The Mobile Phone thread

Re: Best mobile phone out there

Both valid points, I am praying they can maybe implement something via a new firmware upgrade :pray:.
Re: Best mobile phone out there

Missus got an N95 8GB yesterday, She was going to get an Iphone on contract until we were told she would have to buy the Handset for £260 and THEN sign up for a contract!!! What a fucking rip off! Id rather have a £450 handset that im technically getting for free which is why she got the N95 8GB.
Re: Best mobile phone out there

she can just buy the iphone, then unlock it. she doesn't have to sign any contracts...
Re: Best mobile phone out there

I think DJ's missus wanted to go on O2 but O2 don't have an option of having the iPhone for free. So they've told her if she wants to be with O2 and have that phone, it wont be free whichever way she goes. Which is crazy really, O2 and Apple must be laughing their socks off at everyone spending £260 for a mobile phone!
Re: Best mobile phone out there

Spot on Dags, my missus WANTED the contract with O2 as it is a decent offer of free calls and texts plus you get a good handset for about £40 a month. Its how I got my N95 and she decided after playing with the N95 8GB and seeing it in the flesh that she wanted it. Ive noticed its menu's are faster and more responsive than mine and that it has N-GAGE installed (or a trial version) and its awesome! It lacks the Memory Card slot AND the shutter cover for the Camera which is a bit odd (dirty camera Lenses are annoying!) But other than that its Sliding Mechanism feels smoother than mine and I like the Glossy Black finish.
Re: Best mobile phone out there

Lacking a memory card slot doesn't mean anything to me, 8GB of storage is more than enough :)

It is odd that no camera shutter was added though, not too keen on the lens being out in the open constantly but oh well :)

I should get my phone this morning, it's out for delivery on the DHL van, hopefully arriving in the next 20 mins before I go to work! ;)
Re: Best mobile phone out there

I hate you all

You are making me look into purchasing a N95!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Best mobile phone out there

guys, my contract is up with orange at the end of this month. i was always gonna renew it with them, even though i use the sim in my iphone, cos i have an ulimited internet bundle for 7 quid a month as part of my package.

question is, which phone should i buy (solely for the reason that it will be going on ebay the day it comes through the post as a free upgrade)
Re: Best mobile phone out there

in other words, which is the most desirable and commands the biggest wad at ebay?
Re: Best mobile phone out there

My N95 is a bag of faults but I have had it for quite a while, the camera while not the best is goon on site if I've forgot my "real" camera.. Get a phone that suits your needs. Unless your a bling marchent, than ask any 15 year old what phone they'd like mum to buy them, or have mugged for.
Re: Best mobile phone out there

DJ, what kinda apps are MUST-haves? I've grabbed the Gmail app, changed my keytones ... and that's it.

Is O2 Mobile Web the best for browsing?

Any tips/tricks?
Re: Best mobile phone out there

My N95 has been reliable, and hopefully now will continue to be. Its updated to the latest firmware.
Just updated my firmware too, hope that cures some stuff... thanks for the heads up.. forgot to back up before hand though so I'm back to Feb 12th, lost all my new appointments..and a few contacts.:censor:
Re: Best mobile phone out there

Let me know how you get on, I'd like that RotateMe app myself :)
Re: Best mobile phone out there

Open Signing is available on the website between 9am and 3pm GMT, BUT only certain apps can be signed. Some apps have the UID locked (whatever that means) so until the creators of the app release a version which has it unlocked, that app can't be signed. RotateMe is one of those apps :(
Re: Best mobile phone out there

Ohhh nice! Which font are you using?
Re: Best mobile phone out there

Just ordered the viewty on t-mobile after Orange pissed me about over upgrading should arrive tomorrow anybody else got one?
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