The Random Crap Thread

An old dear "popped her clogs" in the Tesco I called into on the way back from a meeting today... They had the isle coned off with a blanket over the cadaver...
There were two members of staff a police woman and a couple of other people standing around near the body, and the usual crowd of on lookers. I reached just inside the coned to get some Celery.... Big mistake, the two staff came zooming over to tell me to step back behind the bollards, I said I just needed some celery, I was met by much tutting and whispers from the crowd and the two staff looked at me like I'd just battered the old dear to death with a frozen turkey!.
They said I could not pass the cones or get anything from the isle, so using logic I baffled them by asking one of them to please pass me some celery.. Feck me the crowd were in-sensed the two women started spouting comments like show some respect and how could I think of celery at a time like this!etc.. The Police women by the way was trying very hard not to laugh at this point... Beginning to fear I may be the next Tesco stiff at this rate I thought better of saying "I'm sure the dead dear would not begrudge me a few sticks of celery and asking why it was fine to buy Onions on my side of the cone and yet two inches inside the cone shopping was a mortal sin". And went on my way with a polite "thank you for your help" and a "It's cheaper at ASDA anyway" quip for good measure... Fortunately ASDA had an abundance of celery and not a "stiff" in sight... ;))
i bet the old woman knew she was about to die and went shopping so she could make a scene

i hate old women
An old dear "popped her clogs" in the Tesco I called into on the way back from a meeting today... They had the isle coned off with a blanket over the cadaver...
There were two members of staff a police woman and a couple of other people standing around near the body, and the usual crowd of on lookers. I reached just inside the coned to get some Celery.... Big mistake, the two staff came zooming over to tell me to step back behind the bollards, I said I just needed some celery, I was met by much tutting and whispers from the crowd and the two staff looked at me like I'd just battered the old dear to death with a frozen turkey!.
They said I could not pass the cones or get anything from the isle, so using logic I baffled them by asking one of them to please pass me some celery.. Feck me the crowd were in-sensed the two women started spouting comments like show some respect and how could I think of celery at a time like this!etc.. The Police women by the way was trying very hard not to laugh at this point... Beginning to fear I may be the next Tesco stiff at this rate I thought better of saying "I'm sure the dead dear would not begrudge me a few sticks of celery and asking why it was fine to buy Onions on my side of the cone and yet two inches inside the cone shopping was a mortal sin". And went on my way with a polite "thank you for your help" and a "It's cheaper at ASDA anyway" quip for good measure... Fortunately ASDA had an abundance of celery and not a "stiff" in sight... ;))

Disgraceful behaviour ;)
HA! Lego Sex Ftw.

Just to follow this up...
I got Half Baked today. Get your husband to give you a big sloppy kiss for me, and then a slap for getting me fat. It's gorrrgeous.

Buahahahaha! I need to buy some, though I have been addicted to mars bars again recently so they'll put me on til I can find some.
An old dear "popped her clogs" in the Tesco I called into on the way back from a meeting today... They had the isle coned off with a blanket over the cadaver...
There were two members of staff a police woman and a couple of other people standing around near the body, and the usual crowd of on lookers. I reached just inside the coned to get some Celery.... Big mistake, the two staff came zooming over to tell me to step back behind the bollards, I said I just needed some celery, I was met by much tutting and whispers from the crowd and the two staff looked at me like I'd just battered the old dear to death with a frozen turkey!.
They said I could not pass the cones or get anything from the isle, so using logic I baffled them by asking one of them to please pass me some celery.. Feck me the crowd were in-sensed the two women started spouting comments like show some respect and how could I think of celery at a time like this!etc.. The Police women by the way was trying very hard not to laugh at this point... Beginning to fear I may be the next Tesco stiff at this rate I thought better of saying "I'm sure the dead dear would not begrudge me a few sticks of celery and asking why it was fine to buy Onions on my side of the cone and yet two inches inside the cone shopping was a mortal sin". And went on my way with a polite "thank you for your help" and a "It's cheaper at ASDA anyway" quip for good measure... Fortunately ASDA had an abundance of celery and not a "stiff" in sight... ;))


What were you going to do with the celery, anyway? One of the world's strange foods, probably responsible for the old woman's demise.
I'm finding it really hard to get up in the morning lately, I wake up and I feel like I haven't slept a wink all night, and I've started leaving pools of drool on the pillow for me to roll my head in. I'm sure there's a gas leak in this house somewhere.
I fell asleep on my wife about two days ago while watching Tv and I drolled all over her Arm. It was really weird because I never usually Drool. It was funny :LOL:

So its even weirder that you are mentioning it now - Spooky.
I tend to drool in the "extra" sleeping hours, ie. by 6am Im usually rested and wake up by myself and feel fresh, it being so early I stay in bed and have a longer sleep, it's in these hours that I get my drool on! And I usually feel tired aswell when I wkae up again. Fortunately now I'm working I have to get up :D / :(
Ah God, I keep swallowing my own spit down the wrong hole lately as well, I'm choking on it as I type this. Fucking ANNOYING!!!
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HAHA, I was choking so much that I couldn't type properly, sorry.

You know when you go to breathe and swallow at the same time, and any spit at the back of your throat goes "the wrong way"? Like when you drink and cough, and it goes up your nose. Well I've started doing it every day now, it's really getting on my wick.
I've got no idea what you mean mate, sounds crap though.

Yesterday, I swallowed some of my brew a bit funny and had to stop myself from spitting it everywhere, then when I'd swallowed it I was coughing for about half an hour and my nose was blocked for the rest of the night!
Swallowing her own spit, choking to near-death and looking like a complete twat, yes.
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