The Random Crap Thread

I don't believe it!!

There's another company I have to bollock tomorrow. Great work Be Internet.
God what have I more Oreos for me... they are moreish though :-pp

Oreos or Ben & Jerrys, you gotta eat one of them. Because they are godly.

I'm going to get drunk tonight and play lots of Call of Duty, then get pissed off and rant because some twat throws a random grenade and kills me 50 times via that method and then get so drunk I can't play it properly. Because that is what Jesus would do. [/random]
Was just on the phone to the missus after an hour and a half on Vegas 2 with the Evo-Web lads. We had a lad join, I forget his name, but we worked together twice with great success - we were working together and talking to eachother, just brilliant. It was only two rounds I think but we did a great fucking job.

Well I tried to explain this to the missus, saying "he was American as well but he wasn't one of those gimps who just keeps saying 'shut up' and 'you're gay'" - and then I came out with a corker. I said:

"He was a proper man."

She pissed herself laughing and crying for about five minutes, I had to hang up in the end. She became incomprehensible.

WOAH, is it just me or does he not look like Arsene Wenger there?! Looks like a FIFA 09 screenshot!!
Thank the lord, we've now got sugar in the house. Tea just wasn't tea this weekend. I've felt like Corinne Bailey Rae's husband having a quiet night in without needles, it's just wrong.
It's his teeth that make me laugh in that photo, look at them, little nubbins of teeth!
It's cold enough, I've had the window open for five minutes here and now I can't feel my fingers.
Well, here in Belgium it's still snowing and I for one, absolutely hate it!! Got outside this mornin and even though my mom said it could be very slippery on the road I still decided to drive "FreMM style" (Raikonnen on LSD). The first junction I come across, try to turn right and whack!! Hit a lamppost...Bollucks...
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