums old workplace she worked on the telephones and someone called Mr Treblecock called up. She phoned me at the time and I was in stitches. Said she had to keep putting him on hold because she was cracking up laughing. These poor buggers with terrible names must get so much stick for it.
Oreo's? Bluergh. They're like Bourbon Creams remixed by fucking Clubland. Nobody should do that to a classic dunker. I'm still upset after many years following seeing Nice biscuits with cream in.
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