The Random Crap Thread

What annoys you about your partner, I got to thinking about this when a mate was always going on about his new girlfriends laugh annoying him so much he was going to have to tell her.. I warned him this was a big no no.. Until I heard it!
My other half has an annoying no cough, cough she does..Aaaargghhh. Cough for Christ sake if your choking on cherry pip cough don't fecking peff..
I could never be a veggie.

I've seen loads of programmes that are meant to stop you from eating meat when you see them - but I still want meat.

There is nothing gonna stop me from eating Roast Lamb on a Sunday - Its my Favourite and is fucking Lovely!!!!! with a Yorkshire Pudding.

By the way McDonalds Chips are a Million times better than Burger king. When I was younger I used to dip my chips into my McDonalds milkshake and it was lovely!!!

McDonalds Chocolate Milkshakes are the best aswell.

Saying all that - I rarely eat takeaway food.
There are some nice vegetarian dishes which I love....but I need to balance it out with some meat/fish in between. There are certain delights that veg can't replace imo - and to be fair, the same is true vice versa.

I'm with BobbyBox with the vegetarian pizza though - I think meat ruins it. I prefer to have it as simple as possible.
God I love Frankie and Benny's pizza.. They do some good veggie food and they have Heinz Ketchup...
I know where I'm going with the missus this week, cheers Nick.

(She'll have to take a bean sandwich being vegan now but never mind)
Used to be vegan straight edge for 4 years when I was still a wee bit naive... It was very difficult towards the end and decided to call it quits cause my health was beginning to go downhill. Honestley have to say that I never felt better in my whole entire life then during that period.
God I love Frankie and Benny's pizza.. They do some good veggie food and they have Heinz Ketchup...

Went there last week with my brother. We both had the 'Manhatten Burger' which was ridiculously big. At £10 a burger, you expect the works!
Banana and Sugar sandwiches are the best - I haven't had one for years though - but you just reminded me of it :DD
I'm the opposite of Nick, I hate veg but can't get enough meat. Looks like I'll be dead before I'm 50 then.

I'm a swine for beef, but the missus won't eat it because she once worked in a meat factory and it put her off, which causes a nuisance for when she comes 'round for tea because if I have beef like a beef stir-fry or a steak, or a roast beef dinner, she has to have something else... and she don't like fish either because of another bad experience, so I can't even offer her a fish finger butty (they do rule don't they Joe?)...

Talking of the fish fingers, shame to hear about Captain Birdseye, when I was a kid I used to think he was real :EMB:
Isn't David Bellamy Craig Bellamy's Dad?


Oh no thats his Dad.
^ :LOL:

As if Captain Birdseye is dead, the legend. I have no reason to buy fishfingers anymore.

I am pissed by the way, Yay.
Just to follow this up...

Ben & Jerrys is godly. Try the "Half Baked" ice cream they do, it's like sex on your spoon. The Chocolate Fudge Brownie one isn't too bad either. God I want some now....

I got Half Baked today. Get your husband to give you a big sloppy kiss for me, and then a slap for getting me fat. It's gorrrgeous.
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