The Random Crap Thread

being a Veggie all I can say is the chips are more salt than taste and it always amazes me how the burgers on the adverts and packages look plump and big and the things they serve look like they shrank and were then sat on.. Prefer Frankie & Benny's...
So why is Mike banned this time?

Funny enough same here, that's weird. All meat and fish made me puke apart from McDonalds burgers, which I lived on for ten years. I'm taking in a lot more variations of flavours now that I'm veggie.

The missus has just gone vegan though, she is fucking insane IMO. I can understand why, she loves animals more than anything else in life, but... Everything has milk in, or has been handled on a line with milk in, even the stuff that you'd think is just breadcrumbs and vegetables.
What do you guys eat though? My girlfriend is veggie and struggles for options, especially if we go out somewhere!
There's a massive line of Quorn stuff and Linda McCartney stuff, so much that you'd be eating for a month trying everything that they do. Burgers, sausages, tomato-and-cheese sausages, mince, chicken pieces to put in your rice dishes, all kinds of things. So home-wise you're covered, but when you're out admittedly it's more difficult. Especially when she has to take her phone with her, go on the internet and make ABSOLUTELY 100% SURE, NO QUESTION, that this pure orange juice that says "contains orange juice (100%)" on it, is ABSOLUTELY DEFINITELY VEGETARIAN (well, vegan now). And if it doesn't say it, even if the ingredients list nothing meaty, she won't touch it.

God that does my fucking nut.
What do you guys eat though? My girlfriend is veggie and struggles for options, especially if we go out somewhere!
Eating out can be a pain sometimes the old mushroom stroganoff or vegetarian option fails to thrill on menus.

Bast thing is if it's you choosing the restaurant go for a cuisine that has a good veggie history like Italian or Mexican. If they have nothing you fancy on the menu or just have "vegetarian option" they are lazy gits, I always ask if they can make we an omelette or some pasta with a tomato base sauce. Any restaurant worth its salt will do this for you.. at least you know it will be fresh...
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She doesn't eat anything thats made to taste like meat, so some of the quorn stuff is a no-go. I'll get her to have a look next time we go to Tesco though. She gets cheese and leek sausages and stuff like that but finds it hard to get a nice variety like she would if she ate meat.
Two people I know have said that, they won't eat anything that looks and tastes like meat, but I don't get it... It's not meat, it tastes nice, I just don't understand...

I would find it a lot harder being veggie if it wasn't for Quorn Bacon. My God how I love that stuff. It's better than the real thing, I swear to you.
Two people I know have said that, they won't eat anything that looks and tastes like meat, but I don't get it... It's not meat, it tastes nice, I just don't understand...

I would find it a lot harder being veggie if it wasn't for Quorn Bacon. My God how I love that stuff. It's better than the real thing, I swear to you.

I can't stand some of quorns stuff for that reason, their bacon smell turns my stomach..
Haha maybe I'll try it then!

The way she sees it is, she doesn't like the texture of meat (it's more of a phobia now I reckon) and the longer she hasnt eaten it the more she doesn't want it. So if she was to eat a quorn nugget it would be a bit silly, she might as well just eat a chicken nugget. She's not a hippy who thinks the poor animals will all live if she makes a stand against society :)
What do you guys eat though? My girlfriend is veggie and struggles for options, especially if we go out somewhere!

That is so fucking annoying waiting for my stupid fucking Mrs to pick something in the menu going through every fucking veggie meal asking me what its like.:TWIST:
haha i love Veggies

they dont eat real meat but want fake stuff that tastes like the real thing :LOL:
Nick if you go offline without answering that I'm going to be looking in a mirror all night wondering what's wrong with my tongue...
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