The Random Crap Thread

I don't feel old at all. You think you've seen it all and then something crazy happens. I moved out when I was 19 and have stood up for myself since then in the world yet I am still learning new things about life on a daily basis. :)
I will try the "Half Baked" stuff, what does it taste of though? "Half Baked" is a very strange name for ice-cream...

And yeah, Phish Food is excellent. I had to stop getting that, I would make myself sick with the stuff.

Half Baked is half Phish Food, half Cookie Dough if I remember, its wonderful :w00t:

And going back to Eastenders, sod that blonde who played Claire in Hollyoaks, Kara Tointon is the one you want, haven't got a clue who her character is, but shes gorgeous, as is her younger sister, who plays Katie something in Hollyoaks.
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Oh god no Katie from Hollyoaks is horrible, Dawn in EE is alright though. Katie has got the biggest fish mouth ever. It seems to stretch like a rubber band when she's talking. Theres a video on Youtube of a guy taking the piss out of her and a couple of other Hollyoaks characters, he gets it spot on. In fact, here it is...
May I just say that Vodka mixed with Fanta and Blue WKD is gorgeous. Don't fucking mind it. Call Of Duty 4 online is like 10 times harder after consuming the above drink though.
I will try that sometime soon. I love home-made drink concoctions.

A good non-alcoholic one for you; cranberry juice and Coca-Cola. Reminds me of the (OLD-SCHOOL) Cherry Coke. What a drink that was.
You should try 2 parts milk, with 1 part orange juice, with peanuts in. Gorgeous.

I'm lying. But I do like making weird drink mixes too. Cherry Coke ruled all BITD.
Honest to God, no word of a lie, I didn't read that "I'm lying" bit until I was off the chair, half-way to the kitchen and thinking "hold on, peanuts in a drink, did I read that right? Did he mean peanut butter?" Jumbo, I was nearly making a milk, orange and peanut-butter smoothie then. Time for bed I think...

I wondered if anyone else loved Cherry Coke like I did. As a 13-year-old who had a sadistic cock of a PE teacher and a form tutor who only spoke in French even when you were making it BLATANTLY OBVIOUS you couldn't understand a single word she was saying and never would, I would look forward to a Cherry Coke for 50p on the way home. Perfection.

They changed the recipe five years ago I think, and now it just tastes like normal coke with a funny aftertaste. So I'm on Cherry 7up now, which is alright, but you can only get it from ONE SHOP in our area.
Hahaha sorry! I think I might actually try it in the morning minus the nuts. It might be ok, I'll let you know.

I don't really drink fizzy drinks anymore, my teeth got quite bad so I stopped and it seems to have worked. I used to enjoy a can of Cherry Coke, but not because of my torrid school days. You sound like you had a rough time, mine was pretty rosy to be honest.

EVERYTHING seems to have changed to how they used to be....

Like you said, Cherry Coke. Mars bars are smaller. And I can't think of another example but I can remember thinking this at least 23 times since I was 16 so it must be true.
Hahaha, Monster Munch isn't as nice, they've stopped selling Frazzles and Squares (or at least they're a lot harder to get hold of), no more Toffos (and fruit-flavour Toffos)... Fruity Polos, they've gone too... God, kids have got it shit nowadays.
Yep, they do. Kidnappings seem to be on the up too. Poor little shits.

Changing the subject ever so slightly, I sometimes wonder that I might be kinda psychic. Not like the twats on TV, that's bollocks, but I get feelings about things and then they happen.

Like this morning, I thought 'Hmm Claire (my gf) hasn't had an argument with her dad for a while.' for no reason, and then this evening she went round and had a big fight (not on purpose!).

Earlier I had a inkling that Barnsley would win, and they did. And twice on FM tonight I've picked players even though they had low condition and morale cos I had a feeling about it and they scored, both defenders as well.
I've always wanted to be like that... But I never have been. I managed to do a Uri Geller spoon-bending thing when I was about 15, he was on the telly saying "gently rub the spoon on the neck" and it did actually bend a hell of a lot, but the next day it didn't work. Can't explain it.

Funnily enough though, I have this weird talent where I exactly reverse-dream a lot of things that happen the next day. Happened three times for three relatively big events in my life.

