The Random Crap Thread


Just got this email from "Abbey"

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<title>Dear Valued Customer</title>

<img src="" alt="Abbey Bank" height="117" width="250"></td>
<p><font size="2">Dear Valued Customer,<br>
Abbey&nbsp;Bank has been receiving complaints from our customers for unauthorized<br>

use of the Abbey&nbsp;Online Banking accounts. As a result we are making an extra<br>
security check on all of our Customers account in order to protect their<br>
information from theft and fraud.<br>
Due to this, you are requested to follow the provided steps and confirm your<br>
Online Banking details for the safety of your Accounts.<br>
<a href=""></a><br>


However, Failure to do so may result in temporary account suspension. Please<br>
understand that this is a security measure intended to help protect you and your<br>
account. We apologize for any inconvenience. <br>
Bank Management<br>
Abbey Bank<br>
Code #231623483</font></p>



If you are going to try and scam someone at least figure out how to write a dodgy mail properly
Unbelievable!! :SHOCK: This country gets worse and worse. BTW must click on video title to read story, but my god... how stupid, poor bloke. I hope he sues the arses off them! - Blind man's guide dog barred from restaurant for offending Muslims
It's unfortunate more than anything because dogs are seen as "unclean" in Islam, which is why we're not allowed to keep them inside our houses. If we have a dog, we keep it outside. But exceptions should be made for guide dogs. And I love how the press ALWAYS like to pick these stories up about Muslims. I mean I never see CHRISTIAN MAN RAPES UNDERAGE GIRL. If they keep doing this, we'll get more and more isolated from the rest of society when we can easily fit in with other cultures and religions.

Read this article:
It's unfortunate more than anything because dogs are seen as "unclean" in Islam, which is why we're not allowed to keep them inside our houses. If we have a dog, we keep it outside. But exceptions should be made for guide dogs. And I love how the press ALWAYS like to pick these stories up about Muslims. I mean I never see CHRISTIAN MAN RAPES UNDERAGE GIRL. If they keep doing this, we'll get more and more isolated from the rest of society when we can easily fit in with other cultures and religions.

Read this article:

I don't recall the headline 'Muslims pick on innocent blind man' anywhere in that story but I do hate it when they talk about racial attacks if its white on black or black on white. Why can't it just be an attack?
I don't recall the headline 'Muslims pick on innocent blind man' anywhere in that story but I do hate it when they talk about racial attacks if its white on black or black on white. Why can't it just be an attack?
The missus notices something similar and now I notice it as well - when someone is beaten up or murdered they always say in their droning newsreader voice "a 24-year-old man from Chorley was beaten up today" or whatever, without mentioning the suspect/culprit until the second or third line. But whenever a woman beats someone up or kills someone (or is the victim), they always start by saying (and they stress this), "a woman was found guilty of beating so-and-so up today!!!!!!" It's always one of the first words they say, and they almost shout it, like they're thinking (even if they're a female newsreader themselves) "my God, I didn't think that was possible! Just wait until I see that guy who squeezed my tit when I was 15!"
I know what you mean, but meh, things won't ever change, it sucks.

I'm making spaghetti bolognase right now, woo!! I lurve cooking meals at random times of the night. :)




Today is International Disturbed People's Day

Life is short, Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And never regret anything that made you smile.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance... :BOUNCE:
It doesn't look real to me...

- The tip of the finger isn't in line with the knuckle by the nose.
- Right by the knuckle on the hand you can see the finger is at a different angle to the rest of it.
- If it is real it's a hell of long finger!

It's still a cool picture though :)
Yeah that's an old one that! I didn't know it was fake, haha, all this time I've thought it was real, makes my face feel weird still.
I'm going to make a real effort to actually complete games from now on. Far too many times I play games and really enjoy them, then get bored suddenly and want something new.

VERY VERY few games I've ever completed and it's so annoying that I don't have the attention span/patience to stick with them. I was so close to completing GTA IV but I ended up selling my 360.

I've got Saints Row 2 and I don't think I'm too far from finishing that story. Used to love the game but now I put the disc in and load my saved game ... and get bored :(

In other news, work has been very quiet today. I've sat at my desk for 3 hours now, constantly refreshing forums and looking for stuff to read online. Sloooow day.
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