The Random Crap Thread

I was going to ask whether he knew if you had wireless, if not just say you havent. Too late now though.

If he is as clueless as my dad it would have worked. A while ago my parents were getting a new mobile contract and were looking what to get free, ended up being a choice between 2 different laptops. Anyway, my dad; "We should get that one, it's got wiffy [wi-fi]". I go: "So what does it do!?" I know but testing. He goes: "I don't know, but it's got it!"

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Right my boss is NOT happy that I'd done this because of all the remote desktop software I use. I had to tell the boss and ask for his advice. He said "Change your network password NOW!" so I have done so and always explained my problem to the guy next-door who understands perfectly. The guy next door knew I had broadband because he saw the Virgin Media engineer leaving my house once - I wasn't gonna lie to him, I wanna keep my neighbours sweet because this is a very nice road to live on.

I've changed the network name and password - that should keep him out now, right?

Thanks for all your input too guys; MUCH appreciated. :)
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I need advice guys:

This morning the bloke from next-door knocked on my door asking if he could use our internet connection for when his kids stay with him as he is divorced. Obviously he'd need my network password.

I am in two minds about this. I want to help him as he's a really sound bloke and always chats to me when I pass him in the street BUT he has a load of dodgy friends and is often seen drinking outside one of our local pubs which happens to be the roughest pub in Swansea (you should see it on Tuesday's when the locals all get their giros, it is RAMMED outside!)

I don't wanna judge the guy because of the pub he drinks at but it's just that I worry about him giving my network key to his dodgy mates who also live nearby.

What would you do?
Mike I seriously WOULDNT do it mate. Keep that under your hat.
Going back to the psychic thing.

I often just randomly think about episodes, or lines in episodes of programmes, such as The Simpsons (can be anything usually), or an advert or something (this is probably more due to the fact that adverts are on all the time, constantly throughout the day), and then I'll end up watching The Simpsons later that day, or the day after, and it'll be that very episode I was thinking about.

It freaks me out sometimes. Maybe I just watch things too much for my own good.
I would stay well clear Mike. Dont be dumb, this guy could be a sex offender.

Well it's funny you say that Kev. I thought there was something "strange" looking about him so I took a photo of him when he wasn't looking:

Well it's funny you say that Kev. I thought there was something "strange" looking about him so I took a photo of him when he wasn't looking:


Looks like he was looking - He has one eye on you and another to the side. Maybe looking out for Predators (Animals that kill him not the Footy Boots)

He is like a Chameleon!!!

Other than that he is quite a Handsome bugger - I wouldn't kick him out of bed.
I am so sick of all this energy saving malarky. How is me not leaving my tv on standby going to save the planet when the lights are on in Las Vegas 24/7
I am so sick of all this energy saving malarky. How is me not leaving my tv on standby going to save the planet when the lights are on in Las Vegas 24/7
I'm with you, us idiots are being taxed to death and paying through the nose to " cut our carbon footprint" crap. When good old China kicks out the same amount of crap a day we do in a year... :DOH::censor:
I am having the biggest and smelliest poo whilst typing this. The beauty of wireless eh? :lol:
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