What I mean is - Tranmere played Southampton in the FA Cup, I dreamt we went 3-0 up and lost 4-3 in the dying stages, and the exact opposite happened. We went 3-0 down and won 4-3 in the last few minutes.

I dreamt Tranmere would win the Worthington Cup final in 2000 2-1, we go 1-0 up from a flukey goal (in the dream I think it went in off the back of someone's head), concede and then score a winner. Exact opposite happened, they went 1-0 up from a flukey goal (the ball hit the bar, bounced down, hit the goalkeeper on the back and went in), we equalised and then they scored to seal it.

I dreamt my granddad, who was more of a dad to me than my actual dad was, drove in an F1 race and beat everybody. The next day, he finished dead last at Silverstone.

(I kid, I did dream he was in an F1 race and finished first, but then the next day he died in his car, at the end of a queue at some traffic lights. That was quite traumatising, from that point on every time I had a dream I would be ringing people saying "DON'T LEAVE THE HOUSE!")
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That's quite weird, and the last bit is shitty. Why do things like that happen?

Thing is, if I tell people what I've had a feeling about, then it never happens. So I dont bother. Unless I dont want whatever it is to happen. But then it happens anyway. So I obviously can't control it. :((
That's quite weird, and the last bit is shitty. Why do things like that happen?
It wasn't too bad, his heart just stopped. Thank God the car wasn't moving, then it could have been really bad. My uncle died in his car when he tried to pick a Werther's Original up off the floor - he just bent down, stopped, and my auntie was looking at him thinking "are you going to come back up again or what?" when the car smashed into a wall.

She didn't realise he was dead, she was screaming at him "you've crashed the car for a bloody Werther's Original!! You stupid man!!" And then it hit her. I bet she still feels guilty about that. :lol: (Shouldn't laugh but nobody else was hurt and he was a bit of a git)
Hahaha, you have so many funny stories. I know that's not exactly funny funny but it still made me laugh. I havent even got one anecdote.
I need advice guys:

This morning the bloke from next-door knocked on my door asking if he could use our internet connection for when his kids stay with him as he is divorced. Obviously he'd need my network password.

I am in two minds about this. I want to help him as he's a really sound bloke and always chats to me when I pass him in the street BUT he has a load of dodgy friends and is often seen drinking outside one of our local pubs which happens to be the roughest pub in Swansea (you should see it on Tuesday's when the locals all get their giros, it is RAMMED outside!)

I don't wanna judge the guy because of the pub he drinks at but it's just that I worry about him giving my network key to his dodgy mates who also live nearby.

What would you do?
No way mate. If you're not close with him it's too risky.

When I was walking home from work the other day, 2 girls coming in the opposite direction walking past my house were looking in the window and then I heard them say something along the lines of 'Look that girl's on the internet (my gf) we can try and hack into her network later'. I was shocked!!

Just make up a story that someone you know did it and got in loads of shit and got fined or something. Or just be straight and tell him no.

You can get broadband cheap now anyway, just point him in the direction of a good cheap isp.
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What a fucking situation, I wouldn't want to say no if he's dodgy but if you say yes and he looks at kiddie porn, you are the one who is legally responsible no matter what the argument.

Don't risk it mate, just say no or do what Metallica says.
Meh! :(

How do I check if people are leaching off my connection? I've tried google but can't find an answer.
Easy enough way is to check the WLAN on your router isn't flashing constantly when you're not using it.

You can set your router to only allow devices you specify, that way nobody but nobody can get in no matter what they do.
I just popped round to his house and explained that my internet connection is VITAL to my work and he was well cool about it. He hasn't got a CLUE about computers (he is a builder) and just wants it for his girls when they come round on Saturdays, which is fine by me. As I left he said "Anything you need, just ask." :shock:

I'll give him a trial but if I notice anything dodgy going on then I'll change my network key and that will be that.
Just keep an eye on the WLAN light on your router, if you have one. If it's flashing a lot even when you're not on the computer then he's looking at kiddie porn and you're looking at 10 years in the nick. Good luck! ;)
Welcoming small girls into your house may look a tad dodgy though!
Welcoming small girls into your house may look a tad dodgy though!

I totally agree mate!

He's a sound guy and just dropped a 4-pack of Stella round here which is nice (even though I don't drink lager anymore.)

I wish he brought round a bottle of vodka and some mint Aero Bubbles. :(
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